Jarrod A. Call

Department of Kinesiology

University of Georgia

Jarrod A. Call

My undergraduate degree is in Biology from Wittenberg University. I obtained my M.S. degree (2007) in Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise under Robert Grange, Ph.D. from Virginia Tech and Ph.D. degree (2011) in Rehabilitation Sciences under Dawn Lowe, Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. I received postdoctoral training (2011-2014) in Molecular Exercise Physiology under Zhen Yan, Ph.D. from the Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center at the University of Virginia. I am a proud representative of two NIH training grant awards, Minnesota Muscle Training Program & Basic Cardiovascular Research Training Grant, which provided support for my pre-doctoral and postdoctoral work, respectively. From 2012-2014, my postdoctoral work was supported by a fellowship from the American Heart Association. In August of 2014, I joined the faculty of the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Georgia.


В городе Виво Измерение изометрического крутящего момента заднего свиньи дорсифлекса от свиньи

1School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, 2Department of Kinesiology, University of Georgia, 3Regenerative Bioscience Center, University of Georgia, 4Aurora Scientific Inc., 5School of Kinesiology, University of Minnesota

JoVE 62905
