Here, we present a protocol to perform a quantitative analysis of the level of plasma-membrane association for fluorescently-tagged peripherally-associated protein. The method is based on the computational decomposition of membrane and cytoplasmic component of signal observed in cells labeled with plasma membrane fluorescent marker.
This method provides a fast approach for the determination of plasma membrane partitioning of any fluorescently-tagged peripherally-associated protein using the profiles of fluorescence intensity across the plasma membrane. Measured fluorescence profiles are fitted by a model for membrane and cytoplasm fluorescence distribution along a line applied perpendicularly to the cell periphery. This model is constructed from the fluorescence intensity values in reference cells expressing a fluorescently-tagged marker for cytoplasm and with FM 4-64-labeled plasma membrane. The method can be applied to various cell types and organisms; however, only plasma membranes of non-neighboring cells can be evaluated. This fast microscopy-based method is suitable for experiments, where subtle and dynamic changes of plasma membrane-associated markers are expected and need to be quantified, e.g., in the analysis of mutant versions of proteins, inhibitor treatments, and signal transduction observations. The method is implemented in a multi-platform R package that is coupled with an ImageJ macro that serves as a user-friendly interface.
Peripherally-associated plasma-membrane proteins are the key components of cell signaling pathways. One of their fundamental roles is their transient plasma membrane association and dissociation, which is important for the signal transduction between plasma membrane and cytoplasm. Peripherally-associated plasma membrane proteins can be attached on plasma membrane by lipid anchors (N-myristoylation, S-acylation, or prenylation) or by lipid binding domains (interacting with phosphatidylinositol phosphates, phosphatidic acid, etc.).
Plasma-membrane binding properties of these proteins can be examined in vivo, e.g., when a fluorescently-tagged protein is modified by a site-directed mutagenesis of key amino acids, or when it is treated with various inhibitors affecting lipid signaling. The distributions of peripheral plasma membrane proteins are mostly being evaluated qualitatively, especially in cases, when protein re-distribution is obvious. The presented method is optimal for situations when protein re-distribution is only partial and quantitative evaluation is necessary. A frequently used approach of when plasma membrane association is estimated from confocal laser scanning microscopy images as a ratio of fluorescence intensities at the plasma-membrane and in the cytoplasm1,2, is simple, but not accurate. Fluorescence intensities at the plasma membrane reflect a superposition of the plasma-membrane and cytoplasm signal due to the light diffraction characteristic for the particular fluorescence microscopy technique and optical elements used3. Consequently, the cytoplasmic signal is included also in the membrane region. For this reason, FM 4-64 staining pattern cannot be used as a mask for a membrane signal selection4. Furthermore, simple measurements of membrane signal at the position defined by the FM 4-64 staining maximum always systematically overestimate the real plasma-membrane signal of peripherally-associated plasma-membrane protein due to the superposition of the membrane and cytoplasmic compound. The maximum of observed signals for fluorescently-tagged peripherally-associated proteins also does not co-localize with the maximum of the plasma membrane marker (i.e., FM 4-64 styryl dye), but is shifted towards the cytoplasm. Another limitation is based on the fact that the FM 4-64 emission peak is wider in comparison with the emission peaks for green fluorescent proteins such as GFP due to the wavelength-dependency of light diffraction3.
In the method described here, the tagged protein signal is fitted by two empirical functions describing a hypothetical distribution of the plasma membrane and cytoplasm signal, respectively. This signal decomposition is applied to linear fluorescence profiles that are applied to the cell surface perpendicularly to the plasma membrane in source images, which are regular, two-channel confocal sections of fluorescently-tagged protein expressing cells labeled with FM 4-64 dye.
