Single fluorophores can be localized with nanometer precision using FIONA. Here a summary of the FIONA technique is reported, and how to carry out FIONA experiments is described.
Fluorescence imaging with one-nanometer accuracy (FIONA) is a simple but useful technique for localizing single fluorophores with nanometer precision in the x-y plane. Here a summary of the FIONA technique is reported and examples of research that have been performed using FIONA are briefly described. First, how to set up the required equipment for FIONA experiments, i.e., a total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM), with details on aligning the optics, is described. Then how to carry out a simple FIONA experiment on localizing immobilized Cy3-DNA single molecules using appropriate protocols, followed by the use of FIONA to measure the 36 nm step size of a single truncated myosin Va motor labeled with a quantum dot, is illustrated. Lastly, recent effort to extend the application of FIONA to thick samples is reported. It is shown that, using a water immersion objective and quantum dots soaked deep in sol-gels and rabbit eye corneas (>200 µm), localization precision of 2-3 nm can be achieved.
Around 1882, Ernst Abbe found that the resolution of a visible light microscope is ~λ/2NA, or ~200 nm (where λ is the wavelength and NA is the numerical aperture)1,2. Therefore any object smaller than this dimension would appear as a diffraction-limited spot in an optical microscope. However, it is possible to determine the center of the spot, that is, the location of the object, with a much higher precision3. Fluorescence imaging with one-nanometer accuracy (FIONA) is a simple but useful technique for localizing single fluorophores with nanometer precision in the x-y plane4. The precision of localization, σµ (i.e., the standard error of the mean), depends on the total number of collected photons, , where N is the photon count, s is the standard deviation of the fluorescent spot, a is the pixel size of the imaging detector, and b is the standard deviation of the background3,4. For a fluorophore emitting ~ 10,000 photons, FIONA can achieve ~1 nm precision4.
FIONA can be used to accurately determine the position of a stationary emitter, or a moving one (assuming images can be taken fast enough). FIONA can be applied sequentially to the frames of the movie and thus track the motion of the single molecule4-8. Photo-protective reagents may be necessary to ensure that the sample does not photodegrade. Furthermore, the fluorescent object itself may be of any size, smaller or larger than the diffraction limit—e.g., it may consist of an organelle (~1 µm) with many fluorescent proteins dispersed on its membrane. Using FIONA can still yield a very accurate (nanometer) average of its average center-of-mass. The great improvement in localization precision by FIONA allows resolving nanometer-scale movements over time. This has pushed microscopy into the molecular length scale4-8.
Since its invention, variants of FIONA have been developed. For example, bright-field imaging with one-nanometer accuracy (bFIONA)9, a slight variant of FIONA, images and localizes dense objects such as melanosomes in vivo (dark objects containing the pigment melanin) with transmitted light. In addition, FIONA has been employed to resolve multiple dyes. For example, single-molecule high-resolution imaging with photobleaching (SHRImP)10,11 or single-molecule high-resolution colocalization (SHREC)12 have been developed to resolve two dyes within about 10 nm. (Notice that this is resolution, i.e. how accurately one can tell identical dyes apart.) More recently, FIONA analysis has contributed to the localization process of certain super-resolution microscopy such as stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM)13-15 and photo-activated localization microscopy (PALM)16, in which temporary dark fluorophores are excited, and then the fluorescence is localized. By repeatedly exciting a fairly low density of dyes (less than one per diffraction limited spot), and then collecting the fluorescence, analyzing each of them by FIONA, one can build up a high-resolution map. The resolution is then just limited by the number of photons each dye puts out, as well as things like keeping the sample stationary (including, e.g., the microscope stage) during the acquisition.
In this paper, a summary of the FIONA technique and briefly describe examples of research that have been performed using FIONA is reported. First, how to set up the required equipment for FIONA experiments, i.e., a total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM), with details on aligning the optics, is described. Then how to carry out a simple FIONA experiment on localizing immobilized Cy3-DNA single molecules using appropriate protocols, is illustrated. After that, the use of FIONA to measure the 36 nm step size of a single truncated myosin Va motor labeled with a quantum dot is presented. Myosin Va is an essential processive motor protein which carries cellular cargo while translocating along actin filaments. Here a myosin Va construct truncated is used to remove domains irrelevant to the step size, and with a FLAG tag added to the C-terminus to allow ease of labeling with quantum dots functionalized with Anti-FLAG antibodies. This experiment is done under low ATP to slow down the myosin and allow the use of long enough exposure times to get a good photon count in every frame. Any sufficiently bright fluorescent label could be substituted in the following protocol. Lastly, recent effort of extending the application of FIONA to thick samples is reported. As a proof-of-principle, quantum dots were soaked in sol-gels and rabbit eye corneas and then imaged and localized using FIONA. For imaging, a 60X water immersion objective with NA=1.2 was used because this objective has a longer working distance than previously used 100X oil immersion objective. To compensate the loss in the magnification in the objective, an extra-magnification lens (3.3X or 4.0X) was inserted in the emission path. In addition, epi-fluorescence (not TIR) microscopy needs to be used to access deep regions in the thick samples. It is shown that quantum dots soaked deep in sol-gels and in rabbit eye corneas (Z > 200 µm) can be localized with 2-3 nm precision.
