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A Complex Diving-For-Food Task to Investigate Social Organization and Interactions in Rats

A Complex Diving-For-Food Task to Investigate Social Organization and Interactions in Rats

Article DOI: 10.3791/61763-v 10:29 min May 8th, 2021
May 8th, 2021



This protocol describes a method of examining social hierarchy in a rat model. Rats perform a complex diving-for-food task in which they form a distinct hierarchy according to their willingness to dive underwater and swim to obtain a food pellet. This method is used to understand decision making and social relationships among highly social animals in small groups.


Social Organization Interactions Rats Diving-for-food Task Hierarchy Decision-making Social Relationships Sprague Dawley Rats Experimental Groups Control Group Depression Induction Antidepressant Drugs Stressors Cross Preference Tests
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