Author Spotlight: Accelerating Discovery in Microporous Material Chemistry
JoVE Journal
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JoVE Journal Chemistry
Discovery and Synthesis Optimization of Isoreticular Al(III) Phosphonate-Based Metal-Organic Framework Compounds Using High-Throughput Methods

Author Spotlight: Accelerating Discovery in Microporous Material Chemistry


01:57 min

October 06, 2023


01:57 min
October 06, 2023

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I see the periodic table as a huge playground, and in our research, we focus on the synthesis of new materials, porous materials, such as this here. That’s a structural model, and we see holes in the framework. and that can be used to store molecules or also to separate molecules based on the size of these.

And in addition to that kind of studies, we also develop new reactor systems in order to accelerate the discovery process. The current experimental challenges are to further accelerate the synthesis and characterization process with additional high throughput instrumentation, such as high throughput absorption characterization device. The lack of detail in publications regarding the synthesis and characterization procedure affecting reproducibility is a well-known problem in chemistry.

By providing a thorough description of our method and setup, we aim to encourage other groups to adopt the described methodology, thereby increasing the reproducibility of experimental studies. We do not know what the future will bring since we work on the discovery of new materials, and we never know what kind of properties these materials will have. Nevertheless, I think that the use of linker molecules from renewable feedstocks will play a major role.

And regarding the application, the use in sensing and the separation of gas molecules will be very important.

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