With this protocol, we induce experimental endotoxemic shock in pigs. We were able to reliably cause symptoms of endotoxemia, such as hemodynamic instability and respiratory failure. Lipopolysaccharide is a toxic substance.
When working with lipopolysaccharide, it is essential always to wear gloves, protective goggles, a mask, and a lab coat. This protocol provides an easy and reliable way to induce endotoxemia. Because of their similar anatomy and physiology, pigs are particularly well-suited for this kind of research as standard medical equipment may be used.
Using this protocol, we will be able to study the effects of different ventilation strategies in respiratory failure and lung damage during endotoxemic shock.
Urmann, A., Mohnke, K., Riedel, J., Hain, J., Renz, M., Rissel, R., Duenges, B., Ruemmler, R., Ziebart, A. Lipopolysaccharide Infusion as a Porcine Endotoxemic Shock Model. J. Vis. Exp. (202), e66039, doi:10.3791/66039 (2023).