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Chapter 13

Membrane Transport and Active Transporters

The transport of solutes across the cell membrane is essential for metabolic processes, like maintaining cell size and volume, generating the action …
Transporters are essential membrane transport proteins with functions related to cell nutrition, homeostasis, communication, etc. Approximately 7% of all …
The chemical and physical properties of plasma membranes cause them to be selectively permeable. Since plasma membranes have both hydrophobic and …
In contrast to passive transport, active transport involves a substance being moved through membranes in a direction against its concentration or …
ATP-driven pumps, also known as transport ATPases, are integral membrane proteins. They have binding sites for ATP located on the membrane's cytosolic …
ATP-binding cassette or ABC transporter is the largest superfamily of integral membrane proteins. The transporters have transmembrane-binding domains …
ATP-binding cassette or ABC transporters are a class of ATP-driven pumps that hydrolyze ATP to move solutes across the membrane. They can be grouped into …
One example of how cells use the energy contained in electrochemical gradients is demonstrated by glucose transport into cells. The ion vital to this …
The human body carefully regulates the internal pH of different organs to maintain homeostasis. For example, while the blood plasma maintains a neutral pH …
Transcellular transport of solutes is the movement of substances like monosaccharides and amino acids through polarized cells. This transport mechanism is …
Glucose transporters facilitate the transport of glucose across the cell membrane. In addition to glucose, some glucose transporters can also aid the …
The P-type pumps are a large family of integral membrane transporter ATPases. They are divided into five major types based on substrate specificity, from …
V-type pumps are ATP-driven pumps found in the vacuolar membranes of plants, yeast, endosomal and lysosomal membranes of animal cells, plasma membranes of …
Complex carbohydrates consumed cannot be absorbed into the small intestine in their original form. First, they must be hydrolyzed to a monosaccharide form …
F1-ATPase is a membrane-extrinsic catalytic subcomplex of F-type ATP synthase, an enzyme that uses the proton motive force across biological membranes to …
The sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) is a P-type ATPase that has been crystallized in various conformations. Detailed functional …
The fruit fly midgut consists of multiple regions, each of which is composed of cells that carry out unique physiological functions required for the …