In utero survival surgery in mice permits the molecular manipulation of gene expression during development. Here we describe the use of high-frequency ultrasound imaging to guide the injection of retroviral vectors into the mouse brain at embryonic day (E) 9.5.
In utero survival surgery in mice permits the molecular manipulation of gene expression during development. However, because the uterine wall is opaque during early embryogenesis, the ability to target specific parts of the embryo for microinjection is greatly limited. Fortunately, high-frequency ultrasound imaging permits the generation of images that can be used in real time to guide a microinjection needle into the embryonic region of interest. Here we describe the use of such imaging to guide the injection of retroviral vectors into the ventricular system of the mouse forebrain at embryonic day (E) 9.5. This method uses a laparotomy to permit access to the uterine horns, and a specially designed plate that permits host embryos to be bathed in saline while they are imaged and injected. Successful surgeries often result in most or all of the injected embryos surviving to any subsequent time point of interest (embryonically or postnatally). The principles described here can be used with slight modifications to perform injections into the amnionic fluid of E8.5 embryos (thereby permitting infection along the anterior posterior extent of the neural tube, which has not yet closed), or into the ventricular system of the brain at E10.5/11.5. Furthermore, at mid-neurogenic ages (~E13.5), ultrasound imaging can be used direct injection into specific brain regions for viral infection or cell transplantation. The use of ultrasound imaging to guide in utero injections in mice is a very powerful technique that permits the molecular and cellular manipulation of mouse embryos in ways that would otherwise be exceptionally difficult if not impossible.
Part 1. Prepare the Surgical Area
Part 2. Mouse Anesthesia
Part 3. Exposure of the Embryos
* The holder the mother rests in during surgery can easily be made by a machine shop. It should include a wide plexiglass base, with two plexiglass sides glued on top, and a space in between them (wide enough for the mouse to fit while lying on its back). The sides should have a valley ground out of them, which is then filled with black wax (e.g. from a dissection tray). That wax serves as the material into which thumbtacks will be pressed to hold down the plate of PBS that the embryos are bathed in during injection.
** 10cm bacterial dishes should have a hole (approx. 2cm in diameter) punched out of the center of the bottom (this can be done with a Heavy Duty Portable Punch and a 13/16th inch circular die: In addition, two small holes on either side of the center hole (about 1.5cm away) should be burned out with a flame-heated needle (or they could be made with a drill of course). These holes are then covered with vacuum grease and will be where the thumbtacks that hold the plate onto the holder push through into the black wax. The vacuum grease is to prevent the PBS from leaking out.
Part 4. Loading Virus into a Microinjection Needle
Part 5. Ultrasound Guided Viral Injection
Representative Results
Injected embryos can be sacrificed 1-2 days post injection all the way through to adulthood. If the virus expresses a reporter gene, such as PLAP or GFP, then reporter expression serves to identify virally infected cells and clones of those cells. For example, shown in Figure 1C is a tissue section of a postnatal brain that was infected in utero at E9.5 with a retroviral vector expressing PLAP. Infected cells are visualized as purple clusters after histochemical staining. In addition to identifying virally infected cells, reporter expression allows one to examine cell morphology and position, as well as gene expression status.
Figure 1. Viral injection into the E9.5 mouse forebrain ventricles. A. The anesthetized animal is placed on the injection stage. Two embryos would be exposed and positioned under the ultrasound probe where indicated (arrow). The microinjection needle filled with virus is located near the embryos and lined up with the ultrasound probe. B. Screen capture of an real-time ultrasound image from an E9.5 mouse embryo. V, ventricle; AS, amniotic sac; UW, uterine wall. C. Embryos were injected with a PLAP-expressing virus at E10.5. Histochemical staining for PLAP reveals the location of viral infection events.
Viral injections using ultrasound guidance can be conducted from E8.5-E11.5, where only the amniotic sac can be injected at E8.5, while both the amniotic sac and ventricular system can be injected from E9.5-E11.5. When performed correctly, viral particles injected into the ventricular system using ultrasound guidance have access to the cells lining the ventricular system and, therefore, can infect the various structures of the forebrain (neocortex, basal ganglia, diencephalon, eye, etc.), midbrain, and hindbrain (Figure1C). Virus injected into the amniotic sac has access to the cells on the exterior of the embryo. In addition to virus, ultrasound guidance can also be used to inject cells into the developing embryo. Therefore, this technique provides multiple options to choose from (developmental time period, structure, virus/cells) when designing an experiment.
