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June 2016 - This Month in JoVE: Blueberry Analysis, Impact Testing Football Helmets, Stencil Micropatterning of Stem Cells, and a Test for Soil Plasticity

Published: June 6, 2016 doi: 10.3791/5784
1Department of Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear, 2JoVE Content Production


Modified Drop Tower Impact Tests for American Football Helmets

G. Alston Rush1,2, R. Prabhu1, Gus A. Rush III3, Lakiesha N. Williams1, M. F. Horstemeyer2,4

1Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Mississippi State University, 2Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems, Mississippi State University, 3Rush Sport Medical, 4Mechanical Engineering, Mississippi State University

This article provides a novel technique to assess the performance characteristics of American football helmets by inclusion of faceguards during NOCSAE Standard drop tests. Additionally, two more impact locations are proposed to be added to the NOCSAE certification.

Stencil Micropatterning of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells for Probing Spatial Organization of Differentiation Fates

Geetika Sahni*1, Jun Yuan*1, Yi-Chin Toh1,2

1Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 2Singapore Institute of Neurotechnology (SINAPSE), National University of Singapore

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) have the intrinsic ability to differentiate and self-organize into distinct tissue patterns; although this requires the presentation of spatial environmental gradients. We present stencil micropatterning as a simple and robust method to generate biochemical and mechanical gradients for controlling hPSC differentiation patterns.

A Bending Test for Determining the Atterberg Plastic Limit in Soils

José Manuel Moreno-Maroto, Jacinto Alonso-Azcárate

Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry, University of Castilla-La Mancha

The traditional standardized test for determining the plastic limit in soils is performed by hand, and the result varies depending on the operator. An alternative method based on bending measurements is presented in this study. This allows the plastic limit to be obtained with a clear and objective criterion.

Construction of Models for Nondestructive Prediction of Ingredient Contents in Blueberries by Near-infrared Spectroscopy Based on HPLC Measurements

Wenming Bai1, Norio Yoshimura1, Masao Takayanagi1, Jingai Che2, Naomi Horiuchi2, Isao Ogiwara3

1United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

We present here a protocol to construct and validate models for nondestructive prediction of total sugar, total organic acid, and total anthocyanin content in individual blueberries by near-infrared spectroscopy.


No conflicts of interest declared.


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June 2016 - This Month in JoVE: Blueberry Analysis, Impact Testing Football Helmets, Stencil Micropatterning of Stem Cells, and a Test for Soil Plasticity
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Chao, W., Kolski-Andreaco, A. JuneMore

Chao, W., Kolski-Andreaco, A. June 2016 - This Month in JoVE: Blueberry Analysis, Impact Testing Football Helmets, Stencil Micropatterning of Stem Cells, and a Test for Soil Plasticity. J. Vis. Exp. (112), e5784, doi:10.3791/5784 (2016).

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