The colony forming cell (CFC) assay is an in vitro assay in which hematopoietic progenitors form colonies in a semi-solid medium. A combination of colony morphology, cell morphology, and flow cytometry are used to assess the ability of the progenitors to proliferate and differentiate along the different hematopoietic lineages.
Human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells are usually obtained from bone marrow, cord blood, or peripheral blood and are used to study hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis. They have the capacity to differentiate into lymphoid and myeloid lineages. The colony forming cell (CFC) assay is used to study the proliferation and differentiation pattern of hematopoietic progenitors by their ability to form colonies in a semisolid medium. The number and the morphology of the colonies formed by a fixed number of input cells provide preliminary information about the ability of progenitors to differentiate and proliferate. Cells can be harvested from individual colonies or from the whole plate to further assess their numbers and differentiation states using flow cytometry and morphologic evaluation of Giemsa-stained slides. This assay is useful for assessing myeloid but not lymphoid differentiation. The term myeloid in this context is used in its wider sense to encompass granulocytic, monocytic, erythroid, and megakaryocytic lineages.
We have used this assay to assess the effects of oncogenes on the differentiation of primary human CD34+ cells derived from peripheral blood. For this purpose cells are transduced with either control retroviral construct or a construct expressing the oncogene of interest, in this case NUP98-HOXA9. We employ a commonly used retroviral vector, MSCV-IRES-GFP, that expresses a bicistronic mRNA that produces the gene of interest and a GFP marker. Cells are pre-activated by growing in the presence of cytokines for two days prior to retroviral transduction. After another two days, GFP+ cells are isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and mixed with a methylcellulose-containing semisolid medium supplemented with cytokines and incubated till colonies appear on the surface, typically 14 days. The number and morphology of the colonies are documented. Cells are then removed from the plates, washed, counted, and subjected to flow cytometry and morphologic examination. Flow cytometry with antibodies specific to the cell surface markers expressed during hematopoiesis provides information about lineage and maturation stage. Morphological studies of individual cells under a microscope after Wright- Giemsa staining provide further information with regard to lineage and maturation. Comparison of cells transduced with control empty vector to those transduced with an oncogene reveals the effects of the oncogene on hematopoietic differentiation.
For Giemsa Staining
Thawing and pre-activation of CD34+ cells
Retroviral transduction by virus pre-loading
Cell sorting and collection of transduced cells
CFC assay
Antibody staining and flow cytometry
Giemsa staining
Figure 1: The effects of NUP98-HOXA9 on human CFC morphology.
Primary human CD34+ cells were retrovirally transduced with either control MSCV-IRES-GFP vector or vector expressing NUP98-HOXA9, and cells were sorted for GFP positivity. One thousand cells were seeded into each of two duplicate plates for CFC assay and the experiment was repeated 3 4 independent times. Representative plates without magnification (left) and low power photomicrographs of representative erythroid colonies (right) are shown (3).
Figure 2: Flow cytometry shows disruption of human primary CD34+ cell differentiation by NUP98-HOXA9.
(A) Flow cytometry for erythroid differentiation: Cells from the CFC plates (see Figure 1) were harvested and stained with antibodies to CD45 and CD235a. The CD235a+ gate was plotted on a histogram (right panel) to show the expression of CD235a relative to control cells (B) Flow cytometry for myeloid differentiation: Cells from the CFC plates were harvested and stained with CD45 and CD33. The CD33+ gate was plotted on a histogram to show CD11b expression compared to control (right panel). The percentages of cells falling within each gate are shown (3).
Figure 3: Cell morphology shows disruption of differentiation by NUP98-HOXA9 compared to vector control.
Cytospin smears were prepared from CFC plates and stained with Giemsa. Photomicrographs were taken from representative fields with a 60x oil objective. B: blast; MM: mature myeloid, IM: intermediate myeloid, ME: mature erythroid, IE: intermediate erythroid (3).
The CFC assay has been used extensively to determine the proliferation and differentiation patterns of hematopoietic progenitors and to study the effects of oncogenes (4, 5). It has the advantage over liquid cultures of being a clonal assay, such that the colonies represent the progeny of a single progenitor and can be individually removed for further analysis. The limitation of the CFC assay is that it is not adequate for the detection of more immature progenitors or hematopoietic stem cells; such cells are detected using the long-term culture-initiating cell (LTC-IC) assay (6, 7). The experiments described here demonstrate that the AML-associated oncogene NUP98-HOXA9 inhibits myeloid and erythroid maturation and causes erythroid hyperplasia (1, 3).
