
IBD के DSS प्रेरित मॉडल में आंत्र शोथ जांच

Published: February 01, 2012


सूजन आंत्र रोग के प्रायोगिक मॉडल हमें जटिल जन्मजात और अनुकूली प्रतिरक्षा रोगजनन के साथ जुड़े प्रतिक्रियाओं की जांच करने की अनुमति दी है. Histological स्कोरिंग, समर्थक भड़काऊ साइटोकिन्स और myeloperoxidase गतिविधि की मात्रा का ठहराव का उपयोग, एक सूजन आंत्र रोग में देखा करने के लिए इन प्रतिक्रियाओं का आकलन शुरू कर सकते हैं.


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) encompasses a range of intestinal pathologies, the most common of which are ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s Disease (CD). Both UC and CD, when present in the colon, generate a similar symptom profile which can include diarrhea, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, and weight loss.1 Although the pathogenesis of IBD remains unknown, it is described as a multifactorial disease that involves both genetic and environmental components.2

There are numerous and variable animal models of colonic inflammation that resemble several features of IBD. Animal models of colitis range from those arising spontaneously in susceptible strains of certain species to those requiring administration of specific concentrations of colitis-inducing chemicals, such as dextran sulphate sodium (DSS). Chemical-induced models of gut inflammation are the most commonly used and best described models of IBD. Administration of DSS in drinking water produces acute or chronic colitis depending on the administration protocol.3 Animals given DSS exhibit weight loss and signs of loose stool or diarrhea, sometimes with evidence of rectal bleeding.4,5 Here, we describe the methods by which colitis development and the resulting inflammatory response can be characterized following administration of DSS. These methods include histological analysis of hematoxylin/eosin stained colon sections, measurement of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and determination of myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, which can be used as a surrogate marker of inflammation.6

The extent of the inflammatory response in disease state can be assessed by the presence of clinical symptoms or by alteration in histology in mucosal tissue. Colonic histological damage is assessed by using a scoring system that considers loss of crypt architecture, inflammatory cell infiltration, muscle thickening, goblet cell depletion, and crypt abscess.7 Quantitatively, levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines with acute inflammatory properties, such as interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α,can be determined using conventional ELISA methods. In addition, MPO activity can be measured using a colorimetric assay and used as an index of inflammation.8

In experimental colitis, disease severity is often correlated with an increase in MPO activity and higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Colitis severity and inflammation-associated damage can be assessed by examining stool consistency and bleeding, in addition to assessing the histopathological state of the intestine using hematoxylin/eosin stained colonic tissue sections. Colonic tissue fragments can be used to determine MPO activity and cytokine production. Taken together, these measures can be used to evaluate the intestinal inflammatory response in animal models of experimental colitis.


1. इस के बारे प्रेरित तीव्र बृहदांत्रशोथ के murine मॉडल Autoclaved पीने के पानी के लिए वांछित अंतिम एकाग्रता (1-5%) (wt खंड /) (यानी एक 5% DSS समाधान बनाने के लिए, autoclaved पानी की 500 एमएल DSS पाउडर के 25 मिलीग्राम जोड़) dextran सल्फेट सोड…


DSS बृहदांत्रशोथ आंतों की सूजन का एक व्यापक रूप से इस्तेमाल किया रासायनिक प्रेरित मॉडल है. इस मॉडल में, चूहों पीने के पानी DSS, जो विषाक्त हो सकता है सोचा है उपकला कोशिकाओं आंत और mucosal बाधा की अखंडता को बाधित क…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


इस काम के स्वास्थ्य अनुसंधान संस्थान कनाडा के से अनुदान (CIHR) और Crohn है और बृहदांत्रशोथ फाउंडेशन (CCFC) के कनाडा के द्वारा समर्थित है.


Name of reagent/equipment: Company Catalogue number Comments
Eppendorf Safe-Lock Microcentrifuge Tube (2mL) eppendorf 0030 120.094  
Biotek EL808 Absorbance plate reader Biotek EL808  
Dextran sulphate sodium salt reagent grade (molecular weight 36,000-50,000 Da) MP Biomedicals 160110  
Gen5 (software) Biotek Version 1.10.8  
Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB) Sigma-Aldrich H5882-100G  
Hydrogen peroxide, 30 wt.% solution in water Sigma-Aldrich 216763 Store at 2-8°C
Microtest plate 96-well flat bottom Sarstedt 82.1581 For single use only
o-Dianisidine Sigma-Aldrich D-3252 Light sensitive. Store at 2-8°C
Potassium phosphate, dibasic Caledon 6620-1  
Potassium phosphate, monobasic EMD Chemicals PX1565-1  
Protease inhibitor cocktail Sigma-Aldrich P8340 Store at -20°C
Triton X-100 Sigma-Aldrich T8787  
Tungsten Carbide beads for Tissue Lyser II QUIAGEN 69997  


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Kim, J. J., Shajib, M. S., Manocha, M. M., Khan, W. I. Investigating Intestinal Inflammation in DSS-induced Model of IBD. J. Vis. Exp. (60), e3678, doi:10.3791/3678 (2012).

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