Three Awesome Female Scientists

Katherine Scott

In honor of International Women’s Day, here is a list of three video articles from some of our super-star female authors:

Dr. Catarina Hioe: Taking Down HIV

Dr. Hioe, Professor of Pathology at New York University, is working to develop an HIV vaccine and published a piece of the puzzle in JoVE today. The article demonstrates a method of visualizing what takes place during the formation of the virological synapse, which enables cell-to-cell transfer of the virus.

Dr. Kakani Katija: Studying the Movement of Jellyfish in the Ocean

Dr. Katija is a bioengineer, and was named an Emerging Explorer by National Geographic for her work on ocean organisms. Her quote in the article sums up her work perfectly: “The creatures in our seas could be as important to ocean circulation and global climate as the winds and tides. Learning more about this animal-ocean dynamic is critical to the future.”

Dr. Laura Niklason: Engineering Lungs

Dr. Niklason is working on engineering lungs, and published a method to do just that in rats. No need to explain why that is awesome!