Here a switchable acoustic resolution (AR) and optical resolution (OR) photoacoustic microscopy (AR-OR-PAM) system capable of both high resolution imaging at shallow depth and low resolution deep tissue imaging on the same sample in vivo is demonstrated.
Photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) is a fast-growing invivo imaging modality that combines both optics and ultrasound, providing penetration beyond the optical mean free path (~1 mm in skin) with high resolution. By combining optical absorption contrast with the high spatial resolution of ultrasound in a single modality, this technique can penetrate deep tissues. Photoacoustic microscopy systems can have either a low acoustic resolution and probe deeply or a high optical resolution and probe shallowly. It is challenging to achieve high spatial resolution and large depth penetration with a single system. This work presents an AR-OR-PAM system capable of both high-resolution imaging at shallow depths and low-resolution deep-tissue imaging of the same sample in vivo. A lateral resolution of 4 µm with 1.4 mm imaging depth using optical focusing and a lateral resolution of 45 µm with 7.8 mm imaging depth using acoustic focusing were successfully demonstrated using the combined system. Here, in vivo small-animal blood vasculature imaging is performed to demonstrate its biological imaging capability.
High-resolution optical imaging modalities, such as optical coherence tomography, confocal microscopy, and multiphoton microscopy, have numerous benefits. However, the spatial resolution decreases significantly as the imaging depth increases. This is because of the diffuse nature of light transport in soft tissues1,2. The integration of optical excitation and ultrasound detection provides a solution to overcome the challenge of high-resolution optical imaging in deep tissues. Photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) is one such modality that can provide deeper imaging than other optical imaging modalities. It has been successfully applied to in vivo structural, functional, molecular, and cell imaging3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 studies by combining the strong optical absorption contrast with the high spatial resolution from ultrasound.
In PAM, a short laser pulse irradiates the tissue/sample. The absorption of light by chromophores (e.g., melanin, hemoglobin, water etc.) results in a temperature increase, which in turn results in the production of pressure waves in the form of acoustics waves (photoacoustic waves). The generated photoacoustic waves can be detected by a wideband ultrasonic transducer outside the tissue boundary. Utilizing weak optical and tight acoustic focusing, deep-tissue imaging can be achieved in acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy (AR-PAM)14,15,16. In AR-PAM, a lateral resolution of 45 µm and an imaging depth up to 3 mm have been demonstrated15. In order to resolve single capillaries (~5 µm) acoustically, ultrasonic transducers operating at >400 MHz central frequencies are required. At such high frequencies, the penetration depth is less than 100 µm. The problem caused by tight acoustic focusing can be resolved using tight optical focusing. Optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR-PAM) is capable of resolving single capillaries, or even a single cell17, and a lateral resolution of 0.5 µm has been achieved18,19,20,21,22,23,24. The use of a photonic nanojet can help to achieve a resolution beyond the diffraction-limited resolution25,26. In OR-PAM, the penetration depth is limited due to light focusing, and it can image up to ~1.2 mm inside the biological tissue23. Therefore, AR-PAM can image deeper, but with a lower resolution, and OR-PAM can image with a very high resolution, but with limited imaging depth. The imaging speed of the AR and OR-PAM system mainly depends upon the pulse repetition rate of the laser source27.
Combining AR-PAM and OR-PAM will be of great benefit to applications that require both a high resolution and deeper imaging. Little effort has been made to combine these systems together. Usually, two different imaging scanners are used for imaging, which requires that the sample be moved between both systems, thus making it difficult to perform in vivo imaging. However, hybrid imaging with both AR and OR PAM enables imaging with scalable resolutions and depths. In one approach, an optical fiber bundle is used to deliver light for both the AR and OR PAM. In this approach, two separate lasers (a high-energy laser at 570 nm for the AR and a low-energy, high-repetition rate laser at 532 nm for the OR) are used, making the system inconvenient and expensive28. The OR-PAM laser wavelength is fixed, and many studies, such as on oxygen saturation, are not possible using this combined system. Comparative studies between AR and OR PAM are also not possible because of the difference in laser wavelengths between the AR and OR. Moreover, AR-PAM uses bright-field illumination; hence, strong photoacoustic signals from the skin surface limit the image quality. For this reason, the system cannot be used for many bioimaging applications. In another approach to perform AR and OR PAM, the optical and ultrasound focus is shifted, which makes the light focus and ultrasound focus unaligned. Thus, the image quality is not optimal29. Using this technique, the AR-PAM and OR-PAM can achieve only 139 µm and 21-µm resolutions, respectively, making it a poor-resolution system. Another approach, which includes changing the optical fiber and collimating optics, was reported to switch between AR and OR PAM, making the alignment process difficult30. In all of these cases, AR-PAM did not use dark-field illumination. The use of dark-field illumination can reduce the generation of strong photoacoustic signals from the skin surface. Therefore, deep-tissue imaging can be performed using ring-shaped illumination, as the detection sensitivity of deep photoacoustic signals will be higher compare to that of bright-field illumination.
