
的放射自显影测量[<sup> 14</sup> J] -Iodoantipyrine大鼠脑继中央脑卒中后疼痛

Published: July 18, 2016


We present a protocol to measure [14C]-iodoantipyrine (IAP) uptake and assess the activation of neural substrates that are involved in central post-stroke pain (CPSP) in a rodent model.


Approximately 8% of stroke patients present symptoms of central post-stroke pain (CPSP). CPSP is associated with allodynia and hypersensitivity to nociceptive stimuli. Although some studies have shown that neuropathic pain may involve the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, rostral anterior cingulate cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, periaqueductal gray, rostral ventromedial medulla, and medial thalamus, the neural substrates and their connections that mediate CPSP remain unclear. [14C]-Iodoantipyrine (IAP) uptake can be measured to evaluate spontaneously active pain. It can be used to assess the activation of neural substrates that may be involved in CPSP in an animal model. The [14C]-IAP method in rats is less expensive to perform compared with other brain mapping techniques. The present [14C]-IAP protocol is used to measure the activation of neural substrates that are involved in CPSP that is induced by lesions of the ventral basal nucleus (VB) of the thalamus in a rodent model.


中风出血已被证明是谁的神经性疼痛患者遭受超过8%的发生,4称为中央中风后疼痛(CPSP)1-3 CPSP可以从体感功能障碍,从而诱发过敏和异常性造成的。但是,体感功能障碍的CPSP病理生理机制仍然不明朗。例如,躯体感觉的损失从出血脑区的神经元传入神经阻滞造成的。痛觉过敏可由中央伤害感受神经元或中央去抑制,5,6,但所涉及的CPSP症状神经基板保持未知的过度兴奋引起的。一些研究表明,背外侧前额叶皮层(DPFC),喙前扣带皮层(ACC),杏仁核,海马,脑导水管周围灰质(PAG),喙腹内侧髓质,以及它们相互连接的调解处理痛觉7附加被证明LY,内侧前额叶皮质(内侧前额叶皮质)-amygdala电路参与疼痛相关的看法。在CPSP的病理生理机制8数据是多种多样的,神经基板的CPSP的激活需要进一步推敲。

[14 C] -Iodoantipyrine(IAP)的摄取来间接观察区域脑血流量(rCBF),假设大脑活动和CBF之间的关系。尽管[14 C] -IAP不能实时评估脑活动,如与功能性磁共振成像(fMRI),它具有若干优点。例如,[14 C] -IAP适合测量自发过程的病理状态中发生脑活动。9此外,[14 C] -IAP摄取没有麻醉测量。它还成本低于其它成像方法,包括磁共振成像和正电子发射断层扫描(PET)。的[14 C] -IAP方法已经建议适合measurin克自发性疼痛( 例如 ,CPSP)由丘脑的腹侧基底核(VB)的病变引起的。9

本协议描述了如何执行[14 C] -IAP的方法来评估由丘脑VB的病变动物模型引起CPSP的神经基础的参与。该技术提供了确定所依据的行为和神经元水平CPSP症状的病理生理机制的一种方式。


在本研究中的协议接收来自中科院动物管理审批和利用委员会在台湾。 1.动物准备获取雄性SD大鼠(约300 – 400克)。保持在空调房间的老鼠 – 12小时/ 12小时光/暗周期下(21 22°C,湿度为50%)(在8:00 am开灯),自由获取食物和水。 2.实验步骤允许所有的大鼠的实验前适应环境在他们的家笼1周。在适应,执行冯弗雷和足底测试,以建?…

Representative Results

图1A描绘了实验时间表。大鼠被分配到假和CPSP群体的行为测试( 即冯弗雷测试和足底试验)。在实验的第一天担任基线,并在周1重复测试 – 在周中的外颈静脉进行5 PE-50导管4.肝素(20单位/毫升,0.1毫升/天)期间,注射周4和5的肝素注射后五分钟,[14 C] -IAP注射,接着10秒后通过麻醉剂的牺牲过量。一分钟后,将大鼠断头,和OCT包埋脑切片进行?…


