Peter Kohl

Faculty of Medicine

University of Freiburg

Peter Kohl

Peter Kohl studied Medicine and Biophysics at the Moscow Pirogov Institute and, after post-graduate training and research at the Berlin Charité (PhD 1990, Facharzt 1991), he joined the Cardiac Electrophysiology Chair of Professor Denis Noble at Oxford University. In 1998, Peter set up the Oxford Cardiac Mechano-Electric Feedback lab, initially as a Royal Society Research Fellow, and subsequently as a Senior Fellow of the British Heart Foundation. While at Oxford, he held a Research Fellowship at Keble College (2002-2004) and was the Tutorial Fellow in Biomedical Sciences at Balliol (2004-2010). In 2010, he took up the Chair in Cardiac Biophysics and Systems Biology at the Imperial College London. Since 2015, he directs the newly established Institute for Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine at Freiburg. Peter directs a significant portfolio of externally-funded research (supported, among others, by European Research Council, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and British Heart Foundation). He has been a driver of international collaboration actions, such as the Network of Excellence for the EU Virtual Physiological Human Initiative, whose co-founding director he was. He serves on editorial boards and as a reviewer for international journals, funding bodies, and faculty promotion committees. Peter is the coordinating editor of the primary textbook on Cardiac Mechano-Electric Coupling and Arrhythmias, and he chairs the leading international workshop series on the same topic.


ऑप्टोजेनेटिकल मॉडुलेटेड कार्डियोमायोसाइट गतिविधि का विद्युत मूल्यांकन

1Institute for Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine, University Heart Center Freiburg-Bad Krozingen, Medical Center-University of Freiburg, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, 3Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg

JoVE 60490