The first function used for fitting describes a diffraction of a cytoplasm signal on the cell edge. It is obtained from previously acquired fluorescence profiles that were measured in cells expressing a cytoplasm protein marker tagged by the same chromophore as the plasma membrane peripherally-associated protein of interest. The second function describing a diffraction of a plasma-membrane signal is derived from the fluorescence of FM 4-64. This signal is firstly approximated by a Gaussian function that is being used for an approximate modeling of light diffraction of a point source. Secondly, this model, valid for red FM 4-64 emission, is mathematically transformed to the form that is relevant for an emission wavelength of the chromophore used for the tagging of peripherally-associated proteins of interest at the plasma membrane. Both functions are normalized by the maximal intensity and by the mean from 10% of the highest values for FM 4-64 signal and cytoplasmic protein signal, respectively. By this signal decomposition (non-linear least square fitting method), the ratio of the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm fraction of the examined protein can be estimated easily and accurately. The real physical dimension of computed partitioning coefficient is in the range of micrometer, because cytoplasmic volume concentration is compared with surface concentration on the plasma membrane. It defines the distance from the plasma membrane to the cytoplasm, within which the same amount of proteins is localized as in the adjacent area of the plasma membrane. This value is equivalent to the partitioning coefficient K2 introduced previously5. The method is very quick, requiring only single confocal sections acquired using routine confocal laser scanning microscope, and it is not computationally demanding. The analysis core has been implemented in a portable R package and an additional ImageJ macro was written to provide graphical user interface to run the analysis from the intuitive dialogs. Software and more detailed description of the method (published previously6) can be found at
The method is suitable for isolated cells, protoplasts, and tissues, where the plasma membrane of individual cells is clearly distinguishable, expressing a fluorescently-tagged construct of examined peripherally-associated protein. A chromophore compatible with FM 4-64 staining must be used. FM 4-64 emits red fluorescence; therefore, examined protein can be tagged by a fluorescence protein with blue, green, or yellow emission (e.g., GFP, CFP, YFP). Stable transformation of biological material is recommended because it enables less artificial and more reproducible observations of protein distribution. It is necessary that the examined protein has a relatively homogeneous cytoplasmic distribution. The localization of a protein in the endoplasmic reticulum or another intracellular membrane compartment can produce artificial results.
Additionally, the same biological material expressing a cytoplasmic marker must be used for the comparison. Cells can be transformed by a free chomophore (the same as used for peripheral protein tagging, e.g., free GFP) or by tagged protein of interest with abolished membrane binding capacity. Membrane binding capacity can be abolished, for example, by trimming of the membrane-binding domain or by site-directed mutagenesis of key amino acid residua (e.g., sites for N-myristoylation, S-acylation, or prenylation, etc.).
For confocal scanning microscopy, cells must be labeled by a membrane marker like FM 4-64 dye. If FM 4-64 staining is not suitable for the studied material (due to interfering autofluorescence, poor dye penetration, etc.), the plasma membrane can be labeled, for example, by integral plasma membrane protein tagged to an appropriate chomophore (mCherry, RFP, etc.). It is essential that the marker has negligible localization in the intracellular membrane compartments (endomembranes).
If working with fixed samples and antibodies, fixable analogue FM 4-64FX or plasma membrane labeling by antibody against an appropriate target can be used. In this case, it is essential to evaluate results very carefully because fixation procedures can lead to selective loss of proteins from both the cytoplasm and the plasma membrane.
1. Preparation of Biological Material
2. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
3. Required Software Installation
4. Image Analysis in Fiji
DREPP10 is a plant-specific peripherally-associated plasma-membrane protein that is associated with the plasma membrane via an N-myristoylation and an electrostatic interaction with phosphatidylinositol phosphates11,12. DREPP was described as a component of calcium-signaling machinery in the plant cell and also interacts with the cytoskeleton13,14. In the presented experiment, the wild-type tobacco DREPP2 and its non-myristoylated mutant version (Gly2 substituted by Ala) were GFP-tagged6 and expressed in tobacco BY-2 suspension cells15 under the CaMV 35S promotor16. The plasma membrane partitioning of these proteins were measured in 3-day-old (3 days after dilution), FM 4-64-labeled (8 µM) cell cultures6 with (Figure 1A) and without (Figure 1B) the addition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitor Wortmannin (10 µM)17, according to the protocol described above. The trimmed version DREPP2(Δ1-23) lacking the plasma membrane binding domain6 was used as a cytoplasm marker for the fluorescence distribution model construction (Figure 1C).