在行为测试中,CPSP集团展出在冯弗雷测试热痛试验和机械力在基线和缩足阈值的降低周1 – 5,发现与先前的研究相一致14

[14 C] -IAP方法依赖于大脑图像的不同的脑切片的定量分析的像素强度。为了评估在大脑的图像数据,所述像素信号强度被定义。在本研究中,对环境的背景信号定义为25.811 – 46.979 CPM。在[14 C] -IAP 0.001微居里滤纸的信号被定义为42 CP…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


本研究是由国家科学委员会授予柏庄徐中雄博士(NSC 99-2320-B-001-016-MY3,NSC 100-2311-B-001-003-MY3和NSC 102-2320-支持B-001-026-MY3)。这项工作是在生物医学科学,并获得资助中央研究院研究所进行。


Isoflurane Halocarbon Products Corporation  NDC 12164-002-25 4%
homeothermic blanket system Harvard Apparatus Model 50–7079 body temperature were maintained at 36.5-37.5°C.
10µl micro syringe Hamilton 80008, Model 1701SN injected with collagenase
polyethylene-50 tubing Becton, Dickinson and Company 427411 catheterized into external jugular vein
1 c.c syringe Terumo Medical Products SS-01T injected with 14C-IAP and saline.
saline (Sodium Chloride 0.9gm) Taiwan Biotech Co., LTD. 100-130-0201 To flush the tube
type 4 collagenase Sigma C5138-500MG 0.125 U
Gentamicin Sigma G1264-250MG 6 mg/kg
Heparin Sigma H9399 20 U/ml; 0.1 ml/day
14C-iodoantipyrine (IAP) PerkinElmer NEC712 125 mCi/kg in 300 ml of 0.9% saline
Potassium chloride Merck 1.04936.1000 3 M
Behavior system:
von Frey esthesiometer Fabrication Enterprises, Inc. Baseline Tactile Monofilaments 12-1666 mechanical hyperalgesia was assessed by measuring the withdrawal response to a mechanical stimulus
plantar test apparatus IITC Life Science IITC 390G Plantar Test Thermal hyperalgesia was assessed by measuring the hind paw withdrawal latency in response to radiant heat.
Brain slice:
Optimal Cutting Temperature compound Sakura Fintek Inc 4583 embedded the brain
dry ice frozen in dry ice/methylbutane (approximately −55°C)
methylbutane Sigma M32631-1L frozen in dry ice/methylbutane (approximately −55°C)
Cryostat  Leica Biosystems Nussloch GmbH, Germany Leica CM1850 Coronal brain slice were sectioned on this machine.
Data analyze
exposure cassettes with a phosphor screen Amersham Biosciences  20 cm x 25 cm The slices were dried on glass slides and placed alongside five standard filter papers with graded radioactivity. All of the slides were exposed to the cassettes at −20°C.
γ-counter Beckman Coulter Beckman LS 6500 Liquid Scintillation Counter To measure the radioactivity count of the filter papers.
Typhoon 9410 Variable Mode Imager  GMI, Inc. WS-S9410 To read  phosphor screen which was exposed by brain slice
Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) Wellcome Centre for Neuroimaging version 8 all of the brains were averaged to create the final brain template. To determine significant differences between the images in these two groups, the images were derived by subtracting the sham group from the CPSP group.
ImageJ version 1.46 Adjacent sections were aligned both manually and using Stack- Reg, an automated pixel-based registration algorithm in ImageJ software. All of the original three-dimensionally reconstructed brains were smoothed and normalized to the reference rat brain model.
Matlab MathWorks version 2009b used Pearson correlation coefficients to examine the relationships between the CPSP and sham groups. An inter-regional correlation matrix was calculated across animals from each group.
Pajek version 3.06 Graphical theoretical analysis was performed on networks defined by the above correlation matrices using Pajek software.


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Huang, A. C. W., Lu, H., Shyu, B. C. Autoradiographic Measurements of [14C]-Iodoantipyrine in Rat Brain Following Central Post-Stroke Pain. J. Vis. Exp. (113), e53947, doi:10.3791/53947 (2016).

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