

Published: December 21, 2016


We propose a protocol for reprogramming peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). By plating the transduced blood cells onto matrix-coated plates with centrifugation, iPSCs are successfully induced from floating cells. This technique suggests a simple and effective reprogramming protocol for cells such as PBMCs and CBMCs.






因此,对于进一步使用的iPSC的,则需要用采集方便的细胞来源。由于它是通过一个相当微创手术7-9获得的血液被视为理想的细胞来源。在这项研究中,我们开发了一个简单的修改协议产生外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)iPS细胞。没有特定的细胞类型,例如CD34 +细胞的困难扩张过程中,全血细胞或外周血单个核细胞中连续通过离心用含有山因子的仙台病毒转导之后镀上涂覆基质的平板。这种方法减少了所需的时间转导的漂浮细胞的附着和重编程的细胞是不能够自己附加的损失减少。


伦理学声明:本研究方案被批准由韩国天主教大学(KC12TISI0861)的机构审查委员会。 1.血单核细胞的分离单核细胞的分离(-5天) 从在细胞制备管(CPT)抽血获得至少10毫升新鲜血液。 血液转移到一个新的50毫升锥形管中,用在一个1的无菌磷酸盐缓冲盐水(PBS)稀释:4的比例。 注:稀释液的比例越高,可用于较高的纯度。 10毫升密度梯度介质添加到一个新?…

Representative Results

该协议提供了一个简单的方法来重新编程从血液中分离外周血单个核细胞。利用串行电镀和离心的组合,成功地产生的iPSC。用这种方法,可以与全血细胞的少量生成的iPSC无需分离或扩大特定的细胞类型。我们在一个小细胞培养板成功生成iPS细胞仅1×10 4个细胞。 重新编程之前,血细胞用密度梯度介质隔离。血细胞分离…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by a grant from the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning (2013R1A1A1076125).


100mm Dish TPP  93100
6-well Plate TPP 92006
50 mL Cornical Tube SPL 50050
15 mL Cornical Tube SPL 50015
10 mL Disposable Pipette Falcon 7551
5 mL Disposable Pipette Falcon 7543
12-well Plate TPP 92012
24-well Plate TPP 92024
PBMC Isolation Materials
DPBS Life Technologies 14190-144
Ficoll GE Healthcare 17-1440-03
StemSpan STEMCELL Technologies 9805 Blood cell media
CC110 STEMCELL Technologies 8697 Blood cell media supplement (100x)
iPSC Generation and Culture Materials
CytoTune-iPSC Sendai Reprogramming Kit Life Technologies A16518
TeSR-E8 Media STEMCELL Technologies 5940 iPSC media
Vitronectin Life Technologies A14700
ROCK Inhibitor Sigma Aldrich Y0503
TrypLE express (TrypLE) Life Technologies 12604-039
ReleSR STEMCELL Technologies 12604-039 Colony detaching solution
Quality Control Materials
18 mm Cover Glass Superior HSU-0111580
4% Paraformaldyhyde Tech & Innovation BPP-9004
Triton X-100 BIOSESANG 9002-93-1
Bovine Serum Albumin  Vector Lab SP-5050 
Anti-SSEA4 Antibody Millipore MAB4304
Anti-Oct4 Antibody Santa Cruz SC9081
Anti-TRA-1-60 Antibody Millipore MAB4360
Anti-Sox2 Antibody Biolegend 630801
Anti-TRA-1-81 Antibody Millipore MAB4381
Anti-Klf4 Antibody Abcam ab151733
Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) antibody Molecular Probe A11029
Alexa Fluor 594 goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) antibody Molecular Probe A11037
DAPI Molecular Probe D1306
Prolong gold antifade reagent Invitrogen P36934
Slide Glass, Coated  Hyun Il Lab-Mate HMA-S9914
Trizol Invitrogen 15596-018
Chloroform Sigma Aldrich 366919
Isoprypylalcohol Millipore 109634
Ethanol Duksan 64-17-5
RevertAid First Strand cDNA Synthesis kit Thermo Scientfic K1622
i-Taq DNA Polymerase iNtRON BIOTECH 25021
UltraPure 10X TBE Buffer  Life Technologies 15581-044
loading star Dyne Bio A750
Agarose Sigma-Aldrich 9012-36-6
1kb (+) DNA ladder marker Enzynomics DM003
Alkaline Phosphatase Millipore SCR004
Tris base Fisher Scientific BP152-1 Rinse Buffer
Sodium Chloride Duchefa Biochemie S0520.1000 Rinse Buffer
Tween-20 BIOSESANG T1027 Rinse Buffer
Hydrochloric Acid Duksan 1129 Rinse Buffer


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Rim, Y. A., Nam, Y., Ju, J. H. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Generation from Blood Cells Using Sendai Virus and Centrifugation. J. Vis. Exp. (118), e54650, doi:10.3791/54650 (2016).

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