

Published: December 18, 2015


This paper introduces a method for obtaining somatosensory event-related potentials following orofacial skin stretch stimulation. The current method can be used to evaluate the contribution of somatosensory afferents to both speech production and speech perception.


Cortical processing associated with orofacial somatosensory function in speech has received limited experimental attention due to the difficulty of providing precise and controlled stimulation. This article introduces a technique for recording somatosensory event-related potentials (ERP) that uses a novel mechanical stimulation method involving skin deformation using a robotic device. Controlled deformation of the facial skin is used to modulate kinesthetic inputs through excitation of cutaneous mechanoreceptors. By combining somatosensory stimulation with electroencephalographic recording, somatosensory evoked responses can be successfully measured at the level of the cortex. Somatosensory stimulation can be combined with the stimulation of other sensory modalities to assess multisensory interactions. For speech, orofacial stimulation is combined with speech sound stimulation to assess the contribution of multi-sensory processing including the effects of timing differences. The ability to precisely control orofacial somatosensory stimulation during speech perception and speech production with ERP recording is an important tool that provides new insight into the neural organization and neural representations for speech.



这些体感效果涉及响应于皮肤变形皮肤机械性的激活。运动期间,皮肤变形以各种方式,和皮肤机械性是已知的促进肌肉感觉3,4。皮肤机械感受器的动觉作用是妖由最近的调查结果5-7,该运动相关的皮肤的菌株被适当地视为屈曲或伸展运动取决于皮肤伸展6的图 ​​案strated。在言语动作训练,这是伴面部皮肤弹力语音特定语音的重复过程中,关节模式的改变以自适应方式7。这些研究表明,行动期间调节皮肤伸展提供了评价皮肤传入到感觉系统的动觉功能的贡献的方法。

对颜面部皮肤机械性的运动知觉功能使用心理生理的方法7,8和微电极由感觉神经9,10重新编写了研究居多。这里,当前协议着重于与面部皮肤变形和事件相关电位(ERP)的记录相关联的口面体感刺激的结合。钍是程序有精确的实验控制面部皮肤变形的使用计算机控制的机器人装置的方向和定时。这使我们可以由双方讲话运动学习期间在广泛取向选择性和精确地变形的面部皮肤测试即将语音产生和感知躯体感觉贡献特定假说,并直接在语音生成和感知。 ERP系统记录用于无创地感评价刺激对口颌面行为的影响的时间模式和定时。目前的协议,然后可以评估动觉功能的神经关联和评估体感系统这两个语音处理,言语产生和言语感知的贡献。



目前的实验方案如下根据耶鲁大学人权调查委员会的道德行为准则。 1. Electroenchephalopgaphy(EEG)的制备测量头的大小来确定合适的EEG帽。 通过找到鼻根和INION之间的中点用卷尺识别顶点的位置。 使用预先确定的顶点例如CZ放置在头上的EEG帽。用卷尺为已完成1.2放置盖后再次检查锆石。注意,EEG帽配有电极持有者和安置的64个电极(或持有者)是基于改性:10-20系统预先指…

Representative Results




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The authors have nothing to disclose.


这项工作是由国立耳聋与其他交流障碍补助R21DC013915和R01DC012502,在加拿大自然科学和工程研究理事会和欧盟第七框架计划(FP7 / 2007-2013赠款协议没有根据欧洲研究理事会的支持。339152 )。


EEG recording system Biosemi ActiveTwo
Robotic decice for skin stretch Geomagic Phantom Premium 1.0
EEG-compatible earphones Etymotic research ER3A
Software for visual and auditory stimulation Neurobehavioral Systems Presentation
Electrode gel Parker Laboratories, INC Signa gel
Double sided tape 3M 1522
Disposable syringe Monoject 412 Curved Tip
Analog input device National Instuments  PCI-6036E
Degital output device Measurement computing USB-1208FS


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Ito, T., Ostry, D. J., Gracco, V. L. Somatosensory Event-related Potentials from Orofacial Skin Stretch Stimulation. J. Vis. Exp. (106), e53621, doi:10.3791/53621 (2015).

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