Author Spotlight: A Comprehensive Protocol for Acinetobacter Biofilm Quantification, Assessment, and Visualization
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JoVE 신문 생물학
Quantification, Viability Assessment, and Visualization Strategies for Acinetobacter Biofilms

Author Spotlight: A Comprehensive Protocol for Acinetobacter Biofilm Quantification, Assessment, and Visualization


01:29 min

August 04, 2023


01:29 min
August 04, 2023


내레이션 대본

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Biofilms are composed of live microbial cells and are difficult to remove from the surfaces. Acinetobacter strains commonly found in our environment, causing nosocomial infections, are also known to form biofilms on surfaces. So, we aim to develop methods to both quantify and visualize Acinetobacter biofilms.

Our protocol provides a simple and easy method to quantify and visualize the biofilms of Acinetobacter. The viable number of cells inside the biofilms is quantified by using the viable count method. Our research findings reveal that the naturally-existing Acinetobacter vector strains have quite varying potentials for biofilm formation.

Also, there will exist distinct morphological differences within the various biofilms. This paved the way for research focusing on the causes of such a large variation among Acinetobacter strains.

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