We present a high-throughput, in vitro method for quantifying regional pulmonary deposition at the lobe level using CT scan-derived, 3D printed lung models with tunable air flow profiles.
Development of targeted therapies for pulmonary diseases is limited by the availability of preclinical testing methods with the ability to predict regional aerosol delivery. Leveraging 3D printing to generate patient-specific lung models, we outline the design of a high-throughput, in vitro experimental setup for quantifying lobular pulmonary deposition. This system is made with a combination of commercially available and 3D printed components and allows the flow rate through each lobe of the lung to be independently controlled. Delivery of fluorescent aerosols to each lobe is measured using fluorescence microscopy. This protocol has the potential to promote the growth of personalized medicine for respiratory diseases through its ability to model a wide range of patient demographics and disease states. Both the geometry of the 3D printed lung model and the air flow profile setting can be easily modulated to reflect clinical data for patients with varying age, race, and gender. Clinically relevant drug delivery devices, such as the endotracheal tube shown here, can be incorporated into the testing setup to more accurately predict a device’s capacity to target therapeutic delivery to a diseased region of the lung. The versatility of this experimental setup allows it to be customized to reflect a multitude of inhalation conditions, enhancing the rigor of preclinical therapeutic testing.
Many pulmonary diseases such as lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exhibit regional differences in disease characteristics; however, there are a lack of therapeutic techniques available to target drug delivery to only diseased regions of the lung1. Multiple computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models have demonstrated that it is possible to modulate drug deposition profiles by identifying specific streamlines in the lung2,3. Development of both inhalers and endotracheal (ET) tube adaptors with regional targeting capabilities are on-going in our lab to control aerosol distribution to diseased lung regions. Extension of these principles to clinical use is limited by current preclinical testing capacity. The precise location a drug deposits within the lung is known to be the best predictor of efficacy; however, current pharmaceutical assessments of inhalable therapeutics are most often predicted using in vitro-in vivo correlations of particle size to merely approximate deposition4. This technique does not allow for any spatial analysis to determine the effects of different airway geometries on regional distribution through the various lobes of the lung. Additionally, this testing lacks anatomically accurate lung geometries, which researchers have shown can have a significant impact on deposition profiles5. Some efforts have been made to incorporate patient-specific lung geometries into testing protocols through the addition of the upper airways; however, most of these approaches sample aerosol delivery to various generations of the lung rather than each lung lobe6,7,8. The following protocol presents a high-throughput method of generating patient-specific lung models with the capacity to quantify relative particle deposition in each of the five lobes of the lung9.
Anatomically accurate model lungs are generated by 3D printing patient computed tomography (CT) scans. When used in conjunction with an easily assembled flow system, the relative flow rates through each of the model lung’s lobes can be independently controlled and tailored to mimic those of different patient demographics and/or disease states. With this method, researchers can test the efficacy of potential therapeutic methods in a relevant lung geometry and correlate each method’s performance with the progression of diseased morphology. Here, two device designs developed in our lab are tested for their ability to increase deposition in a desired lung lobe by controlling the location of aerosol release in the mouth or trachea. This protocol also has the potential to significantly impact the development of personalized procedures for patients by facilitating the rapid prediction of treatment efficacy in a model lung specific to that patient’s CT scan data.
1. Preparation of 3D printed experimental components
NOTE: All software used in the protocol are indicated in the Table of Materials. Additionally, the slicing software utilized is specific to the 3D printer listed in the Table of Materials; however, this protocol can be extended to a wide range of stereolithography (SLA) 3D printers.
2. Assembly of tubing system for flow rate control
3. Assembly of lobe outlet caps with patient lung model
NOTE: This portion of the protocol must be completed prior to every experimental run.
4. Generation of clinically relevant air flow profile
NOTE: This portion of the protocol must be completed prior to every experimental run.
5. Delivery of aerosol to the lung model
NOTE: Experiments must be performed in a fume hood with the sash closed to minimize exposure to any aerosols generated by the nebulizer.
6. Outlet filter paper imaging
7. Quantification of particle deposition
Particles in this size range (1-5 μm) and flow conditions (1-10 L/min) follow the fluid stream lines based on both their theoretical Stokes number and in vivo data; therefore, in the absence of a targeted delivery device, particles released into the lung model are expected to deposit according to the percentage of total airflow diverted to each lobe. The relative amounts of particle delivery to each lobe can then be compared to clinical lobe flow rate data obtained through analyzing patient-specific high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scans10. A validated experimental set-up will yield a non-targeted particle deposition profile that has no statistically significant difference from the clinical air flow profile. Validation data is presented for two distinct flow conditions: 1 L/min in a healthy lung (Figure 4A) and 1 L/min in a lung affected by COPD (Figure 4B). Under both these conditions, the experimentally determined deposition profile was not statistically different from the clinical data, demonstrating that the set-up accurately mimics the distribution of air flow to each of the lung lobes. These baseline deposition profiles served as the control against which targeted particle deposition profiles are compared.
