This protocol describes how to perform absolute quantification assays of target proteins within complex biological samples using selected reaction monitoring. It was used to accurately quantify proteins of the mouse macrophage chemotaxis signaling pathway. Target peptide selection, assay development, and qualitative and quantitative assays are described in detail.
Absolute quantification of target proteins within complex biological samples is critical to a wide range of research and clinical applications. This protocol provides step-by-step instructions for the development and application of quantitative assays using selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mass spectrometry (MS). First, likely quantotypic target peptides are identified based on numerous criteria. This includes identifying proteotypic peptides, avoiding sites of posttranslational modification, and analyzing the uniqueness of the target peptide to the target protein. Next, crude external peptide standards are synthesized and used to develop SRM assays, and the resulting assays are used to perform qualitative analyses of the biological samples. Finally, purified, quantified, heavy isotope labeled internal peptide standards are prepared and used to perform isotope dilution series SRM assays. Analysis of all of the resulting MS data is presented. This protocol was used to accurately assay the absolute abundance of proteins of the chemotaxis signaling pathway within RAW 264.7 cells (a mouse monocyte/macrophage cell line). The quantification of Gi2 (a heterotrimeric G-protein α-subunit) is described in detail.
Proteomic experiments that use mass spectrometry (MS) can be designed to use either non-targeted (shotgun) or targeted methods. Discovery proteomics generally relies on bottom-up shotgun MS, either by using a traditional data-dependent acquisition mode, or by using one of the recently developed data-independent techniques (e.g., MSE, SWATH)1,2. Shotgun proteomics is a powerful tool for high-throughput peptide identification and relative quantification, but it is generally unsuitable for absolute quantification or for targeting small, defined sets (~tens) of proteins. The MS method most often used for targeted proteomics is selected reaction monitoring (SRM) because of its high sensitivity, speed, and dynamic range3-5. Alternatives to SRM include parallel reaction monitoring, which takes advantage of high-resolution, full MS scanning6.
SRM is usually performed using a nano-flow reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (nano-RP-LC) instrument coupled to a nano-electrospray ionization (nano-ESI) ion source attached to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (QqQ-MS). In a typical experiment, sample proteins are proteolytically digested, and the resulting peptides are chromatographically separated, desorbed, and ionized. The resulting precursor ions are m/z filtered by the first quadrupole (Q1) and fragmented in the second quadrupole (q2) by colliding them with a collision gas. The resulting fragment ions are m/z-filtered in the third quadrupole (Q3) and quantified by a dynode. Each precursor and fragment ion pair is referred to as a transition, and each transition is monitored for a specified time period (the dwell time; typically 2-50 msec). During LC-SRM, the QqQ-MS cycles through a predefined list of transitions (the duty cycle is typically ≤3 sec), and a chromatogram of each transition is produced.
Alternative strategies for protein quantification typically use immunoassays such as dot blots, Western blots, ELISAs, antibody microarrays, reverse phase protein microarrays, microfluidic immunoassays, digital ELISAs, and microsphere-based immunoassays7. The best immunoassays can be significantly more sensitive than LC-SRM, and sample throughput of immunoassays can be significantly higher than that of LC-SRM5. However, developing immunoassays can be expensive and/or time consuming, and the resulting assays can be vulnerable to cross-reactivity and/or interference, incompatible with cell/tissue lysis/homogenization methods, and/or not amenable to multiplexing5,8. Some of these issues can be addressed by coupling antibody- and MS-based techniques. For example, target proteins can be enriched using immunoprecipitation prior to proteolysis and LC-SRM9-12. Alternatively, the SISCAPA technique employs immunoprecipitation subsequent to proteolysis at the peptide level13,14. In addition to immunoenrichment strategies, immunodepletion of high abundance proteins can be employed to increase LC-SRM sensitivity by reducing interference by coeluting analytes15,16.
