
Двухслойный сотрудничества культуре первичных Крыса корковых нейронов и глии

Published: November 12, 2011


Здесь мы предлагаем протокол для культивирования нейронов коры крысы в ​​присутствии глиальных слой подачи. Культурный нейронов установить полярность и создать синапсов, и может быть отделена от глии для использования в различных приложениях, таких как электрофизиологии, кальция изображений, анализы выживаемость клеток, иммуноцитохимия, и РНК / ДНК / белок изоляции.


This video will guide you through the process of culturing rat cortical neurons in the presence of a glial feeder layer, a system known as a bilaminar or co-culture model. This system is suitable for a variety of experimental needs requiring either a glass or plastic growth substrate and can also be used for culture of other types of neurons.

Rat cortical neurons obtained from the late embryonic stage (E17) are plated on glass coverslips or tissue culture dishes facing a feeder layer of glia grown on dishes or plastic coverslips (known as Thermanox), respectively. The choice between the two configurations depends on the specific experimental technique used, which may require, or not, that neurons are grown on glass (e.g. calcium imaging versus Western blot). The glial feeder layer, an astroglia-enriched secondary culture of mixed glia, is separately prepared from the cortices of newborn rat pups (P2-4) prior to the neuronal dissection.

A major advantage of this culture system as compared to a culture of neurons only is the support of neuronal growth, survival, and differentiation provided by trophic factors secreted from the glial feeder layer, which more accurately resembles the brain environment in vivo. Furthermore, the co-culture can be used to study neuronal-glial interactions1.

At the same time, glia contamination in the neuronal layer is prevented by different means (low density culture, addition of mitotic inhibitors, lack of serum and use of optimized culture medium) leading to a virtually pure neuronal layer, comparable to other established methods1-3. Neurons can be easily separated from the glial layer at any time during culture and used for different experimental applications ranging from electrophysiology4, cellular and molecular biology5-8, biochemistry5, imaging and microscopy4,6,7,9,10. The primary neurons extend axons and dendrites to form functional synapses11, a process which is not observed in neuronal cell lines, although some cell lines do extend processes.

A detailed protocol of culturing rat hippocampal neurons using this co-culture system has been described previously4,12,13. Here we detail a modified protocol suited for cortical neurons. As approximately 20×106 cells are recovered from each rat embryo, this method is particularly useful for experiments requiring large numbers of neurons (but not concerned about a highly homogenous neuronal population). The preparation of neurons and glia needs to be planned in a time-specific manner. We will provide the step-by-step protocol for culturing rat cortical neurons as well as culturing glial cells to support the neurons.


1. Глия Dissection (~ 2 недели до покрытия нейронов) Чтобы подготовиться к месту вскрытия стерильной инструменты в 70% этанола, добавляют 4 мл холодной среды вскрытия до 60 блюд мм (одно блюдо на головной мозг), и место 2,5% трипсина и ДНКазы на льду таять (см. подробную информацию о хирургическ?…


Этот протокол обеспечивает метод культивирования крысы первичных корковых нейронов в присутствии клетки глии, позволяя при этом нейроны, чтобы быть легко выделен экспериментальный анализ. Развитие глии поддержку здорового нейронов фенотипа, а также модулирующих нейронов ответы на э…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Авторы выражают благодарность предыдущих членов лаборатории, которые способствовали уточнению этого протокола, и НИЗ для поддержки в течение года (DA19808 и DA15014 к ОМ). Анна Abt 1 является членом "Междисциплинарные и трансляционных подготовки научных кадров в neuroAIDS" (T32-MH078795), таким образом, эта работа была выполнена при частичной поддержке Национального института здоровья под Рут Л. Kirschstein Национальный исследовательский Service Award 5T32MH079785.


Reagent Concentration
Glucose 16 mM
Sucrose 22 mM
NaCl 135 mM
KCl 5 mM
Na2HPO4 1 mM
KH2PO4 0.22 mM
pH 7.4
Osmolarity 310±10 mOsm

Table 1. Dissection Medium.

Reagent Concentration
DMEM 90%
FBS 10%
Gentamicin 50 μg/mL

Tabe 2. Glia Plating Medium.

Reagent Concentration
DMEM 90%
Horse Serum 10%

Table 3. Neuron Plating Medium.

Reagent Concentration
DMEM 98%
N2 Supplement 1%
Ovalbumin 50 mg/100mL

Table 4. N2 Medium.

Reagent Concentration
Boric Acid 50 mM
Sodium Borate 12.5 mM

Table 5. Borate Buffer (for poly-lysine).

Reagent Company Catalogue number
High glucose Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle
Medium (DMEM)
Invitrogen 11995-073
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), Heat-inactivated Hyclone 26400-044
Horse Serum, Heat-inactivated Hyclone H1138
Gentamicin (50mg/mL) Invitrogen 15750-060
N2 Supplement (100x) Invitrogen 17502-048
HEPES buffer solution Invitrogen 15630-080
Albumin from chicken egg white, Grade VI
Sigma-Aldrich A2512
2.5% Trypsin Invitrogen 15090-046
0.5% Trypsin-EDTA (10X) Invitrogen 15400-054
Deoxyribonuclease I from bovine pancreas
Sigma-Aldrich D-5025
Paraplast Fisher 12-646-106
Poly-L-lysine Sigma-Aldrich P1274
Cytosine-β-D-arabinofuranoside hydrochloride Sigma-Aldrich C6645
Stereomicroscope Leica Leica ZOOM 2000
Cover glasses, Circles, 15 mm, Thickness
0.13-0.17 mm
Carolina 633031
Thermanox sheets Grace BioLabs HS4550
Large forceps Biomedical
Fine-tipped No.5 forceps Fine Science
Pattern No.1 forceps Biomedical
Scissors, straight, sharp-blunt Biomedical
Micro Dissecting scissors Biomedical
Micro Dissecting Curved scissors Biomedical


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Cite This Article
Shimizu, S., Abt, A., Meucci, O. Bilaminar Co-culture of Primary Rat Cortical Neurons and Glia. J. Vis. Exp. (57), e3257, doi:10.3791/3257 (2011).

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