Ethics Statement: The cornea tissue from rabbits was collected in accordance with the University of Illinois Institutional Animal Care and Use guidelines.
1. TIRFM Setup
NOTE: Wear laser-safety goggles all the time.
Figure 1. Optical configuration for total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM).
2. FIONA on Cy3-DNA
Figure 2. Sketch of a typical sample chamber. (a) Top view; (b) Side view from the right; (c) Side view from the front.
3. FIONA Applied to Quantify Motor (e.g., Myosin on Actin) Dynamics at Nanometer Scale
4. Thick Sample Preparation for FIONA
A typical objective-type TIRFM setup is shown in Figure 3. First, surface-immobilized Cy3-DNA sample was imaged. A typical image is shown in Figure 4a. The image was taken with exposure time 0.5 sec, with EM gain = 50 and CCD sensitivity = 12.13 for the camera. The point-spread-function (PSF) of a single Cy3-DNA molecule is shown in Figure 4b (from the spot indicated by the arrow in Figure 4a), where the color-bar shows the scale of pixel intensities. The actual photon counts could be calculated by multiplying the pixel intensities by a conversion factor, α = CCD sensitivity / EM gain. This spot contains approximately 14,000 photons (after correction for the background).
The PSF is then fitted with a two-dimensional Gaussian function, f(x,y) = z0 + A·exp(-(x-µx)2 / (2sx2) – (y-µy)2 / (2sy2)), as shown in Figure 4c (with fitting residuals shown in Figure 4d). The precision of localization is then calculated by , where i = x or y, si is the standard deviation of the fitting, N is the total photon number, a is the pixel size, and b is the standard deviation of background. In this specific example, N = 14,528, a = 106.67 nm, sx = 115.5 nm, sy = 109.4 nm, b = 18.9, resulting in localization precisions of σx = 1.3 nm and σy = 1.2 nm. The localization precision of a fluorophore is approximately proportional to 1/√N, i.e., the more photons are, the more precise localization is. However, in actual applications of FIONA, duration of experimental observation is another consideration. Therefore one should in general realize the tradeoff between localization precision and observation duration and plan ahead. In such situations, it is usually helpful to determine how many photons in total a fluorophore is able to emit before photobleaching. A typical trace of photon count vs. frame is shown in Figure 4e. An exponential fitting gives that the average photon number ~1.4 x 106 (Figure 4f).
The data analysis process of myosin step-size measurement is shown in Figure 5. First, a video file with good signal-to-noise of a single myosin as it walks along an actin filament is captured. Figure 5a shows three frames from a video taken at 100 msec exposure with 100X oil immersion objective. The moving PSF is then tracked through the cropped video file using a custom code written in IDL to extract distance versus time information, which is put through a T-test for steps. Figure 5b shows with the distance versus time (red) and step-finder output (white). Localization errors in each frame obscures the staircase shape of the trace, so it is critical to achieve a photon count in each frame which corresponds to a localization error less than half of the theoretical step size one wishes to see. Figure 5c shows steps from several traces combined into one histogram that is Gaussian-distributed about the true myosin step size. A Gaussian fit to the histogram bins yields a final step size measurement of 35.8 ± 0.4 nm.
Because sol-gel and cornea samples are transparent, excitation lasers can penetrate deep into the samples without being scattered too much. In addition, the auto-fluorescence from the sample is minimized. When labeled with low concentration of quantum dots, it is possible to collect fluorescence from Qdots deep in the sample with high signal to noise ratio. The use of water objective gives us the working distance of 270 or 280 µm, which means that it is possible to focus as far as 280 µm away from the coverslip. This allows us to perform FIONA analysis on quantum dots in thick samples. For quantum dots in a sol-gel sample, localization precision of 1-2 nm near the coverslip and 2-3 nm at 280 µm deep into the sample (Figures 6a-6b) is achieved. For quantum dots in a biological sample (part of a cornea from a rabbit eye, Figure 6e), localization accuracy of 1-2 nm near the coverslip and 2-3 nm at ~223 µm deep into the sample (Figures 6c-6d) is achieved. It is noted that the localization precision is improved by using the extra magnification lens, without which a localization precision of 6-7 nm was obtained. This is consistent with previous numerical studies showing that the localization precision can be improved by changing the effective pixel size from ~200 nm to ~50 nm even if the total number of collected photons might be lower due to additional reflections/refractions18.