This work reports a switchable AR and OR PAM (AR-OR-PAM) imaging system capable of both high-resolution imaging and low-resolution deep-tissue imaging of the same sample, using the same laser and scanner for both systems. The performance of the AR-OR-PAM system was characterized by determining the spatial resolution and imaging depth using phantom experiments. In vivo blood vasculature imaging was performed on a mouse ear to demonstrate its biological imaging capability.
All animal experiments were performed according to the approved regulations and guidelines of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Animal Protocol Number ARF-SBS/NIE-A0263).
1. AR-OR-PAM System (Figure 1)
2. System Switching and Alignment
3. Experimental Steps
The schematic of the AR-OR-PAM system is shown in Figure 1. In this setup, all components were integrated and assembled in an optical cage setup. The use of a cage system makes the AR-OR-PAM scanning head compact and easily assembled, aligned, and integrated onto a single scanning stage.
Two-dimensional continuous raster scanning of the imaging head was used during image acquisition. The time-resolved PA signals were multiplied by the speed of sound (1,540 m/s) to obtain an A-line. Multiple A-lines captured during the continuous motion of the Y-stage produced the two-dimensional B-scan. Multiple B-scans of the imaging area were captured and stored in the computer and were used to process and produce the MAP photoacoustic images.
To determine the resolution of the switchable system, the MAP image of a single nanoparticle was used31. The photoacoustic amplitude along the central lateral direction of the image was plotted and fitted to a Gaussian function. The FWHM of the Gaussian fit was considered the lateral resolution. The measured lateral resolution for the AR-PAM was 45 µm, as shown in Figure 2a. Similarly, a single nanoparticle image acquired using OR-PAM was fitted along the central lateral direction to determine the resolution of the OR-PAM, as shown in Figure 2b. The measured lateral resolution was 4 µm, determined from the FWHM. The inset of the figure shows the corresponding MAP image of the gold nanoparticle. Theoretically, the optical diffraction-limited lateral resolution for AR-PAM is 45 µm, determined using the following equation: 0.72λ/NA, where λ is the central acoustic wavelength and NA is the numerical aperture of the ultrasonic transducer. The theoretical resolution agrees well with the experimental data. Similarly, the theoretical lateral resolution for OR-PAM is 2.6 µm, as calculated with the following equation: 0.51λ/NA, where λ is the laser wavelength and NA is the numerical aperture of the objective. The experimentally measured lateral resolution for OR-PAM was poorer than the diffraction-limit estimate, which might be due to wavefront aberrations. Since both AR and OR use a similar transducer and acoustic lens, the theoretical axial resolution will be 30 µm according to 0.88c/Δf, where c is the speed of sound in soft tissue and Δf is the frequency bandwidth of the ultrasonic transducer. Additionally, the lateral resolution will vary along the axial direction for both OR-PAM20 and AR-PAM32. The reported lateral resolutions here are on the focal plane.
To determine the imaging depth of the AR-OR PAM system, black tape was placed obliquely onto chicken tissue. Figure 3a shows the photograph of the black tape on chicken tissue. A single B-scan image was captured using both AR-PAM and OR-PAM. Figure 3b and Figure 3c shows the single B-scan PA image of AR-PAM and OR-PAM, respectively. It is evident from Figure 3b that the AR-PAM system can clearly image the black tape down to ~7.8 mm beneath the tissue surface. Similarly, using the OR-PAM system, it was possible to clearly image the black tape down to ~ 1.4 mm beneath the tissue surface (Figure 3c). The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was also determined from the images. SNR is defined as V/n, where V is the peak-to-peak PA signal amplitude and n is the standard deviation of the background noise.The SNR measured at 4.6 mm and 7.8 mm imaging depths were 2.6 and 1.4, respectively. For OR-PAM, the SNR at a 1.4-mm imaging depth was 1.4. To demonstrate the biological imaging capability of the switchable AR-OR PAM system, in vivo blood vasculature imaging was performed on a mouse ear. A photograph showing the vascular anatomy of the living mouse ear used for imaging is shown in Figure 4a. Using AR-PAM, a 10 mm x 6 mm scan region was imaged, with a step size of 15 µm in the Y-direction and 30 µm in the X-direction. The imaging took 10 min to complete. Currently, the imaging system acquires data only in one direction; the acquisition time can be reduced to almost half by modifying the program to have a bi-directional data acquisition capability. A MAP image of AR-PAM is show in Figure 4b. The close-up of the region of interest is shown in Figure 4c. A similar area scanned using OR-PAM, with a step size of 3 µm in the Y-direction and 6 µm in the X-direction, is shown in Figure 4d. The imaging took 46 min to complete. The close-up of the region of interest is shown in Figure 4e. OR-PAM can clearly resolve single capillaries, which AR-PAM cannot resolve. AR-PAM can resolve vessels thicker than 45 µm.