It is critical that the injected virus or cells express a reporter for easy identification of infected/injected cells. Historically, human placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) or GFP have been used. From experience, we have found PLAP can be a very useful reporter gene because both PLAP histochemical and immunohistochemical staining yields a sharp and distinct single cell stain that allows one to analyze cell morphology and position, and to conduct a clonal analysis. Since viral GFP expression can be faint, a GFP reporter may not be ideal for staining tissue, but is useful if one wants to obtain single cells by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS).
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Material Name | Typ | Company | Catalogue Number | Comment |
Micromanipulator | Narishige | 91084361683D | ||
HI-7 pipette holder | Narishige | 9108436141 | ||
10 mm support arm | Carl Zeiss | 9108436206 | ||
IP iron base plate | Carl Zeiss | 9108436167 | ||
CI-1 connector for pipette holder | Carl Zeiss | 9108436257 | ||
1mm ID tubing | Carl Zeiss | 911013 | ||
3-way luer lock stopcock (pkg 10) | Carl Zeiss | K420163-4503 | ||
Motor controller, 2-4 axes | Newport | 860-c2 | ||
Joystick | Newport | PMC200-J | ||
Micrometer adapter | Newport | ADAPT-BM17-375 | ||
Motorized drive | Newport | CMA-25CC | ||
Cable assembly | Newport | 860I-10 | ||
25 mm translation stage | Newport | UMR8-25 | ||
Micrometer | Newport | BM17-25 | ||
Base plate | Newport | M-PBN8 | ||
Inner mounting bracket | Newport | EQ80-I | ||
Outer mounting bracket | Newport | EQ80-E | ||
Man. infusion/withdrawl pump | Stoelting | 51222 | ||
25 μl microsyringe | Stoelting | 51113 | ||
24″x12″x0.5″ metric board plate | Edmund | NT03-640 | ||
Set of self-adjusting feet | Edmund | NT34-841 | ||
Bar-type lens holder | Edmund | NT03-669 | ||
Right angle post clamp | Edmund | NT53-357 | ||
2″ post holder | Edmund | NT03-646 | ||
4” steel post | Edmund | NT36-499 | ||
6” steel post | Edmund | NT36-503 | ||
12/pk set screws, 1/4-20 x 1/2″ | Edmund | NT03-644 | ||
Additional Materials: | ||||
PBS, pH7.4 | Invitrogen | 10010049 | ||
Slide warmer | Fisher Scientific | Numerous options | ||
Double Edge Razor Blades | Electron Microscopy Sciences | 72000 | ||
Borosilicate Glass O.D: 1.0mm, I.D.: 0.05mm | Sutter Instruments | B100-50-10 | ||
1cc Insulin Syringe U-100 27G5/8 | Becton Dickinson | 329412 | ||
Autoclip Applier | Becton Dickinson | 427630 | ||
Autoclips, 9mm (to close skin incision) | Becton Dickinson | 427631 | ||
5.0 Silk sutures | Fisher | S-1173 | ||
Sterilube ophthalmic ointment | Fera pharmaceuticals | 48102-012-35 | ||
MB-10 or equivalent disinfectant | Quip labs | |||
10% bleach | Multiple sources |
“One of the following ultrasound backscatter microscopes can be used for this procedure. Although in the video the P40 from Paradigm-Medical is used, the P40 is no longer commercially available, and has been replaced by the P60, which is similarly priced and can be used for the same application. The additional materials described for stage construction are for use with Paradigm-Medical device(s). The Vevo 2100 comes with equipment for small animal imaging.
Anesthetic and Analgesic
The Nembutal solution (50 mg/mL injectable sodium pentobarbital; produced by Abbott laboratories) can be obtained from Bulter Schein Animal Health. Note that this is a schedule II controlled substance and requires a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) license to obtain.
The Bupivacaine solution (0.25%; produced by Hospira, Inc, among others) can be obtained from a number of distributors, including Moore Medical.