

Published: October 10, 2015










1.神经文化注意:在多能干细胞成纤维细胞重编程,承诺向背侧端脑谱系,推导,放大,和银行的晚期皮质祖细胞(LCP)在Boissart 等人 4进行了描述。还根据Boissart 等人 4在稍微修改执行LCP样细胞的神经元分化。其他程序已经开发了用于成纤维细胞的成诱导多能干细胞,接着通过分化成神经元的直接重编程。该协议被保留下来,因为它允许选择性生…

Representative Results

本研究描述了一种标准化协议,用于从iPSC的衍生锥体神经元的树突培养脊柱量化。该协议允许对人类神经元脊柱成熟及其与在标准啮齿动物神经元培养棘的成熟以及体内动物模型可以比较的分析。 图1A表示的不同步骤培养的,其允许生产皮层锥体神经元的方案。这样示意表示,以便更好地了解生产赋予不同类别刺锥体神经元的全球时间缩放提供。 Repr…



分析我们技术的准确性,我们首先比较所测量的形态学参数(长度,面积和总体积脊柱适用时),与那些使用大鼠成熟锥体神经元在培养6,7和人脑组织3出版。密度是相当的所有情况。没有量 ​​的数据是在大鼠神经元描述了使用自己的协议为容积…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was funded by the Institut Pasteur, the Bettencourt-Schueller foundation, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, University Paris Diderot, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-13-SAMA-0006; SynDivAutism), the Conny-Maeva Charitable Foundation, the Cognacq Jay Foundation, the Orange Foundation, and the Fondamental Foundation. L.G. is supported by an undergraduate fellowship from the Health Ministry. We acknowledge the help of BitPlane in particular Georgia Golfis, in the early stage of this work.


PD-PBS (1X), sans Calcium, Magnesium et Phenol Red Gibco/ Life Technologies 14190169
Poly-L-Ornithine Solution Bioreagent Sigma Aldrich P4957
Mouse laminin Dutscher Dominique 354232
N2 Supplement Gibco/ Life Technologies 17502048
B-27 Supplement w/o vit A (50X) Gibco/ Life Technologies 12587010
DMEM/NUT.MIX F-12 W/GLUT-I Gibco/ Life Technologies 31331028
Neurobasal Med SFM Gibco/ Life Technologies 21103049
2-mercaptoethanol Gibco/ Life Technologies 31350-010
Pen-Steptomycin Gibco/ Life Technologies 15140-122
GFP Rabbit Serum Polyclonal Antibody Gibco/ Life Technologies A-6455
Horse serum Gibco/ Life Technologies 16050130
Alexa Fluor 488 Goat Anti-Rabbit  Gibco/ Life Technologies A11034
Polyclonal Anti-betaIII tubulin antibody Millipore AB9354
Coverglass 13 mm VWR 631-0150
Prolong Gold Antifade Reagent avec DAPI Gibco/ Life Technologies P36931
Tween(R) 20 Bioextra, Viscous Liquid Sigma Aldrich Chimie P7949
Triton X-100 Sigma Aldrich Chimie X100-100ML
Human Fibroblasts Coriell Cell Line Biorepository GM 4603 and GM 1869 Coriell Institute for Medical Research, Camden, NJ, USA
Confocal laser scanning microscope Zeiss (Germany) LSM 700
Imaris Software Bitplane AG, Zurich 6.4.0 version Filament Tracer and Imaris XT modules are necessary
Huygens Software Huygens software, SVI, Netherlands Pro version Optional (for deconvolution testing)


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