MS-based protein quantification can be divided into relative and absolute quantification, and also into label-free and stable isotope labeling (e.g., metabolic labeling, chemical labeling, and heavy-labeled protein and peptide internal standards). Label-free techniques can be useful for relative protein quantification, but are unsuitable for accurate absolute quantification. By comparison, labeling techniques have reduced error associated with sample preparation and MS variance, and are often used for relative protein quantification17. For example, stable isotope labeled proteome (SILAP) standards prepared using a cultured human cell line enabled relative quantification of potential biomarkers via LC-SRM of human serum18. Accurate absolute protein quantification by MS requires that purified, quantified, isotopically-labeled protein or peptide internal standards be spiked-into biological samples prior to MS. The incorporation of heavy isotope labeled internal standards into an LC-SRM workflow enables absolute quantification that has been shown to be highly reproducible and transferable between laboratories16,19.
Stable isotope labeled internal standards for absolute protein quantification by MS include peptide standards prepared using solid phase synthesis20, proteins composed of concatenated protease-cleavable peptide standards21, and full-length protein standards22. Target protein covalent modification and incomplete sample preparation (i.e., incomplete sample lysis and homogenization, and incomplete protein solubilization, denaturation, alkylation, and proteolysis) can undermine accurate quantification. Internal protein standards are the least likely to be affected by most of these potential problems, but they are usually the most difficult to prepare. An alternative is to analyze each target protein using multiple internal peptide standards which are designed to include amino- and carboxy-terminal native flanking residues. Regardless of which type of internal standard is employed, it should be spiked-into the biological samples at as early a point during sample preparation as possible. Also, multiple sample preparation techniques (e.g., different denaturation conditions) should be tested. The usage of multiple orthogonal experimental techniques (experimental cross-validation) is a viable strategy for overcoming most potential quantification challenges23-25.
LC-SRM quantification of proteins is a highly flexible technique that has been used in a wide variety of applications. Notably, it has been used to study peptide and protein biomarkers within clinical samples such as serum, core biopsies, and fine needle aspirates5. LC-SRM has also been used to measure the stoichiometry of protein complexes5,26, to detect botulinum neurotoxins27, to quantify protein phosphorylation dynamics within signaling pathways5, and to quantify changes in protein conformation28.
Our laboratory is using LC-SRM to quantify the signaling proteins that mediate macrophage chemotaxis to support the development of chemotaxis pathway simulations. The overall scheme of the protocol (Figure 1) begins with ranking the tentative target peptides. Subsequently, crude external peptide standards are synthesized and used to develop LC-SRM assays for qualitative analyses of biological samples. If the biological sample-derived target peptide is detected, purified heavy-labeled internal peptide standards are prepared for quantitative LC-SRM. This protocol can be used to accurately quantify proteins from a wide variety of biological samples, and to support investigations of a wide variety of protein targets.
NOTE: This method has been previously described56.
1. Peptide Target Selection
2. Preparation of Peptide Standards
NOTE: This section of the protocol describes the preparation of a set of twenty lyophilized peptide standards (each being 1 nmol in quantity) for downstream analyses. For a different number of peptides, or for different peptide quantities, it will need to be adjusted accordingly.
3. LC-SRM Assay Development
4. LC-SRM Assays of Biological Samples
5. LC-SRM Data Analysis
NOTE: Peptide identification and quantification can be highly simplified and partially automated using software such as Skyline, but it is still strongly recommended that all data annotation be manually reviewed. Also, it is best to exclude protein level information during manual annotation of LC-SRM data to prevent bias.
The development of predictive computational models of signal transduction pathways is one of the fundamental goals of systems biology53. Unfortunately, even for signaling pathways that have been studied extensively and have a high clinical significance, it is still not generally possible to quantitatively predict pathway behavior in response to perturbations (e.g., this is true for the MAPK/ERK pathway54). Recently, an investigation employed targeted proteomics, transcriptomics, and computational modeling and simulation to study the mouse macrophage chemotaxis signaling pathway56. The focus of the investigation was sphingosine-1-phosphate mediated chemotaxis of RAW 264.7 cells (a mouse monocyte/macrophage cell line). To facilitate pathway modeling, LC-SRM assays were developed and performed to measure the absolute abundance of the chemotaxis pathway proteins within RAW 264.7 cells. The resulting abundance values were used as parameters of the pathway model.
