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Chapter 3

Motion Along a Straight Line

The position of an object defines its location relative to a convenient frame of reference at any particular time. A frame of reference is an arbitrary …
To calculate the other physical quantities in kinematics, we must introduce the time variable. The time variable allows us not only to state the position …
The average velocity during a time interval cannot tell us how fast or in what direction a particle is moving at any given time during the interval. To …
Instantaneous velocity is the quantity that measures how fast an object is moving along its path. In other words, the instantaneous velocity of an object …
The importance of understanding acceleration spans our day-to-day experiences, as well as the vast reaches of outer space and the tiny world of subatomic …
Acceleration is in the direction of the change in velocity, but it is not always in the direction of motion. When an object slows down, its acceleration …
When an object moves with constant acceleration, the velocity of the object changes at a constant rate throughout the motion. The kinematic equations of …
The second kinematic equation expresses the final position of an object in terms of its initial position, the distance traveled with the initial constant …
The first two kinematic equations have time as a variable, but the third kinematic equation is independent of time. This equation expresses final velocity …
When analyzing one-dimensional motion with constant acceleration, the problem-solving strategy involves identifying the known quantities and choosing the …
All objects, neglecting air resistance, fall with the same acceleration towards the Earth's center due to the force exerted by the Earth's …
An object falling without any air resistance under the influence of gravitational force is said to be in free-fall. For free-falling bodies, the …
Velocity and position can be calculated from the known function of acceleration as a function of time. The total area under the acceleration-time graph …
If acceleration as a function of time is known, then velocity and position functions can be derived using integral calculus. For constant acceleration, …
The TET (transient electro-thermal) technique is an effective approach developed to measure the thermal diffusivity of solid materials, including …
For slender and lightweight structures, vibration serviceability is a matter of growing concern, often constituting the critical design requirement. With …
Long-distance displacement measurements using optical fibers have always been a challenge in both basic research and industrial production. We developed …