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Encyclopedia of Experiments: Biology

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Multisystem Monitoring of Epileptic Abnormalities in Rabbit: A Method for Simultaneous Video EEG, ECG, Capnography, and Oximetry Recording During Induced Seizures



Before recording the EEG-ECG response to intravenous medication administration, shave the posterior surface of the rabbit's ear and use 70% ethanol to disinfect the site and to dilate the marginal ear vein. Carefully cannulate the marginal ear vein with a 25-gauge angiocatheter and place an injection plug at the end of the catheter. Tape a splint created from three rolled pieces of gauze to the ear to secure the catheter in place, and to hold the ear upright. Inject 1 milliliter of 10 USP units per mL of heparinized saline to keep the catheter patent.

When baseline recording has finished, inject saline supplemented with 1 to 10 mg/kg of the drug of interest into the catheter once every 10 minutes. After each dose, carefully monitor the video-EEG-ECG-capnography-oximetry for any neuro-cardiac, electrical, and respiratory abnormalities, or visual evidence of epileptiform activity. Note these changes in real-time as well as during post-analysis.


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