This protocol aims to decellularize the heart and lungs of mice. The resulting extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds can be immunostained and imaged to map the location and topology of their components.
We present here a decellularization protocol for mouse heart and lungs. It produces structural ECM scaffolds that can be used to analyze ECM topology and composition. It is based on a microsurgical procedure designed to catheterize the trachea and aorta of a euthanized mouse to perfuse the heart and lungs with decellularizing agents. The decellularized cardiopulmonary complex can subsequently be immunostained to reveal the location of structural ECM proteins. The whole procedure can be completed in 4 days.
The ECM scaffolds resulting from this protocol are free of dimensional distortions. The absence of cells enables structural examination of ECM structures down to submicron resolution in 3D. This protocol can be applied to healthy and diseased tissue from mice as young as 4-weeks old, including mouse models of fibrosis and cancer, opening the way to determine ECM remodeling associated with cardiopulmonary disease.
The ECM is a three-dimensional network made of proteins and glycans that accommodates all cells in a multicellular organism, giving organs their shape and regulating cell behavior throughout life1. From egg fertilization onwards, cells build and remodel the ECM, and are in turn strictly controlled by it. The purpose of this protocol is to open a way to analyze and map mouse ECM, as mice are the most used model organism in mammalian pathophysiology.
The development of this method was driven by the need to characterize and isolate metastasis-associated native ECM2. As tumors lack proper anatomical vascularization and mice are relatively small organisms, microsurgical procedures were designed to retrogradely catheterize the aorta, while isolating the circulation of the major vessel leading to a tumor (e.g., the pulmonary veins), thus focusing reagent flow and allowing tumor decellularization. This method produces ECM scaffolds with a conserved structure2 that can be immunostained and imaged, allowing ECM structure mapping in submicron detail. To carry out this protocol, it is necessary to acquire surgical and microsurgical skills (dissection, microsuturing and catheterization) that may represent a potential limitation to its use. To our knowledge, this method represents the state-of-the-art for native ECM structure imaging analysis2,3.
All procedures included here have been reviewed and approved by the ethical committee regulating experimental medicine in the University of Copenhagen and agree with Danish and European legislation. To demonstrate this protocol, we have used female BALB/cJ mice of 8-12 weeks of age and an MMTV-PyMT female mouse of 11 weeks of age.
NOTE: Avoiding bacterial contamination of the decellularized ECM scaffold gives the best imaging outcome and allows long-term sample storage. It is therefore important to keep all the steps sterile. As such, all instruments and surgical material, including suture, micro-suture, solutions, tubing, Luer connectors and catheters, must be sterile. Surfaces, including a polystyrene tray, must be disinfected with 70% ethanol, and the perfusion should preferably be carried out under a laminar flow hood. All procedures take place at room temperature unless otherwise indicated.
1. Post-mortem microsurgery
2. Decellularization
3. Immunostaining
4. Imaging
5. Hematoxylin-eosin staining
Cardiopulmonary decellularization
After successfully completing the protocol, the heart and lungs, as well as annex tissue such as the aortic arc, will be free of cells. Decellularization can be validated by hematoxylin-eosin staining (Figure 1) of the ECM scaffolds showing removal of the nuclei comparing to the native tissue. These scaffolds retain the dimensions of fresh organs and its insoluble ECM structure is intact2. Figure 2 shows a schematic representation of the key surgical steps required to successfully perfuse the mouse cardio-pulmonary complex.
ECM Imaging
In a standard setting, secondary antibodies can be used in green, red and far-red fluorescence channels (i.e., 488 nm, 555nm/594 nm and 647 nm wavelength detection); the addition of second harmonics generation (SHG) imaging using 2-photon excitation will reveal fibrillar collagen. Laser excitation can incite tissue autofluorescence and caution must be applied when using it with green fluorescence, as it may confound imaging data. A straightforward way to validate auto-fluorescence is to image an unstained control tissue and set laser intensity and detector gain accordingly and compare this with the antibody staining. However, this autofluorescence can be used as an advantage, as it can expose elastin in lungs scaffolds.
ECM scaffolds showed increased permeability and light penetrability2. Using this protocol with a motorized microscope stage allows for three-dimensional, tiled imaging of whole-mount) samples at submicron resolution (Figure 3). In case sectioning the tissue is necessary (e.g., to image cardiac walls or deep pulmonary parenchyma) tissue should be sectioned with a sharp scalpel before staining is conducted.