The overall experimental scheme (Figure 1) began with a list of target proteins, which included Gi2, a heterotrimeric G-protein α-subunit. The success of the overall protocol is highly dependent on the selection of peptide targets that are proteotypic and quantotypic, such as YDEAASYIQSK. Mixtures of external peptide standards were prepared and analyzed by shotgun LC-QqQ-MS(/MS). The resulting YDEAASYIQSK tandem mass spectrum was composed of several fragment ions, and it had a low background (Figure 2). The spectra were used to compose LC-SRM target lists containing the top ten most intense fragment ions per precursor ion.
A mixture of 409 external peptide standards (“JPT409”) was analyzed in triplicate by qualitative LC-SRM (data not shown). This sample included three Gi2 peptides, and the identification of all three was judged to be confident. Subsequently, RAW 264.7 samples (biological replicates “RAW1” and “RAW2”) and the JPT409 sample were each analyzed in duplicate (two LC-SRM technical replicates) by qualitative LC-SRM (these six LC-SRM analyses were performed as similarly as possible). The YDEAASYIQSK peptide was confidently identified in all six analyses (Figures 3A–C). The YDEAASYIQSK transition intensity patterns were consistent across the six LC-SRM analyses, and these were roughly similar to the shotgun LC-MS(/MS) pattern (the “Library” replicate of Figure 3C).
The pattern of transition intensities alone is not always sufficient for the confident identification of a peptide. The peptide hydrophobicity and measured LC retention time must be consistent. Also, the external peptide standards and the corresponding biological sample peptides must have approximately equal retention times. The hydrophobicity (estimated using the SSRCalc version 3.0 100 Å algorithm55) and observed retention time of YDEAASYIQSK were found to be consistent (Figure 4A). Also, the YDEAASYIQSK retention time was measured using both the RAW 264.7 analyses and the analyses of the external peptide standards, and all of the retention time values were approximately equal (Figure 4B).
Most of the qualitative LC-SRM analyses of the biological samples were successful, so corresponding heavy-labeled, purified, quantified internal peptide standards were prepared and spiked-into RAW 264.7 cell lysates. Isotope dilution series LC-SRM was used to analyze samples consisting of the internal peptide standards alone (sample “R0”), the internal and the external peptide standards (sample “R1”), and six RAW 264.7 biological replicates (samples “R2”-“R7”). Two different protein denaturants were used to test for any possible protein solubilization, denaturation, alkylation, and/or digestion issues that might undermine accurate target protein quantification (samples R2-R4 used urea, and samples R5-R7 used RapiGest SF). The light and heavy forms of YDEAASYIQSK contained nearly identical transition intensity patterns and elution profiles (Figures 5A–C). LC-SRM summed peak area ratios were used as a measure of relative peptide abundance, and the YDEAASYIQSK ratios were used to calculate Gi2 abundance values in units of copies per RAW 264.7 cell. In parallel, a second Gi2 internal peptide standard (IAQSDYIPTQQDVLR) was used to perform quantitative Gi2 LC-SRM assays of the same RAW 264.7 samples, and the two assays produced highly similar Gi2 abundance measurements across all of the biological replicates (Figure 5D). The agreement of the two Gi2 assays is strong evidence that both peptides are quantotypic, and that all of the quantitative Gi2 LC-SRM assays were accurate and precise.
