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Encyclopedia of Experiments

Luciferase-tagged Glioma Stem Cell Model: A Lentivirus-mediated Method to Prepare Luciferase-tagged Glioma Stem Cells for In Vitro Therapeutic Studies


This video demonstrates the establishment of luciferase-tagged glioma stem cells via lentivirus-mediated gene delivery. Luciferase acts as a reporter gene and helps facilitate rapid drug screening experiments.


1. Preparing Luciferase-tagged GSCs

  1. Begin with the GSCs culture and centrifuge at 70 x g for 3 min at room temperature.
  2. Remove the supernatant and digest the cells with accutase for 4 min at 37 °C. Use a 200 µL tip and pipette repeatedly to dissociate and resuspend the cell pellet.
  3. Dilute the cells to 2 x 105 cells per well in a 12-well culture plate and culture the cells overnight.
  4. Add 30 µL luciferase-EGFP virus supernatant (titer >108 TU /mL) into each well in the plate and then centrifuge the cells at 1,000 x g for 2 h at 25 °C. Culture the cells overnight.
  5. Refresh the medium the next day and culture the cells for another 48 h.
  6. Observe the cells under a fluorescent microscope to confirm the appearance of the GFP-positive cells.
  7. Use a flow cell sorter to sort and select the GSCs with high GFP fluorescence to culture the cells further.

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Name Company Catalog Number Comments
B-27 Gibco 17504-044 50X
EGF Gibco PHG0313 20 ng/ml
FGF Gibco PHG0263 20 ng/ml
Gluta Max Gibco 35050061 100X
Neurobasal Gibco 21103049 1X
Penicillin-Streptomycin HyClone SV30010 P: 10,000 units/ml     S:  10,000 ug/ml
Sodium Pyruvate Gibco 2088876 100 mM


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