Since the methylcellulose-based culture is relatively long-term and the CFC medium does not contain antibiotics, it is of paramount importance to prevent contamination of the cell cultures, particularly during and after sorting. The slightest bacterial or fungal contamination will overwhelm the culture. Interpretation of flow cytometry and cell morphology requires experience; consultation with trained personnel is recommended. Only FBS that has been pre-screened for suitability to use with primary human myeloid progenitors should be used; the product that we routinely use is listed in the reagents table. Methylcellulose-based CFC media are very viscous and special care should be taken while handling them to mix evenly and eliminate bubbles before pouring into plates. Inclusion of a water dish with the CFC plates in a larger plate is important to prevent drying of the CFC medium during the prolonged incubation.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Material Name | Typ | Company | Catalogue Number | Comment |
IMDM | Life Technologies | 12440 | ||
FBS | StemCell Technologies | 06150 | ||
L-Glutamine | Life Technologies | 25030 | ||
Penicillin/Streptomycin (PS) | Life Technologies | 15140 | ||
FLT-3 ligand | Peprotech | 300-19 | ||
GM-CSF | Peprotech | 300-03 | ||
SCF | Peprotech | 300-07 | ||
TPO | Peprotech | 300-18 | ||
IL3 | Peprotech | 200-03 | ||
IL6 | Peprotech | 200-06 | ||
Bovine Serum Albumin | Sigma- Aldrich | A7030 | ||
EDTA | Fisher Scientific | BP118 | ||
Retronectin | Takara Bio Inc | T100A | ||
HBSS | Life Technologies | 14175 | ||
PBS | Life Technologies | 14200 | ||
Trypan Blue solution (0.4%) | Sigma-Aldrich | T8154 | ||
Methocult GF+ H4435 | StemCell Technologies | 04445 | ||
Human Methylcellulose Enriched Media | R & D Systems | HSC005 | ||
Wright/ Giemsa stain | Harleco | 64571 | ||
Phosphate Buffer Solution, pH 6.4 – Giordano formula | Ricca Chemical Company | 1450 | ||
Methanol | Fisher Scientific | A412-4 | ||
Cytoseal 60 | Thermo Scientific | 8310 | ||
Normal Mouse Serum | Rockland Immunochemicals | D208 | ||
Anti-Human CD11b phycoerythrin-conjugated | BD Biosciences | 555388 | ||
Anti-Human CD33 allophycocyanin-conjugated | BD Biosciences | 551378 | ||
Anti-Human CD45 phycoerythrin-Cy7-congjugated | BD Biosciences | 557748 | ||
Anti-Human CD71 phycoerythrin-conjugated | BD Biosciences | 555537 | ||
Anti-Human CD235a allophycocyanin-conjugated | BD Biosciences | 551336 | ||
Anti-Human CD45 phycoerythrin-Cy7-congjugated | BD Biosciences | 557748 | ||
24-well non-treated tissue culture plates | BD Biosciences | 35-1147 | ||
30 mm non-treated dish | StemCell Technologies | 27150 | ||
100 mm tissue culture dish | Fisher Scientific | 08-757-12 | ||
Gridded scoring dishes | StemCell Technologies | 27500 | ||
15 ml centrifuge tubes | BD Biosciences | 35-2097 | ||
50 ml centrifuge tubes | BD Biosciences | 35-2070 | ||
Syringes 3 ml | StemCell Technologies | 28240 | ||
16 gauge blunt-end, 1½ inch needle | StemCell Technologies | 28110 | ||
50 μm CellTrics cell filter | Partec | 04-004-2327 | ||
Hemocytometer | Fisher Scientific | 0267110 | ||
TPX sample chambers | Thermo Scientific | A78710018 | ||
Fisherbrand Superfrost/Plus Microscope Slides, Precleaned | Fisher Scientific | 12-550-15 | ||
Shandon filter cards | Thermo Scientific | 5991022 | ||
Shandon cytospin slide holder | Thermo Scientific | 59920063 | ||
Shandon Complete Staining Assembly 100 | Thermo Scientific | 100 | ||
Kimwipes | Kimberly-Clark Corporation | 34155 | ||
1 μm filter paper | VWR | 28307-134 | ||
Inverted microscope | Nikon | Diaphot | ||
Microscope camera | Nikon | DS-F11 | ||
Microscope | Olympus | BX51 | ||
Microscope camera | Olympus | DP71 | ||
Scanner | Microtek | Scanmaker 4 | ||
Vortex mixer | Fisher Scientific | 12-812 | ||
Tissue culture incubator | Sanyo | MCO-18AIC | ||
Cytospin | Shandon | Cytospin 2 | ||
Bench-top centrifuge | Eppendorf | 5810-R | ||
Water purification system | Barnstead | Nanopure-Diamond |