Overall, 35 proteins were quantified using 58 internal peptide standards (Table 1). Notably, the LC-SRM assays of the internal protein standard (firefly luciferase; Step 4.11) were accurate and precise. The comprehensive set of Skyline data from this investigation is available at the Panorama online LC-SRM database (in the Manes_RAW_Chemotaxis folder at
Figure 1: Overview of the protocol. Three tentative target peptides for Gi2 (a heterotrimeric G-protein α-subunit) were selected for external peptide standard synthesis. These were analyzed by shotgun LC-MS(/MS) to develop three Gi2 LC-SRM assays, and these assays were used to perform qualitative analyses of biological samples. All three Gi2 target peptides were identified, and two were selected for internal peptide standard preparation. Trypsin-cleavable “JPT-Tags” were used to quantify the internal peptide standards using UV spectrophotometry. The internal peptide standards were used to perform quantitative Gi2 LC-SRM assays of RAW 264.7 samples. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Shotgun LC-MS(/MS). The depicted mass spectrum originated from the analyses of one of the Gi2 external peptide standards (YDEAASYIQSK). For this precursor ion, the top ten most intense transitions were selected for LC-SRM (excluding the a11+ fragment ion due to its short length). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Qualitative LC-SRM of Gi2. The YDEAASYIQSK chromatogram from the JPT409 analyses contained a very low background and the peptide was confidently identified (A). The corresponding RAW 264.7 analyses resulted in more background signal, but the peptide identification was still unambiguous (B). The relative transition intensity patterns were consistent across all six LC-SRM analyses (two technical replicates of three independent samples), and these were roughly similar to the corresponding shotgun LC-MS(/MS) pattern (the “Library” replicate) (C). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Peptide retention time prediction and variation across runs. A linear regression was calculated using the estimated hydrophobicity and measured qualitative LC-SRM elution time of all of the target peptides, and the predicted and measured elution times of YDEAASYIQSK were consistent (A). Additionally, the consistency of the observed elution time of each peptide across the LC-SRM analyses was determined. The elution times of YDEAASYIQSK spanned a range of ~40 sec, which was consistent with the precision of the LC-SRM instrument that was used (values are the peak apex time +/− the full width at half-max, and also the full width at the base of the peak) (B). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Quantitative LC-SRM of Gi2. The transition chromatograms of the biological sample peptide (A) and the internal peptide standard (B) had consistent relative transition intensities, and were summed (C) (depicted is the “R2” analysis for YDEAASYIQSK using 10 fmol internal peptide standard). The light and heavy elution profiles were consistent (C), and the ratio of the area under these curves was used as a measure of the light/heavy peptide abundance. A second Gi2 internal peptide standard (IAQSDYIPTQQDVLR) was used for quantitative LC-SRM in parallel, and the resulting Gi2 abundance values were consistent across both the six biological replicates and the two target peptides (overall, n = 12 and CV = 8.38%) (D). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
UniProt Accession | Target Protein | Target Peptide | Abundance (fmol/μg) | Abundance (copies/cell, normalized) | CV |
P08659 | Luciferase | (UV at 280 nm) | 23.824 | n/a | n/a |
P08659 | Luciferase | VVDLDTGK | 24.103 | n/a | 7% |
P08659 | Luciferase | VVPFFEAK | 24.717 | n/a | 4% |
P60710 | Actin, cytoplasmic 1 | IWHHTFYNELR | 760.448 | 61,762,598 | 3% |
P16858 | GAPDH | LISWYDNEYGYSNR | 357.803 | 28,906,524 | 14% |
P06151 | Lactate dehydrogenase | LLIVSNPVDILTYVAWK | 129.623 | 10,633,145 | 30% |