Computed data were square-root transformed (the positive value corresponding to the lowest negative value was added to all data to retrieve only positive data), and data were tested by two-way ANOVA in R9. The effects of the mutation and inhibitor treatment were highly significant (p <2.2 x 10-16 ***). All groups were compared by Tukey HSD test; all groups differed significantly with the exception of DREPP2 treated by Wortmannin and non-treated DREPP2(G2A) (Figure 1D).
These results clearly show that the plasma-membrane association of tobacco DREPP2 protein is the result of a N-myristoylation and electrostatic interaction, which are functioning co-operatively. Only the mutual effect of the N-myristoylation site mutation and Wortmannin treatment caused a full dissociation of the DREPP2 protein from the plasma membrane. These results are in accordance with previously published data6.
Figure 1: Effect of the mutation in the N-myristoylation site and Wortmannin treatment on the plasma membrane partitioning of peripherally-associated plasma-membrane protein DREPP, which is involved in a calcium signaling pathway in the plant cell. (A) Medial confocal sections of tobacco BY-2 cells expressing the wild type form DREPP2-GFP and the mutant form DREPP2(Gly2Ala)-GFP (green channel). Cells were labeled with FM 4-64 dye (magenta channel), scale bar 10 µm. (B) The same cell line was treated by 10 µM Wortmannin (WM). (C) Cells expressing cytoplasmic marker DREPP2(Δ1-23). (D) The estimated plasma membrane partitioning for all samples. The significance of both effects was tested by two-way ANOVA (p <2.2 x 10-16 *** in both cases; the original data were square root-transformed). Letters indicate groups that are not significantly different from each other as determined by the Tukey HSD test. Whiskers of the box-plots indicate 95% confidence interval. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The method described here generates a more accurate estimation of plasma membrane partitioning for peripherally associated proteins compared to other approaches based on measuring fluorescence intensities5. The major improvement of this method is that it takes into account the light diffraction and superposition of the plasma-membrane and the cytoplasmic signals. Although these method results are in correlation with results of a simple method based on the comparison of fluorescence intensity at the membrane position with the average cytoplasmic signal (as shown previously6), the major benefit of this novel method is the determination of the residual variability (unexplained by signal decomposition) that allows the estimation of the relevancy of the results, especially where the plasma membrane signal is lower than the cytoplasmic signal. The described method is also more robust to the signal noise because the computation of protein partitioning is not based on only one point.
The analysis requires only single two-channel confocal images. In contrast to FRAP approaches18 based on measurements of protein diffusion dynamics in longer time windows, the described method is more applicable for dynamic in vivo approaches, when fast image acquisition is a critical requirement (e.g., signal transduction explorations, inhibitory assays). The method is suitable for quickly obtaining large amounts of data that are sufficient for statistical evaluation.
The method is limited to only a single membrane. The analysis of signals from two closely adjacent membranes of neighboring cells is currently not supported. In this case, the signal fitting is more demanding with a higher risk of artifacts.
However, the analysis was originally designed for plant suspension cells15, and it may be applied for analyses of other cell types as well. Pollen tubes and root hairs represent potentially very good targets of this method in plant biology. External membranes of plant epidermal cells can be analyzed after previous verification that the cell walls are not labeled by FM 4-64 and do not exhibit interfering autofluorescence. Protist cells that are free of interfering autofluorescence, yeast cells, fungal cells, as well as animal cells with smooth plasma membrane may be analyzed using the described method; however, for animal cells the analysis of protein distribution on the leading edge of fibroblast cells or on the brush border of epithelial cells cannot be possible. Due to the flexible analysis settings, FM 4-64 staining may be replaced by other plasma membrane visualization approaches, such as fluorescently tagged proteins. With caution, the method can be used for fixed cells.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This project was supported by NPU I, LO1417 (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic).
FM 4-64 | ThermoFisher Scientific | T13320 | Plasma membrane dye |
Dimethyl sulfoxide | Sigma-Aldrich | D4540 Sigma | Dye solvent |
Ordinary equipment (microscopic slides, pipettes, tips, tubes) | Equipment for cell labelling and microscopy | ||
Confocal laser scanning microscope | |||
Ordinary computer |