In summary, a switchable AR-OR-PAM system that can achieve high-resolution imaging utilizing tight optical focusing, as well as deep-tissue imaging using acoustic focusing, has been developed. The performance of the switchable AR-OR-PAM system was quantified using lateral resolution and imaging depth measurements. In vivo studies were also performed to show its biological imaging capability. This switchable photoacoustic microscopy system can provide high temporal and spatial resolution, making the system important for applications including the imaging of angiogenesis, drug response, etc., where imaging single capillaries as well as deep vasculatures is important. Further modifications or improvement to the system can be done by replacing the homemade switchable plate with a 10 cm travelling motorized stage (y-axis). The lateral resolution of the OR-PAM can be further improved by correcting the wavefront aberrations. Delivering a higher pulse energy to the AR-PAM will improve the SNR and imaging depths as well.
In the case of OR-PAM, assuming the optical focus is 150 µm below the skin surface for in vivo imaging, the surface spot size was 22.5 µm in diameter. Delivering a single laser pulse of 90 nJ gives a maximum pulse energy of 20.4 mJ/cm2. For AR-PAM, the laser focus was 2 mm in diameter. Delivering a single laser pulse of 50 µJ gives a maximum pulse energy at the focal point of 1.6 mJ/cm2, well within the ANSI safety limit of 20 mJ/cm2,33.
Figure 1: Schematic of the AR-OR-PAM Imaging System. (a) BS: beam sampler, NDF: neutral density filter, RAP – Right angle prism, PD: photodiode, CL: condenser lens, PH: pinhole, FC: fiber coupler, UST: ultrasound transducer, MMF: multimode fiber, SMF: single-mode fiber, DAQ: data acquisition card, TS: translation stage, Con.L: conical lens, L1: convex lens, L2 & L3: achromatic lens, RA: right-angle prism, RP: rhomboid prism, OC: optical condenser, M: mirror, SP: slip plate, LT: lens tube, TM: translation mount, KMM: kinematic mirror mount, and AL: acoustic lens. (b) Photograph of the prototype AR-OR-PAM system. (c) Close-up of the optoacoustic beam combiner. (d) Close-up of the optical condenser with a UST at the center. Reprinted from reference34 with permission. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Lateral Resolution Test of the AR-OR-PAM System: Lateral resolution estimated by imaging gold nanoparticles ~100 nm in diameter. Black (*) dots: photoacoustic signal; blue line: Gaussian-fitted curve for (a) AR-PAM and (b) OR-PAM. The inset shows the representative AR-PAM image in (a) and OR-PAM image in (b) of the single gold nanoparticle. Reprinted from reference34 with permission. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Imaging Depth Measurements: Single B-scan PA image of a black tape inserted obliquely onto chicken tissue. (a) Schematic diagram. (b) AR-PAM image. (c) OR-PAM image. Reprinted from reference34 with permission. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: In Vivo Photoacoustic Image of a Mouse Ear: (a) Photograph of the mouse ear vasculature. (b) AR-PAM image. (c) Close-up of the region of interest (ROI) in (b), as shown by a white dashed line. (d) OR-PAM image. (e) Region of interest (ROI) in (d), as shown by a white dotted line. (f) Close-up image of the ROI white line in (e) showing a single capillary. Reprinted from reference34 with permission. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
In conclusion, a switchable AR and OR PAM system that can achieve both high-resolution imaging at lower imaging depths and lower-resolution imaging at higher imaging depths has been developed. The lateral resolution and imaging depth of the switchable system was determined. The advantages of this switchable PAM system include: (1) the high-resolution imaging using tight optical focusing; (2) the deep-tissue imaging using acoustic focusing; 3) the dark-field illumination for AR-PAM, which prevents strong PA signals from appearing on the skin surface; 4) the ability to keep the sample in one place, without moving it between different systems; 5) the possibility to avoid using multiple lasers and scanning stages; and 6) the minimal use of homemade components. This is the first reported combination of OR-PAM and dark-field AR-PAM that provides high-resolution, shallow-depth images and low-resolution, deep-tissue images of the same sample without moving the sample/object. The use of the same scanning stage and laser makes the system efficient as well as cost-effective. The combined system has a 4 µm lateral resolution with a 1.4 mm imaging depth, as well as a 45 µm lateral resolution with a 7.8 mm imaging depth. The system is made of an optical cage system with minimal homemade components, making it easier to assemble, align, and switch between the AR and OR PAM. The combined scanning head is compact and can easily be assembled on a single scanning stage. Using the combined system, in vivo imaging was successfully demonstrated.