P99024 | Tubulin β 5 | ALTVPELTQQVFDAK | 78.765 | 6,398,971 | 3% |
P20152 | Vimentin | SLYSSSPGGAYVTR | 121.100 | 9,807,488 | 10% |
P60766 | CDC42 | DDPSTIEK | 86.647 | 6,957,317 | 27% |
P60766 | CDC42 | QKPITPETAEK | 26.475 | 2,153,669 | 6% |
Q8C3J5 | DOCK2 | ETLYETIIGYFDK | 1.459 | 118,539 | 15% |
Q8C3J5 | DOCK2 | ISSSPTHSLYVFVR | 1.795 | 143,440 | 33% |
Q8BPU7 | ELMO1 | ALTTKPSSLDQFK | 2.302 | 186,754 | 7% |
Q8BPU7 | ELMO1 | SAIDISILQR | 1.244 | 99,728 | 25% |
Q8BGM0 | FGR | GAYSLSIR | 1.099 | 89,473 | 17% |
Q8BGM0 | FGR | WTAPEAALFGR | 0.319 | 24,766 | 6% |
P27601 | Gα 13 | GIHEYDFEIK | 0.843 | 68,467 | 15% |
P27601 | Gα 13 | VFLQYLPAIR | 1.295 | 106,176 | 23% |
P08752 | Gα(i) 2 | IAQSDYIPTQQDVLR | 10.900 | 885,701 | 2% |
P08752 | Gα(i) 2 | YDEAASYIQSK | 9.774 | 790,616 | 9% |
Q9DC51 | Gα(k) | EYQLNDSASYYLNDLDR | 6.574 | 537,862 | 15% |
Q9DC51 | Gα(k) | ISQTNYIPTQQDVLR | 3.504 | 285,784 | 10% |
P62874 | Gβ 1 | AGVLAGHDNR | 17.078 | 1,385,578 | 4% |
Q9CXP8 | Gγ 10 | DALLLGVPAGSNPFR | 2.167 | 179,178 | 36% |
P63213 | Gγ 2 | EDPLLTPVPASENPFR | 3.284 | 266,360 | 8% |
Q80SZ7 | Gγ 5 | VSQAAADLK | 6.087 | 493,512 | 6% |
P08103 | HCK | GPVYVPDPTSSSK | 1.143 | 93,044 | 12% |
P08103 | HCK | IIEDNEYTAR | 0.944 | 77,147 | 19% |
P43406 | Integrin α V | AGTQLLAGLR | 0.276 | 22,264 | 32% |
P43406 | Integrin α V | SHQWFGASVR | 0.443 | 34,235 | 5% |
P25911 | LYN | VIEDNEYTAR | 1.461 | 119,377 | 13% |
Q5SW28 | PI3K regulatory 5 | AGFPGILDTASPGK | 0.301 | 24,331 | 11% |
Q8K3B3 | PI3K regulatory α | LYEEYTR | 0.472 | 38,592 | 16% |
Q8K3B3 | PI3K regulatory α | TWNVGSSNR | 0.524 | 42,697 | 12% |
Q8K3B3 | PI3K regulatory α | VLSEIFSPVLFR | 0.440 | 35,902 | 20% |
Q5U3K7 | PI3K regulatory β | DTPDGTFLVR | 0.188 | 15,262 | 30% |
Q5U3K7 | PI3K regulatory β | IAEIHESR | 0.282 | 22,561 | 13% |
Q0VGQ5 | PI3K α | LINLTDILK | 0.102 | 8,494 | 38% |
Q8CI98 | PI3K δ | HEVQEHFPEALAR | 0.178 | 14,566 | 22% |
Q8CI98 | PI3K δ | ITEEEQLQLR | 0.481 | 38,709 | 24% |
Q9ES52 | PIP3 5-phosphatase 1 | IVVLAKPEHENR | 0.486 | 39,194 | 19% |
Q9ES52 | PIP3 5-phosphatase 1 | LSQLTSLLSSIEDK | 2.056 | 167,123 | 7% |
Q69ZK0 | PIP3-dependent Rac GEF 1 | DSVLSYTSVR | 0.647 | 52,712 | 32% |
Q69ZK0 | PIP3-dependent Rac GEF 1 | NQLLLALLK | 0.354 | 27,425 | 5% |
Q9CQE5 | RGS 10 | ASSQVNVEGQSR | 2.460 | 199,782 | 4% |
Q9CQE5 | RGS 10 | WASSLENLLEDPEGVQR | 2.647 | 206,005 | 11% |
Q9CX84 | RGS 19 | AEANQHVVDEK | 0.495 | 39,753 | 21% |
Q9CX84 | RGS 19 | LIYEDYVSILSPK | 0.846 | 68,481 | 22% |
B9EKC3 | Rho GAP 5 | DGLAQELANEIR | 0.448 | 34,653 | 10% |
Q99PT1 | Rho GDI 1 | SIQEIQELDK | 3.156 | 267,063 | 16% |
Q99PT1 | Rho GDI 1 | VAVSADPNVPNVIVTR | 37.077 | 3,006,168 | 5% |
Q61599 | Rho GDI 2 | LNYKPPPQK | 37.975 | 3,086,596 | 3% |
Q61599 | Rho GDI 2 | YVQHTYR | 21.436 | 1,711,908 | 47% |
Q61210 | Rho GEF 1 | FDGAEGSWFQK | 2.149 | 176,139 | 47% |
Q61210 | Rho GEF 1 | SGLELEPEEPPGWR | 2.911 | 236,483 | 8% |
Q9QUI0 | RhoA | QVELALWDTAGQEDYDR | 43.500 | 3,532,438 | 8% |
P70336 | ROCK2 | GAFGEVQLVR | 0.527 | 42,800 | 23% |
P70336 | ROCK2 | IYESIEEAK | 1.011 | 83,794 | 33% |
P70336 | ROCK2 | LEGWLSLPVR | 0.573 | 48,259 | 22% |
Q8R0X7 | S1P lyase 1 | AGYPLEKPFDFR | 1.787 | 147,043 | 27% |
Q8R0X7 | S1P lyase 1 | TPEIVAPESAHAAFDK | 3.562 | 291,791 | 18% |
Table 1: Quantitative LC-SRM of RAW 264.7 cell proteins. Thirty-five RAW 264.7 cell proteins were quantified using fifty-eight internal peptide standards and six biological replicates. Five of the target proteins were housekeeping proteins (actin, GAPDH, lactate dehydrogenase, tubulin, and vimentin), and were quantified to enable normalization across biological samples (Step 1.1). In addition, an internal protein standard was spiked-into each cell lysate and quantified by LC-SRM (4.765 pmol of firefly luciferase per 200 µg sample; 98% pure by SDS-PAGE; quantified spectrophotometrically at 280 nm; Step 4.11). The CV values were calculated across the six biological replicates using the globally normalized abundance values (except for luciferase; Step 5.15).
