

Published: July 01, 2012




朱庇特, 可视化实验杂志 ,从历史上看,主要集中在生物医学研究,开发生物工程款,免疫学和感染,神经科学,临床和转化医学。今年七月,朱庇特推出其应用物理部分,其中包括的内容范围从等离子体物理,材料科学。用激光为基础的制造业中心的研究人员正在研究从美国普渡大学,著名的文章中,我们开始新的一节。

三个熟悉的状态:固体,液体和气体中存在的问题。如果有足够的能量击中,气体原子失去电子,或成为离子,形成了第四个国家,称为血浆。等离子体是物质最丰富的形式,占地约99.999%,可见宇宙。用超短激光脉冲的100飞秒,或100 quadrillionths第二,我们的作家表现出泵探针shadowgraphy的技术,这使得早期血浆可视化的发展,因为它从金属表面。通过构建一个仿真模型,这些研究人员能够检查早期等离子体动力学,使更好地了解怎么回事变成离子。

材料科学,应用物理学子类,朱庇特物化在密歇根大学的研究人员正在开发新方法在微细加工。作者展示了一个日益复杂的三维微结构的碳纳米管作为主模具,可用于投聚合物或生物材料的副本的方法。扫描电子显微镜发现,碳纳米管主模具转载,高保真微型形状和纹理从这些模具制成的纳米级聚合物副本。微细加工技术,使实验室操作进行小尺度 – 基本上放在一个芯片上的实验室。



一旦这双心室工作心脏模型交流hieved,我们的作家进行设立的nictonamide腺嘌呤dinucleoutide,成像或NADH的荧光。 ,这是在线粒体中发现,这辅酶发出荧光减少状态,并提供了当地的氧气浓度的读数,因此心脏代谢。这些调查表明,在不同的起搏率测量NADH的荧光,从而说明这种生理相关的模型,提供心肌病变的洞察力的潜力。


今年七月在朱庇特中,Vierra组需要我们通过这些细菌从蜘蛛丝蛋白的分离纯化方法。然后,他们告诉我们如何纯化蛋白纺成纤维和展示方法,收集这些纤维,以及评估自己的实力。蜘蛛丝是生物材料科学家的极大兴趣,因为它的生物相容性和力学性能,这使得它比强度钢强。 Vierra实验室已经表明我们实验室规模的生产可能会被延长到大规模生产过程中的蜘蛛丝。这个简短的的总结synopsizes四五十篇文章,朱庇特将释放今年七月。其他值得注意的出版物,包括在年底前大毛电示范鸡胚胎阶段,从人体细胞分泌的蛋白质的生产,以及体外培养的果蝇大脑。


Investigation of Early Plasma Evolution Induced by Ultrashort Laser Pulses Wenqian Hu, Yung C. Shin, Galen B. KingMechanical Engineering, Purdue University An experimental method to examine the early plasma evolution induced by ultrashort laser pulses is described. Using this method, high quality images of early plasma are obtained with high temporal and spatial resolutions. A novel integrated atomistic model is used to simulate and explain the mechanisms of early plasma. Fabrication, Densification, and Replica Molding of 3D Carbon Nanotube Microstructures Davor Copic1, Sei Jin Park1, Sameh Tawfick1, Michael De Volder2, A. John Hart11Mechanosynthesis Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan , 2IMEC, Belgium We present methods for fabrication of patterned microstructures of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and their use as master molds for production of polymer microstructures with organized nanoscale surface texture. The CNT forests are densified by condensation of solvent onto the substrate, which significantly increases their packing density and enables self-directed formation of 3D shapes. NADH Fluorescence Imaging of Isolated Bi-ventricular Working Rabbit Hearts Huda Asfour1, Anastasia M. Wengrowski1, Rafael Jaimes III1, Luther M. Swift2, Matthew W. Kay11Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, The George Washington University, 2Pharmacology and Physiology Department, The George Washington University The objective is to monitor the mitochondrial redox state of isolated hearts within the context of physiologic preload and afterload pressures. A biventricular working rabbit heart model is presented. High spatiotemporal resolution fluorescence imaging of NADH is used to monitor the mitochondrial redox state of epicardial tissue. Synthetic Spider Silk Production on a Laboratory Scale Yang Hsia, Eric Gnesa, Ryan Pacheco, Kristin Kohler, Felicia Jeffery, Craig VierraDepartment of Biological Sciences, University of the Pacific Despite the outstanding mechanical and biochemical properties of spider silks, this material cannot be harvested in large quantities by conventional means. Here we describe an efficient strategy to spin artificial spider silk fibers, which is an important process for investigators studying spider silk production and their use as next-generation biomaterials. Gene Transfer into Older Chicken Embryos by ex ovo Electroporation Jiankai Luo1, Xin Yan1, Juntang Lin2, Arndt Rolfs11Albrecht-Kossel-Institute for Neuroregeneration, School of Medicine University of Rostock, 2Institute of Anatomy I, School of Medicine University of Jena A method of gene transfer into chicken embryos at later incubation stages (older than Hamburger and Hamilton stage (HH) 22) is described. This method overcomes disadvantages of in ovo electroporation applied to older chicken embryos and is a useful technique to study gene function and regulation at older developmental stages. A Convenient and General Expression Platform for the Production of Secreted Proteins from Human Cells Halil Aydin*, Farshad C. Azimi*, Jonathan D. Cook*, Jeffrey E. LeeDepartment of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto* These authors contributed equally. In the post-human genomics era, the availability of recombinant proteins in native conformations is crucial to structural, functional and therapeutic research and development. Here, we describe a test- and large-scale protein expression system in human embryonic kidney 293T cells that can be used to produce a variety of recombinant proteins. Ex vivo Culturing of Whole, Developing Drosophila Brains Ranjini Prithviraj1, 2, Svetlana Trunova1, 2, Edward Giniger1, 21National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD This article describes a method by which one can mimic in vivo development of the Drosophila mushroom body in an ex vivo culture system.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


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Kolski-Andreaco, A., Chao, W. July 2012: This Month in JoVE. J. Vis. Exp. (65), e5010, doi:10.3791/5010 (2012).

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