The developed system can be used for pre-clinical imaging. Major preclinical applications include the imaging of angiogenesis, tumor microenvironments, microcirculation, drug response, brain functions, biomarkers, and gene activities. The limitations of the system include the scanning time. A long scanning time is currently needed, but it can be reduced by acquiring data in both directions. Simultaneous image acquisition between OR-PAM and AR-PAM is not possible at present. Currently, manual switching between OR-PAM and AR-PAM is necessary, which can be avoided by using a translation stage that has at least 10 cm Y-directional movement. Critical steps in the protocol include the confocal determination of the optical and acoustic focus; the achievement of an optical spot sizes less than 5 µm for OR-PAM, to image single capillaries; and the design of the optoacoustic beam combiner for the OR-PAM and of the optical condenser for the AR-PAM.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from a Tier 2 grant funded by the Ministry of Education in Singapore (ARC2/15: M4020238). The authors would also like to thank Mr. Chow Wai Hoong Bobby for the machine shop help.
Q-switched Nd:YAG laser | Edgewave | BX80-2-L | Pump laser |
Credo-High Repetition Rate Dye Laser | Spectra physics | CREDO-DYE-N | Dye laser |
Precision Linear Stage | Physik Instrumente | PLS 85 | XY raster scanning stage |
Translation stage | Physik Instrumente | VT 80 | Confocal determine |
Mounted Silicon photodiode | Thorlabs | SM05PD1A | Triggering/Pulse variation |
Motorized continuous Rotational stage | Thorlabs | CR1/M-Z7 | Diverting laser beam |
Mounted Continuously Variable ND Filter | Thorlabs | NDC-50C-4M | Intensity variable |
Fiber Patch Cable | Thorlabs | M29L01 | Multimode fiber |
Microscope objective | Newport | M-10X | Objective |
XY translating mount | Thorlabs | CXY1 | Translating mount |
Plano convex lens | Thorlabs | LA1951 | Collimating lens |
Conical lens | Altechna | APX-2-B254 | Ring shape beam |
Translation stage | Thorlabs | CT1 | Translating stage |
Optical condenser | Home made | ||
Ultrasonic transducer | Olympus-NDT | V214-BB-RM | 50MHz transducer |
Plano concave lens | Thorlabs | LC4573 | Acoustic lens |
Pulser/Receiver | Olympus-NDT | 5073PR | Pulse echo amplifier |
Mounted standard iris | Thorlabs | ID12/M | Beam shaping |
Plano convex lens | Thorlabs | LA4327 | Condenser lens |
Mounted precision pinhole | Thorlabs | P50S | Spatial filtering |
Single mode fiber patch cable | Thorlabs | P1-460B-FC-1 | Single mode fiber |
Fiber coupler | Newport | F-91-C1 | Single mode coupling |
Achromatic doublet lens | Edmund Optics | 32-317 | Achromatic doublet |
Protected silver elliptical mirror | Thorlabs | PFE10-P01 | Mirror |
Right angle kinematic mirror mount | Thorlabs | KCB1 | Mirror mount |
Z-Axis Translation Mount | Thorlabs | SM1Z | z translator |
Lens tube | Thorlabs | SM05L10 | |
UV Fused Silica Right-Angle Prism | Thorlabs | PS615 | Right angle prism |
Rhomboid prism | Edmund Optics | 47-214 | Shear wave |
Dimethylpolysiloxane | Sigma Aldrich | DMPS1M | Silicon oil |
Amplifier | Mini Circuits | ZFL-500LN | Amplifier |
16 bit high speed digitizer | Spectrum | M4i.4420 | Data acquisition card |
Oscilloscope | Agilent Technologies | DS06014A | |
Mice | InVivos Pte.Ltd | ICR | Animal model |
Ultrasound gel | Progress/parker acquasonic gel | PA-GEL-CLEA-5000 | Acoustic coupling |
Water tank | Home made | ||
Translation stage | Homemade | Switching AR-OR | |
Gold nanoparticles | Sigma Aldrich | 742031 | Lateral resolution |
Sterile ocular ointment | Alcon | Duratears | Animal imaging |
1951 USAF resolution test target | Edmund Optics | 38257 | Confocal alignment |
Data acquisition software | National Instrument | Labview | Home made software using Labview |
Image Processing software | Mathworks | Matlab | Home made program using Matlab |