Absolute protein quantification is essential for a very diverse range of biomedical applications such as biomarker validation and signal transduction pathway modeling. Recently, targeted proteomics using LC-SRM has benefited from improvements to numerous technologies including peptide standard preparation, HPLC, QqQ-MS, and LC-SRM data analysis. Consequently, it has become a powerful alternative to immunoassays. Immunoassays can be extremely sensitive and high-throughput, but developing a robust immunoassay can be extremely challenging because immunoassays can be vulnerable to cross-reactivity and/or interference, incompatible with cell/tissue lysis/homogenization methods, and/or not amenable to multiplexing5,8. For example, the most comprehensive test for cross-reactivity is to perform the immunoassay using samples that originated from gene knockouts, which can be challenging to prepare.
This protocol describes target peptide selection, LC-SRM assay development, qualitative and quantitative LC-SRM, and LC-SRM data analysis. It was used to measure the absolute abundance of 36 chemotaxis pathway proteins within RAW 264.7 cells56, but its applicability extends far beyond this specific application. Though it was designed to quantify proteins within cell pellets, it could be adjusted for the analysis of other biological samples (e.g., biofluids) and other SRM targets (e.g., phosphopeptides). For example, changing the homogenization and/or protein digestion protocol may significantly improve solubilization, denaturation, alkylation, digestion, and quantification of especially difficult target proteins (e.g., membrane proteins), or might enable the analysis of especially challenging samples (e.g., samples containing <100 µg protein mass).
The initial selection of target peptides is critical but can be time consuming. For hundreds of target proteins, an ad hoc score could be used for each criteria, and the tentative target peptides can be ranked based on the sum of the scores, as has been done previously56. Alternatively, this analysis can be automated using PeptidePicker, a web interface that greatly simplifies target peptide selection30 (
After the target peptides have been selected and the LC-SRM assays have been developed, it is critical that qualitative LC-SRM assays of the biological samples be performed because even a highly proteotypic and quantotypic peptide will not be detectable if the protein is expressed at levels below the sensitivity threshold of the instrument, or if the background interference is especially problematic. A second dimension of separation (e.g., strong cation exchange HPLC, high-pH reversed-phase HPLC, and gel-free electrophoresis) can increase proteomic depth, but will require significantly more instrument time and data analysis. Alternatively, an enrichment strategy (e.g., peptide- and protein-level immunoenrichment and cell fractionation) can improve proteomic depth, and immunodepletion of highly abundant proteins can be used to reduce interference by coeluting analytes.
LC-SRM of ~tens of samples for ~hundreds or ~thousands of transitions typically requires extensive instrument time. Though it was not used for this study, LC-SRM scheduling (measuring transitions during pre-specified elution time windows) enables the analysis of more transitions per run. Also, scheduling reduces the SRM duty cycle during relatively vacant periods of the LC gradient, and this can result in improved peptide identification and quantification. However, scheduling requires that the peptide elution time be confidently determined from a qualitative LC-SRM analysis. Subtle changes to the sample preparation, the LC-MS instrument, or the LC-MS method can cause scheduling to crop or even entirely miss target peptides. For example, the biological sample YDEAASYIQSK elution profiles were slightly shifted relative to those of external peptide standard (Figure 4B), possibly due to matrix effects.