Figure 3. Optical configuration. The optical configuration of total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. a) is a picture when laser is in TIRF condition and b) is the beam shape of laser on the ceiling when laser is in epi-illumination.
Figure 4. Localization of immobilized Cy3-DNA. a) CCD image (256 x 256 pixels) of Cy3-DNA. b) CCD image of a single Cy3-DNA molecule, indicated by the yellow arrow in a). c) Fitting the point spread function of the single Cy3-DNA molecule with a two-dimensional Gaussian function. d) Fitting residuals from c). e) Photon count vs. frame number. f) Distribution of the number of photons emitted by Cy3 molecule before photobleaching. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5. Myosin walking observed by FIONA. a) Frames from example data file corresponding to t = 0 sec, 30 sec, and 60 sec. The myosin-qdot construct is moving in along a straight path and has a good photon count (>5,000) in every frame. b) Application of FIONA to each frame yields a distance versus time trace which is plotted in red. A step-finding algorithm based on the T-test is used to then extract individual steps, and the output is overlaid in white. Step sizes are labeled in white in units of nanometers. c) Steps from multiple traces are combined in a histogram. The measured step sizes are Gaussian-distributed about 35.8 ± 0.4 nm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6. FIONA analysis on quantum dots deep in thick samples. a) Fluorescent image of QD 605 in sol-gel at Z = 280 µm with 90X magnification. b) The point spread function of the QD marked in a). σx = 2.6 nm, σy = 2.3 nm. Each unit in the X and Y axis represents 266.7 nm. c) Fluorescent image of QD 655 in rabbit cornea tissue at Z = 223 µm with 360X magnification. d) The PSF of the QD marked in c). σx = 2.2 nm, σy = 3.6 nm. Each unit in the X and Y axis represents 44.4 nm. e) Pictures of the cornea tissue mounted on a coverslip. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
FIONA is a technique to localize the position of a fluorescent emitter (organic fluorophore or quantum dot) with nanometer precision and temporal resolution down to 1 msec4-8. When enough photons are collected, this technique allows to determine the position of a fluorescent emitter much more accurately than the diffraction limit (~200 nm) and thus this technique opens a way to observe what has not been seen with conventional/traditional optical microscopy4-8. Since its invention, FIONA has been successfully applied to observing walking of many molecular motors, such as myosins and kinesins. More recently, it, together with other work3,19, contributed to the localization process of certain emerging super-resolution techniques such as STORM and PALM13-16.
The critical step to achieve FIONA lies in the number of collected photons, which is affected by various factors. For example, the TIRFM setup used for FIONA experiments should be well aligned such that a good PSF (i.e. not-stretched, not-stigmatized, etc.) is achieved and a reasonable signal-to-noise-ratio is obtained. In addition, an objective with a high NA value should be used in order to collect as many photons as possible.
To collect more photons and thus to increase localization precision, different oxygen scavenger methods and reagents have been explored to suppress photobleaching and blinking20-22. Two different oxygen-scavenging methods have been used in our lab. One is “gloxy” solution (glucose oxidase and catalase)20. The other is PCA/PCD described above22. The former works immediately after mixing but the pH of the solution changes over time. The latter keeps the solution chemically unchanged but an incubation time of 8 to 10 min is required.
As shown here, it is also possible to extend FIONA for thick samples using a 60X water immersion objective with NA = 1.2. This objective has a longer working distance (0.27 mm) than previously used 100X oil immersion objective (0.17 mm). To work on thick samples, epi-fluorescence microscopy needs to be used. Although the advantage of low background of TIRFM is sacrificed, nanometer localization precision is still achievable while using bright quantum dots. This extension will be useful in thick tissue imaging and medical applications.
The application of FIONA is limited in a few aspects. First of all, as the localization-precision depends on the total number of collected photons, the temporal resolution of FIONA is usually compromised. Second, FIONA alone can only be applied to sparsely labeled samples. In other words, FIONA will fail if multiple fluorophores are close enough such their PSFs overlap. In addition, the scattering of emission light limits the application of FIONA in thick-tissue-imaging.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by NIH Grants 068625, NSF Grants 1063188 and Center of the Physics of Living Cells 0822613. Special thanks go to Dr. Marina Marjanovic in Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology for the gift of rabbit eyes.
