Have You Ever Seen An Orgo Student Smile?

Meghan Berryman

I love chemistry.  I find it absolutely fascinating but Organic Chemistry is tough.  (And just between you and me, Analytical Chemistry wasn’t exactly a walk in the park either).   I know, I know, some of you have a magical gift for stereochemistry but the rest of mortals need more than just our trusty textbook and a lecture to achieve the ever-elusive A.

Stressed Student

This is why we created JoVE Science Education.  We decided to compile video tutorials on basic lab techniques and foundational concepts that are fundamental to undergraduate science education and make them easily accessible to teachers and students.  The collection consists of techniques and concepts in Basic and Advanced Biology, Psychology, and Environmental Sciences.

Now, we are proud to announce a new addition: Chemistry!

The Chemistry Collection will be complete with videos to supplement your curriculum in:

–       General Chemistry,

–        Organic Chemistry,

–        Analytical Chemistry.

Each section will feature 15 videos on techniques like:

–       Using a pH Meter,

–       Fractional Distillation,

–       Rotary Evaporation to Remove Solvent,

–        X-ray Fluorescence Imaging.

I am very jealous of you, by the way.  I wish I had this when I was in Orgo 2 and Analytical.  Maybe, I wouldn’t have received quite so many disappointing glances from Dr. Slough.

The Chemistry Collection will be released on April 12 and all the content will be free until May 11, after which the database will be available through institutional license.  So, make sure you ask your professors or school librarians about it.

You will be able to watch that video on Recrystallization as many times as you need before Orgo Lab and I think we might just see you smile.