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JoVE Core Chemistry



Indicators change color depending on pH and can be used to monitor the pH of a solution.  A pH indicator contains a weak acid, represented by HIn, which changes color when converted to its conjugate base, the In ion. The color changes over the indicator’s pH interval, which depends on its pKa. If a solution has a pH below the pKa of the indicator, the hydronium concentration is high. The equilibrium of the reaction shifts towards the left, increasing the concentration of HIn. When a base is added, the concentration of hydronium decreases. This pH change converts HIn into the In ion, and the solution’s color shifts. The HIn color dominates when the pH is at least one lower than the pKa; the In ion color dominates when the pH is at least one higher, and the color is a mix at pHs in between. There are a variety of pH indicators which can be used to monitor the pH that change color over distinct pH ranges. The point at which an indicator changes color is called the endpoint. The ideal indicator for a titration has an endpoint near the equivalence point.   The titration curve of a strong acid and base is steep due to the rapid pH change near the equivalence point. These titrations can use a relatively broad range of indicators. During the titration of 0.1 molar hydrochloric acid with 0.1 molar sodium hydroxide, the pH quickly increases from 3 to 11. Either phenolphthalein, an indicator with the pH interval of 8.3 to 10, or methyl red, an indicator with an interval of 4.2 to 6, could be used here as their endpoints overlap with the steep portion of the curve.  In contrast, a titration involving a weak acid or base has a less steep curve than one with only a strong acid and a strong base; therefore, a relatively narrow range of indicators can be used. During the titration of  0.1 molar acetic acid with 0.1 molar sodium hydroxide, the pH increases quickly from 7 to 11. Phenolphthalein can be used here as its endpoint overlaps with the equivalence point, but methyl red would be an ineffective indicator.



ある種の有機物質は、ヒドロニウムイオン濃度が特定の値に達すると、希薄な溶液中で色を変えます。例えば、フェノールフタレインは、ヒドロニウムイオン濃度が5.0 × 10−9 M (pH < 8.3)以上の水溶液中では無色の物質です。ヒドロニウムイオン濃度が5.0 × 10−9 M (pH > 8.3)以下の塩基性の溶液では、赤色やピンク色です。フェノールフタレインのように、溶液のpHを測定することができる物質を酸塩基指示薬といいます。酸塩基指示薬には、弱有機酸または弱有機塩基があります。






pH > pKaの溶液では、対数項は正のため、指示薬の共役塩基形が過剰(黄色の溶液)であることを示しています。pH > pKaの場合、対数項は負のため、共役酸が過剰(赤色の溶液)であることを示します。溶液のpHが指示薬のpKaに近いときは、共役塩基と共役酸が同程度存在するため、溶液の色はそれぞれの足し合わせとなる(黄色と赤色でオレンジになる)。酸塩基指示薬の変色区間(またはpH区間)は、色の変化が観察されるpH値の範囲として定義され、ほとんどの指示薬では、この範囲はおよそpKa ±1となっています。


上記の文章は以下から引用しました。Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Section 14.7: Acid-Base Titrations

Suggested Reading

Coleman, William F. "Molecular models of indicators." Journal of Chemical Education 87 no.1, (2008):1152