

Published: September 02, 2016


A protocol for the in situ monitoring of the diffusion of guest molecules in porous media using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) imaging is presented.


A method is demonstrated to monitor macroscopic translational diffusion using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) imaging. A host-guest system with nitroxide spin probe 3-(2-Iodoacetamido)-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-pyrrolidinyloxy (IPSL) as a guest inside the periodic mesoporous organosilica (PMO) aerogel UKON1-GEL as a host and ethanol as a solvent is used as an example to describe the protocol. Data is shown from a previous publication, where the protocol has been applied to both IPSL and Tris(8-carboxy-2,2,6,6-perdeutero-tetramethyl-benzo[1,2-d:4,5-d′]bis(1,3)dithiole) methyl (Trityl) as guest molecules and UKON1-GEL and SILICA-GEL as host systems.

A method is shown to prepare aerogel samples that cannot be synthesized directly in the sample tube for measurement due to a size change during synthesis. The aerogel is attached to sample tubes using heat shrink tubing and a pressure cooker to reach the necessary temperature without evaporating the solvent in the process. The method does not assume a clearly defined initial distribution of guest molecules at the start of the measurement. Instead, it requires a reservoir on top of the aerogel and experimentally determines the influx rate during data analysis.

The diffusion is monitored continually over a period of 20 hr by recording the 1d spin density profile within the sample. The spectrometer settings for the imaging experiment are described quantitatively. Data analysis software is provided to take the resonator sensitivity profile into account and to numerically solve the diffusion equation. The software determines the macroscopic translational diffusion coefficient by least square minimization of the difference between the experiment and the numerical solution of the diffusion equation.


多孔材料发挥在实际应用中,如催化和层析1的主要作用。通过添加表面基团以及调整孔尺寸和表面特性,所述材料可以根据所需的应用程序2,3。多孔材料的功能关键取决于细孔内客体分子的扩散性能。在多孔材料,必须区分微观平移扩散常数D ,它描述在一方面分子长度规模和宏观平移扩散常数D 扩散之间进行 另一方面,这是由扩散通过多个细孔,晶界,扭曲和材料的不均匀性的影响。

有几种磁共振方法可用来研究扩散,每个适合的一部分icular尺度。在毫米刻度,核磁共振(NMR)成像4和电子顺磁共振(EPR)成像(如在此协议提交)都可以使用。较小尺度成为通过使用核磁共振脉冲磁场梯度以及EPR实验5,6的访问。在纳米尺度,EPR谱可以通过观察自旋探针7,8之间海森堡交换作用的变化来使用。使用EPR成像范围从工业催化剂支持平移扩散, 例如,氧化铝9,研究各向异性取得高分子凝胶12流体10,11,药物释放系统 14和膜模型15。

该协议使用EPR成像监测圆柱形spin探测器的宏观动扩散,多孔介质在原地的做法提出了一个。它展示了由日的主机 – 客户系统Ë氮氧spin探测器3-(2-Iodoacetamido)-2,2,5,5-四甲基-1-吡咯烷(IPSL)作为周期性中孔有机二氧化矽内客(PMO)UKON1-GEL气凝胶作为主机和乙醇作为溶剂。该协议已成功以前使用16比较维宏 作为测定用的EPR成像以D 主机材料UKON1 -凝胶和硅胶和旅客的物种IPSL和三(8-羧基-2,2,6,6- perdeutero四甲基苯并〔1,2-D :4,5-D']双(1,3)二硫)甲基(三苯甲基),参见图1。


UKON1-GEL和硅胶已在3毫米内径的样品管被合成在文献中描述。16,18,19的UKON1 -凝胶和硅胶合成导致样品的收缩。将样品置于一个热缩管,以防止客体分子从气凝胶和样品管的壁之间移动的内部。这一附加步骤是没有必要的,可以直接在样品管进行合成而不改变它们的大小的样品。气凝胶样品崩溃时,他们干出来的,所以他们必须在溶剂中在任何时候都被淹没。所需要的热缩管的温度比在环境压力的乙醇的沸点。因此该协议描述了使用高压锅的提高沸腾的乙醇点。


<p cl屁股=“jove_content”>该协议可以用不同的宾主材料调整用作只要样品整个样品不改变的横截面面积,即ρ1D(T,γ)给出直接访问的浓度,并且不通过样品的横截面的变化的影响。对于维宏访问值的范围 估计16 10 7 /秒之间-122 /秒和·10 -9 m 2以下。


注意:使用前请咨询所有相关的材料安全数据表(MSDS)。如果吞入或吸入酒精是有害的,它是易燃的。 1.优化的连续波(CW)EPR参数在1mM的浓度制备的乙醇IPSL的40微升(PA)。 取吸管控制器和填充的毛细管与IPSL溶液至2厘米的填充高度。溶液1厘米进一步拉入毛细管使得存在的溶液下方的空气间隙。密封与毛细管密封胶两端的毛细血管。气隙可以防止密封剂的成?…

Representative Results





The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors thank Prof. Peter Imming and Diana Müller for synthesis of the Trityl spin probe and Prof. Sebastian Polarz, Martin Wessig and Andreas Schachtschneider for the synthesis of the porous materials. Financial support by the DFG (DR 743/7-1) and within the SPP 1570 is gratefully acknowledged.


X-Band spectrometer Bruker E580
Spectrometer software Bruker Xepr 2.6b.108
gradient coil system Bruker E540 GCX2
imaging resonator Bruker TMHS 1007
micro-classic pipette controller Brand 25900
microcapillary ringcaps 50 µl Hirschmann 9600150 inner diameter 0.5 mm
EPR sample tube 2 mm inner diameter Bruker ER 221TUB/2
EPR sample tube 4 mm inner diameter Bruker ER 221TUB/4
heat-shrink tubing DERAY-IB DSG-Canusa 2210048952 4.8 mm/2.4 mm, 2:1, 95 °C – 200 °C
heat gun Bosch PHG 600-3
PTFE  band VWR 332362S width 12 mm
test tube length 16 cm, diameter 1.5 cm
beaker 250 ml, height 9 cm, diameter 7 cm
capillary tube sealing Fisher Scientific 02-678
pressure cooker, 3l with trivet Beem Vital-X-Press V2, F1000675
magnetic stirrer with heating element
ethanol (p.a.)
ethanol (techn.)
syringe Hamilton 1705 0.05 ml, custom length: 20 cm,
Pasteur capillary pipette length 23 cm
data analysis software homemade Available for download at Requires Matlab.
UKON1-GEL kindly provided by Prof. Sebastian Polarz, Martin Wessig and Andreas Schachtschneider  See references 16, 18, 19 for the synthesis


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Spitzbarth, M., Lemke, T., Drescher, M. In Situ Monitoring of Diffusion of Guest Molecules in Porous Media Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging. J. Vis. Exp. (115), e54335, doi:10.3791/54335 (2016).

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