Name of Material/ Equipment | Company | Catalog Number | Comments/Description |
Double-sided tape | 3M | — | ~ 75 um thick |
EMCCD camera | Andor Technology | DU-897E-CS0-#BV | |
Ultrasonic cleaner | Branson | 2510 | |
Fluorescence filter set | Chroma | 49016 | |
Actin polymerization buffer | Cytoskeleton | BSA02 | |
Biotin G-actin | Cytoskeleton | AB07 | |
G-actin | Cytoskeleton | AKL95 | |
General actin buffer | Cytoskeleton | BSA01 | |
Laser shutter (with driver) | Electro-Optical Products Corp. | SH-10-MP | |
IDL | Exelis Visual Information Solutions | — | |
Neutravidin | Fisher Scientific | PI-31000 | |
Coverslip | Fisherbrand | 22X30-1.5 | 0.16-0.19 mm thick |
Microscope slide | Gold Seal Microslides | 30103X1 | 0.93-1.05 mm thick |
Plasma cleaner | Harrick Plasma | PDC-001 | |
Glass bottom dish | In Vitro Scientific | D35-20-1.5-N | |
Cy3-DNA oligos | Integrated DNA Technologies | — | 5'-Cy3/GCCTCGCTGCCGTCGCCA-3'Bio |
Fluorescent beads | Invitrogen | T-7280 | |
Qdot 605-streptavidin | Invitrogen | Q10101MP | |
Qdot605 | Invitrogen | Q21301MP | |
Qdot705 | Invitrogen | Q22021MP | |
Qdot705 Antibody Conjugation Kit | Invitrogen | Q22061MP | |
Matlab | MathWorks | — | |
Optical table | Newport Corp | — | RS4000 Series |
60X Objective | Nikon | Plan Apo VC 60x WI | |
100X Objective | Olympus | PlanApo 100X/1.45 Oil ∞/0.17 | |
60X Objective | Olympus | UPlanApo 60X/1.20W | |
Inverted microscope | Olympus | IX71/IX70/IX81 | |
Origin | OriginLab | — | |
Anti-FLAG antibody | Sigma Aldrich | F7425-.2MG | |
ATP | Sigma Aldrich | A7699 | |
BME | Sigma Aldrich | 63689-25ML-F | |
BSA | Sigma Aldrich | A7906 | |
BSA-biotin | Sigma Aldrich | A8549-10MG | |
CK | Sigma Aldrich | C3755 | Creatine Phosphokinase from rabbit muscle |
CP | Sigma Aldrich | P1937 | Phosphocreatine di(tris) salt |
DTT | Sigma Aldrich | 43815 | DL-Dithiothreitol |
EGTA | Sigma Aldrich | E3889 | Ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid |
HCl | Sigma Aldrich | 93363-500G | |
HEPES | Sigma Aldrich | H0887 | |
KCl | Sigma Aldrich | P9333 | |
MgCl2 | Sigma Aldrich | M1028 | |
NaCl | Sigma Aldrich | S7653 | |
PCA | Sigma Aldrich | 03930590 | Protocatechuic acid |
PCD | Sigma Aldrich | P8279 | Protocatechuate-3,4-dioxygenase |
TMOS | Sigma Aldrich | 341436-25G | Tetramethyl orthosilicate |
Tris-HCl | Sigma Aldrich | 93363 | |
Trolox | Sigma Aldrich | 238813 | 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchromane-2-carboxylic acid |
1” diameter broadband dielectric mirrors with mounts | Thorlabs | BB1-E02, KM100 | Quantity: 2 |
½” diameter posts | Thorlabs | TR4 | Quantity ≥ 6 |
10x beam expander | Thorlabs | BE10M-A | |
2” diameter broadband dielectric mirrors with mounts | Thorlabs | BB2-E02, KM200 | Quantity: 2 |
2” diameter f = 300 mm lens with mount | Thorlabs | LA1256-A, LMR2 | TIR lens |
Fluorescent alignment target | Thorlabs | VRC2SM1 | |
Laser safety goggles | Thorlabs | LG3 | |
ND filter(s) | Thorlabs | FW1AND | |
Optical beam profiler | Thorlabs | BP209-VIS | |
Post-mounted iris diaphragm | Thorlabs | ID25 | Quantity: 2 |
Shearing interferometer | Thorlabs | SI100 | |
XYZ translation stage, ½” travel | Thorlabs | T12XYZ | |
Laser | World Star Technologies | TECGL-30 | 532 nm, 30 mW |