Micromanipulation of yeast cells is needed for meiotic genetic analysis or to select diploid zygotes. These micromanipulations are carried out using the microneedle of a dissection microscope. The microneedle is used to relocate cells and is controlled by a micromanipulator which are available with various degrees of automation.
Construction of diploid strains
Protocol for production of diploids by mating
Sporulation and digestion of asci
Dissection of Asci
Note that the following protocol is described for a Singer MSM System 200 micromanipulation microscope. This protocol can be followed with slight modifications if using a manual micromanipulator such as a Zeiss micromanipulator MR.
Relocation of Zygotes
Representative Results
Figure 1: The mating of two haploid strains of opposite mating types generates a diploid strain.
Figure 2: (A) A YPD plate with thre results of a mating between a temperature sensitive strain (with a leu2 auxotrophy) and a wild type strain (LEU2). Digested cells are spread in the inoculum region on the left where thick growth between the two black lines is seen. Asci that have been dissected grow evenly spaced in the matrix on the right. (B) The plate in (A) was replicated onto an SD -Leucine drop-out plate. Note the 2:2 growth for the LEU2 marker indicating a validated ascospore was dissected. (C) The plate in (A) was replicated onto a YPD plate and incubated at 37°C. Note the 2:2 growth that further validates that an ascospore was dissected.
Yeast dissection is a useful tool to select new strains with desired markers. When determining the theoretical growth pattern of four ascospores it is important to look at the genotype of the vegetative cell. If a plasmid is present, one must know if it is single, low or high copy as this will affect which ascospore(s) receive the plasmid and will affect predictions and conclusions regarding the strains being manipulated.
Certain strains can sporulate better than others producing many ascospores in a short period of time. Other strains may only yield a low percentage of ascospores. This does not have any affect on the experiment as long as enough true asci can be selected. Furthermore, strains respond differently during cell wall digestion and it is necessary to empirically adjust the incubation time in the tetrad juice.
When selecting cells with the desired markers, one should only choose those that come from an asci where the growth pattern of all ascospores correspond to the theoretical growth pattern and from a dissection where the vast majority of all ascospores lead to the expected growth pattern.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Work in the author’s laboratory is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Concordia University.
Material Name | Type | Company | Catalogue Number | Comment |
Singer MSM System 200 | Microscope | Singer Instruments | NA | |
D-sorbitol | Reagent | BioShop | SOR508 | |
Tris | Reagent | BioShop | TRS001 | |
Zymolyase 100T | Reagent | Seikagaku Corporation | 120493 | |
Yeast extract | Reagent | BioShop | YEX401 | |
Peptone | Reagent | BioShop | PEP 403 | |
D-glucose | Reagent | BioShop | GLU501 | |
Yeast nitrogen base | Reagent | BioShop | YNB406 | |
Bio-tryptone | Reagent | BioShop | TRP402 | |
Sodium chloride | Reagent | BioShop | SOD002 | |
Potassium acetate | Reagent | BioShop | POA 301 | |
Agar | Reagent | BioShop | AGR003 | |
Adenine sulfate | Reagent | BioShop | ADS201 | |
L-uracil | Reagent | BioShop | URA 241 | |
L-tryptophan | Reagent | BioShop | TRP 100 | |
L-histidine | Reagent | BioShop | HIS 200 | |
L-arginine | Reagent | Amresco | 0877-100G | |
L-methionine | Reagent | BioShop | MET 222 | |
L-tyrosine | Reagent | BioShop | TYR 333 | |
L-isoleucine | Reagent | BioShop | ISO 910 | |
L-valine | Reagent | BioShop | VAL 201 | |
L-lysine | Reagent | BioShop | LYS 101 | |
L-phenylalanine | Reagent | BioShop | PHA 302 | |
L-glutamic acid | Reagent | BioShop | GLU 202 | |
L-threonine | Reagent | BioShop | THR002 | |
L-leucine | Reagent | BioShop | LEU 222 |