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חיפוש מזון אופטימלי

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JoVE Core Biology
Optimal Foraging



חיות צריכות ללקט, כלומר לחפש ולאכול מזון כדי לשרוד. תאוריית שיחור המזון האופטימלי מניחה שהאבולוציה מעדיפה התנהגויות שיחור מזון שמאזנות את יתרונות השגת המזון עם המחירים להשגתו, כגון הוצאת אנרגיה והסיכון לטריפה. דוגמה אחת היא עורב האלסקה, אשר אוסף שבלולים, חילזונות ים, ואז עף מעלה ומפיל אותם על הסלעים שלמטה כדי לפצח את הקונכייה, ולאכול את החלקים הפנימיים.העורב חוזר על התהליך עד שהקונכייה נשברת. אם הוא עף גבוה יותר, הקונכייה ישבר בפחות הפלות, אבל זה יצרוך יותר אנרגיה. מדענים מצאו שהעורבים, בממוצע, עפים לגובה אשר מפיק את הכמות המרבית של מזון ביחס לאנרגיה הדרושה להשגתו.


חיפוש מזון אופטימלי

How animals obtain and eat their food is called foraging behavior. Foraging can include searching for plants and hunting for prey and depends on the species and environment.

Optimal foraging theory states that natural selection favors foraging strategies that balance the benefits of a particular food, such as energy and nutrients, with the costs of obtaining it, such as energy expenditure and the risk of predation. Optimal foraging maximizes benefits while minimizing costs.

For the Crows

Optimal foraging theory is supported by evidence from several species. One example is the Northwestern crow’s strategy for eating whelks (sea snails). To eat a whelk, a crow must crack open its shell, which it achieves by flying with the whelk and then dropping it onto rocks beneath. Crows will do this repeatedly until the shell cracks.

Flying higher will break the shell sooner, but requires more energy. By dropping whelks from various heights, scientists calculated the optimal height that will break the shell using the least amount of energy. The crows, on average, fly close to this height to crack whelk shells—supporting the idea that this foraging behavior has evolved to be optimal for energy balance.

Larger whelks also break more easily than smaller whelks, in addition to containing more caloric energy. Crows further optimize their strategy by selecting large whelks and making many attempts to crack a single whelk, rather than expending extra energy to find another whelk.

Mule Deer

The risk of being attacked by predators can be another cost of foraging. Researchers found that mule deer spend more time foraging in open areas although there is slightly less food available than at the edges of the forest. This is due to a lower risk of predation by mountain lions in open areas.

This observation further supports the idea that foraging is a trade-off between benefits and costs, and that evolution favors strategies that are optimized to balance the two.

Suggested Reading

Watanabe, Yuuki Y., Motohiro Ito, and Akinori Takahashi. “Testing Optimal Foraging Theory in a Penguin–Krill System.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281, no. 1779 (March 22, 2014). [Source]