Figure 1. Validating decellularization. Hematoxylin-Eosin staining of snap frozen samples from native and decellularized lungs and heart. Notice the absence of nuclei in decellularized samples. All scales in microns. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Micro-surgery schematic showing the key steps required to decellularize the cardio-pulmonary complex. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3. Representative multiple protein immunostaining of decellularized PyMT mouse lungs from a 11-week-old female mouse. Tile mosaic showing the maximum projection of a z-stack. Inset 1 shows the pleura. Inset 2 shows normal parenchyma ECM. Inset 3 shows a bronchiole. The colors have been made accessible for the color blind. All scales in microns. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Decellularization techniques based on tissue agitation alter ECM structure, making them unsuitable for ECM structure analysis4. Perfusion decellularization, using an anatomical route such as the aorta of the trachea, allows to reach the capillary bed, or terminal alveoli, and facilitates the delivery of decellularizing agents throughout the organ. The use of zwitterionic, anionic and non-ionic detergents to decellularize tissue is reported4,5,6, however, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS, anionic) linearizes fibrillar collagen in the mouse fat pad2 but not in the lungs; this suggests the choice of detergent must be optimized, adapting to the target tissue to maintain ECM structure. Tissue clearing methods could conceivably be used for ECM analysis, although they require chemicals that can change ECM cross linking, and tissue dimensions7,8,9. While acquired tissue transparency allows enhanced microscopic imaging, the presence of cells significantly worsens antibody penetration and may cover ECM epitopes/proteins. Isolating and imaging intact ECM permits quantitative analysis of its structure with analytical tools2,10, mapping its composition2 and opens the way for further ECM biochemical examination.
The dissection and ligation of major vessels and the consequent isolation of coronary and pulmonary circulation is necessary to achieve uniform pressure of perfused solutions throughout the tissues. Therefore, this protocol is dependent on the microsurgical expertise of the main operator. It is critical to operate with precision, so as to preserve vessels, lungs and heart intact. Executing this protocol repeatedly to understand the three-dimensional anatomy of the thorax is paramount to obtain consistent results.
The surgical procedure shown here sums the basic steps to access the mouse vasculature1,2 and the organs in its territory. By changing the ligature pattern, it is possible to access the head and neck, the fore limbs and fat pads. Using the same skills, it is possible to decellularize the sub-diaphragmatic organs.
Equally as important is the careful design of the immunostaining setup. We have previously compiled a catalogue of validated antibodies against structural ECM proteins3. The standard setup can reveal up to three proteins and fibrillar collagen simultaneously, enabling cross-examination.
The significance of this method lies in the possibility of obtaining structurally and dimensionally intact ECM scaffolds. The deconstruction of a complex tissue into discreet components is one of the fundamental goals of bioengineering; while it is relatively straightforward to isolate cells, or blood, from an organ, there were no methods to obtain its ECM scaffolding. This was especially true of tumors, but the method presented here opens the way for ECM isolation in any mouse strain for anatomical and biochemical analysis of the ECM.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Prof. Ivana Novak and Dr. Nynne Meyn Christensen (Centre for Advanced Bioimaging (CAB), University of Copenhagen) for providing microscope access. This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC-2015-CoG-682881-MATRICAN; AEM-G, OW, RR and JTE); a PhD fellowship from the Lundbeck Foundation (R286-2018-621; MR); the Swedish Research Council (2017-03389; CDM); the Swedish Cancer Society, Cancerfonden (CAN 2016/783, 19 0632 Pj, and 190007; CDM); German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe; RR); and the Danish Cancer Society (R204-A12454; RR).