In summary, a step-by-step protocol is presented for the development and application of LC-SRM for absolute protein quantification. Absolute quantitation of proteins by LC-SRM has already been demonstrated to be reproducible between laboratories16,19. Proteomics technologies, including sample preparation (e.g., automation), liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and data analysis, are improving rapidly, and is enabling LC-SRM to become practical for large-scale research and clinical applications. The specificity, sensitivity, accuracy, reproducibly, and high-throughput of quantitative LC-SRM makes it a powerful tool for basic research and biomedicine.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This research was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Acetonitrile (ACN), LC-MS grade | Fisher | A955-1 | |
BCA (bicinchoninic acid) protein assay kit | Fisher | 23235 | |
Beads for bead beating, zirconia-silica, 0.1mm | BioSpec Products | 11079101z | |
Bestatin hydrochloride | Sigma | B8385-10MG | |
Cell culture DMEM (with glucose, without L-glutamine) | Lonza | 12-614F | |
Cell culture EDTA, 500mM, pH8 | Gibco | 15575 | |
Cell culture fetal bovine serum (FBS) | Atlanta Biologicals | S11550 | |
Cell culture L-glutamine | Sigma | G8540-25G | |
Cell culture phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 | Gibco | 10010-049 | |
Cell culture Trypan Blue viability stain, 0.4% w/v | Lonza | 17-942E | |
Cellometer Auto T4 cell counter | Nexcelom Bioscience | Cellometer Auto T4 | |
Cellometer Auto T4 disposable counting chambers | Nexcelom Bioscience | CHT4-SD100-014 | |
Dithiothreitol (DTT) | Sigma | D5545-5G | |
Formic acid, LC-MS grade, ampules | Fisher | A117-10X1AMP | |
Hemocytometer, Neubauer-improved, 0.1mm deep | Marienfeld-Superior | 0640030 | |
HEPES, 1M, pH 7.2 | Mediatech | 25-060-CI | |
Hydrochloric acid, 37% w/w | VWR | BDH3028-2.5LG | |
Iodoacetamide | Sigma | I1149-5G | |
Laser Based Micropipette Puller | Sutter Instrument Co. | P-2000 | |
LC Magic C18AQ, 5µm, 200Å, loose media | Michrom Bioresources | PM5/61200/00 | |
LC Halo ES-C18, 2.7µm, 160Å, loose media | Michrom Bioresources | PM3/93100/00 | |
LC coated silica capillary, 50µm id | Polymicro Technologies | 1068150017 | |
LC vial, autosampler, 12x32mm polypropylene | SUN SRI | 200-268 | |
LC vial screw cap, autosampler, pre-slit PTFE/silicone | SUN SRI | 500-061 | |
Luciferase, from Photinus pyralis | Sigma | L9506-1MG | |
Pepstatin A | EMD Millipore | 516481-25MG | |
pH strips colorpHast (pH 0.0-6.0) | EMD Chemicals | 9586-1 | |
PhosStop phosphatase inhibitor cocktail | Roche | 04906837001 | |
RapiGest SF | Waters | 186001861 | |
Sep-Pak SPE, C18 1ml 100mg cartridge | Waters | WAT023590 | |
Sep-Pak SPE, extraction manifold, 20 position | Waters | WAT200609 | |
Sep-Pak SPE, flat-surfaced rubber bulb | Fisher | 03-448-25 | |
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) | Fisher | S318-500 | |
SpeedVac vacuum concentrator | Fisher | SPD111V | |
Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), LC-MS grade | Fisher | A116-50 | |
Trypsin, sequencing grade, modified | Promega | V5113 | |
Tube decapper for Micronic tubes | USA Scientific | 1765-4000 | |
Tubes, 2ml microcentrifuge, o-ring screw-cap, sterile | Sarstedt | 72.694.006 | |
Urea | Sigma | U0631-500g | |
Water, LC-MS grade | Fisher | W6-1 |