Rüdiger Horstkorte

Institute fpr Physiological Chemistry

Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg

Rüdiger Horstkorte

1983-1985: Study of Biology at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Vordiplom.

1985-1988: Study of Biology at the Ruprecht Karl University in Heidelberg.

1988-1989: Diploma thesis at the Institute for Neurobiology (Prof. M. Schachner)

1989: Starting PhD-thesis in the Lab of Prof. Schachner. Until december 1990 in Heidelberg und from January 1991 on at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule

(ETH) in Zürich, Switzerland.

10.8.93: PhD-defense at the ETH Zürich.

1993: PostDoc at the Institute for Neurobiology in Zürich (Assistent).

1994: EMBO Fellowship. Research project at the MRC-Clinical Research Centre in Harrow/England in Dr. T. Feizi lab.

1994-1996: PostDoc in the group of Prof. Dr. W. Reutter (Institute for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry) at the Free University of Berlin.

1996-2006: Group Leader at the Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

23.1.01: Habilitation (venia legendi) in Biochemistry

29.3.06: Nomination as extraordinary Professor (= außerplanmäßiger Professor) at the Charité

1.10.06: Appointment as a full Professor for Physiological Chemistry at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.


Glycoengineering מטבולית של חומצה Sialic באמצעות N-acyl השומן-שונה Mannosamines

1Max von Pettenkofer-Institut & Genzentrum, Virologie, Nationales Referenzzentrum für Retroviren, Medizinische Fakultät, LMU München, 2Institut für Laboratoriumsmedizin, klinische Chemie und Pathobiochemie, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 3Institut für Physiologische Chemie, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

JoVE 55746
