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JoVE Core Chemistry



A spontaneous reaction is one that occurs without any external intervention under a particular set of conditions. A nonspontaneous process is one that requires external forces to proceed. Spontaneity is affected by conditions such as temperature and pressure. For example, the melting of ice at a temperature of 0 °C or below is not spontaneous; however, the melting of ice at room temperature is spontaneous because it does not need any external intervention. A spontaneous reaction is usually unidirectional, and its reversal requires an external force to make it proceed as a nonspontaneous reaction. For example, ice that melts at room temperature cannot spontaneously freeze back to its original form. Spontaneous processes occur due to the dispersal of energy and matter. If a flask containing a gas is connected to another empty flask through a valve, opening the valve will lead to the spontaneous transfer of the gas to the empty flask, which will continue until the gas is equally distributed in both flasks. Similarly, if a hot object is placed in cold water, the heat from the object will be spontaneously transferred to the water until the temperatures of the object and the water reach equilibrium. Spontaneity in thermodynamics does not indicate the speed of a process. The reaction could be extremely fast, like an acid-base neutralization, or extremely slow, like the conversion of diamonds to graphite.  Consider the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas. The reaction, although spontaneous, proceeds very slowly at room temperature. Adding a catalyst, such as manganese oxide, speeds up the reaction and therefore increases the decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide. Although the catalyst enhances the rate of the spontaneous reaction, it cannot make the nonspontaneous reverse reaction be spontaneous.








ここで、温度の異なる2つの物体、すなわち温度TXの物体Xと温度TYの物体Y(TX > TY)があるとします。これらの物体が接触すると、熱は高温の物体(X)から低温の物体(Y)へと自然に流れます。これは、Xが熱エネルギーを失い、Yが熱エネルギーを得たことに相当します。この2つ物体の系から見ると、熱エネルギーの正味の増減はなく、利用可能な熱エネルギーが2つの物体の間で再分配されたことになります。この自発的なプロセスにより、エネルギーがより均一に分散されたのです。


上記の文章は以下から引用しました。Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Chapter 16.1: Spontaneity.