6-0 suture, triangular section needle (Vicryl) | Ethicon | 6301124 | |
9-0 micro-suture (Safil) | B Braun | G1048611 | |
Adson forceps | Fine Science Tools | 11006-12 | |
Adson forceps with teeth | Fine Science Tools | 11027-12 | |
Castroviejo microneedle holder | Fine Science Tools | no. 12061-01 | |
CO2 ventilation chamber for mouse euthanasia | |||
Deionized water (Milli-Q IQ 7000, Ultrapure lab water system) | Merck | ZIQ7000T0 | |
Disposable polystyrene tray (~30 × 50 cm) | |||
Dissection microscope (Greenough, with two-armed gooseneck) | Leica | S6 D | |
Double-ended microspatula | Fine Science Tools | 10091-12 | |
Dumont microforceps (two) | Fine Science Tools | 11252-20 | |
Dumont microforceps with 45° tips (two) | Fine Science Tools | 11251-35 | |
Hair clippers | Oster | 76998-320-051 | |
Halsey needle holder (with tungsten carbide jaws) | Fine Science Tools | 12500-12 | |
Intravenous 24-gauge catheter (Insyte) | BD | 381512 | |
Intravenous 26-gauge catheter (Terumo) | Surflo-W | SR+DM2619WX | |
Mayo scissors (tough cut, straight) | Fine Science Tools | 14110-15 | |
Microforceps with ringed tips (two) | Aesculap | FM571R | |
Micro-spring scissors (Vannas, curved) | Fine Science Tools | 15001-08 | |
Minicutter | KLS Martin | 80-008-03-04 | |
Molt Periostotome | Aesculap | D0543R | |
Needles (27 gauge; Microlance) | BD | 21018 | |
Paper towel (sterile) or surgical napkin | |||
Serrated scissors (CeramaCut, straight) | Fine Science Tools | 14958-09 | |
Spatula (Freer-Yasargil) | Aesculap | OL166R | |
Syringes (1 mL; Plastipak) | BD | 3021001 | |
Syringes (10 mL; Plastipak) | BD | 3021110 | |
Tendon scissors (Walton) | Fine Science Tools | 14077-09 | |
Alexa Fluor 488 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG | Thermo Fisher Scientific | A-11055 | |
Alexa Fluor 594 donkey anti-rabbit IgG | Life Technologies | A11037 | |
BSA(albumin bovine fraction V, standard grade, lyophilized) | Serva | 11930.03 | |
Collagen IV polyclonal antibody (RRID: AB_2276457) | Millipore | AB756P | Host: rabbit |
PBS (pH 7.4, 10×, Gibco) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 70011044 | Host: goat |
Periostin polyclonal antibody (a kind gift from Manuel Koch. RRID:AB2801621) | Host: guinea pig | ||
Scalpel disposable with blade no.11 (pcs. 10) | VWR | 233-5364) | |
Serum (normal donkey serum) | Jackson ImmunoResearch | 017-000-121 | |
Tween 20 | Sigma-Aldrich | P9416-50ML | |
Detectors (hybrid detector (Leica, HyD S model) and photomultiplier tubes (PMTs; ) | Leica | ||
Fluorescence light source | Leica | EL6000 | |
Microscope (inverted multiphoton microscope) | Leica | SP5-X MP | |
Objective (lambda blue, 20×, 0.70 numerical aperture (NA) IMM UV) | Leica | HCX PL APO | |
Two-photon Ti–sapphire laser (Spectra-physics, Mai Tai DeepSee model) | |||
White-light laser (WLL) | Leica | ||
70% Ethanol (absolute alcohol 99.9%); absolute alcohol must be adjusted to 70% (vol/vol) using deionized water | Plum | 1680766 | |
Deionized water (Milli-Q IQ 7000, Ultrapure lab water system) | Merck | ZIQ7000T0 | |
Luer-to-tubing male fittings (1/8 inch) | World Precision Instruments | 13158-100 | |
PBS (pH 7.4, 10×, Gibco) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 70011044 | |
Penicillin-streptomycin | Gibco | 15140122 | |
Peristaltic pump (with 12 channels) | Ole Dich | 110AC(R)20G75 | |
Silicone tubing (with 2-mm i.d. and 4 mm o.d.) | Ole Dich | 31399 | |
Sodium Azide | Sigma-Aldrich | 08591-1ML-F | |
Sodium deoxycholate (DOC) | Sigma-Aldrich | D6750-100G | |
Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate | Sigma-Aldrich | L3771-500G | |
4% PFA | Fisher Scientific | 15434389 | |
96% Ethanol | Plum | 201446-5L | |
Absolute ethanol | Plum | 201152-1L | |
Coverslips (24x50mm; 1000 pcs) | Hounisen | 422.245 | |
Cryomolds Intermediate (15 x 15 x 5 mm; 100 pcs) | Tissue-Tek | 4566 | |
Cryostat | Leica | CM3050S | |
DPX mounting medium | Hounisen | 1001.0025 | |
Eosin Y solution alcoholic 0.5% | Sigma | 1024390500 | |
Feather microtome blade stainless steel,C35 (50 pcs) | Pfm medical | 207500003 | |
Fisherbrand Superfrost Plus slides (25 x 75 mm; 144 pcs) |
Thermofisher | 6319483 | |
Mayers hematoxylin | Sigma | MHS32-1L | |
OCT compound | VWR | 361603E | |
Slide scanner (Nanozoomer) | Hamamatsu Photonics | ||
Xylene | Sigma | 534056-4L |