To illustrate this protocol’s ability to quantify changes in regional pulmonary deposition, data were included for the testing of two different targeting devices: a modified endotracheal (ET) tube (Figure 5B) and a concentric cylinder device (Figure 5E). Both these devices featured a 2 mm ID outlet with tunable location for targeted particle release. The modified ET tube was assessed with the intubated lung model for its ability to target particle deposition to both the Left Lower (LL) Lobe and Right Lower (RL) Lobe. Compared to the non-targeted particle deposition profile, this device generated a nearly four-fold increase in LL Lobe delivery (T-test p=0.004, n=3) in addition to diverting over 96% of delivered particles to the Left Lung (T-test p=0.0001, n=3) (Figure 5A). Altering the release location setting to target the RL Lobe, this device generated more than doubles particle delivery to the RL Lobe (T-test p=0.02, n=3) and diverted 94% of delivered particles to the Right Lung (T-test p=0.0005, n=3) (Figure 5C). This indicates that the device is highly successful in producing the intended deposition profile modulation. The concentric cylinder device was tested in the full lung model with an intended target of the Left Upper (LU) Lobe. Compared to the non-targeted particle deposition profile, this device caused a nearly three-fold increase in LU Lobe delivery (T-test p=0.0003, n=3) in addition to diverting over 87% of delivered particles to the Left Lung (T-test p=0.002, n=3) (Figure 5D). Targeting efficiency can also be observed qualitatively by comparing the images of the target lobe filter to the other outlet filters. As depicted in Figure 3, the most effective targeting method will yield high particle deposition at the intended lobe of interest and low deposition at the remaining lobe outlets. For further demonstrations of the capabilities of this protocol, please see the experiments performed by Kolewe et al9.
Figure 1: 3D printed experimental components. (A) Patient CT scan converted into 3D part file using CT scan and mesh editing software. (B) Lung model with lobe outlet modifications made in mesh editing and 3D modeling software. (C) Lung model with inlet modified in 3D modeling software to reflect an intubated patient. (D) Barbed tubing connection and (E) cap designed in 3D modeling software. (F) Cross-section of 3D model depicting the interlocking nature of the lung model outlets with the cap and barbed tubing connection. (G) Exploded view of lung model outlet cap assembly. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Assembly of experimental setup. (A) Schematic of experimental setup including (1) nebulizer, (2) lung model, (3) outlet caps, (4) flow meters, (5) valves, (6) manifold, (7) flow controller and (8) a vacuum pump. (B) Fully assembled setup. (C) Close-up of lobe outlet with assembled cap. (D) Lung model with all caps added. (E) Close-up of tubing network for setting lobe outlet flow rates. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Filter paper image processing. The raw images presented were collected during an experiment to target the left lung using 1 μm fluorescent polystyrene particles at 1 L/min under a healthy breathing profile. The “high” and “low” deposition images depict the LL and RU Lobe filters, respectively. The “good” threshold, applied with a range of 43 to 255, maintains defined edges between individual particles and avoids detection of filter paper fibers. The “poor” threshold, applied with a range of 17 to 255, obscures individual particle borders and overestimates the fluorescent area of the filter. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Experimental setup validation. (A) Validation results for healthy patients and (B) a COPD patient at 1 L/min. All data presented are mean ± SD with three replicates (excepting clinical COPD data, where only one patient was reported). Clinical reference data for healthy and COPD patients were obtained from Sul, et al10. Data sets were compared using Sidak’s Multiple Comparisons Test, and all differences are not significant. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Example data for targeting experiments. (A) Left Lower Lobe and (C) Right Lower Lobe targeting achieved using (B) a modified ET tube delivery system. (D) Left Upper Lobe targeting achieved using (E) a concentric tube delivery system. For all three data sets, the inner ring represents the non-targeted deposition profile obtained during setup validation, and the outer ring represents the deposition profile produced with the addition of the indicated targeting device. Means of three replicates for each setup are shown. Data sets were compared using Sidak’s Multiple Comparisons Test and a Student T-test assuming equal variance. All three setups produced a significant increase in delivery to the lobe of interest: LL Lobe (T-test p=0.004, n=3), RL Lobe (T-test p=0.02, n=3), and LU Lobe (T-test p=0.0003, n=3). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The current state-of-the-art device for pulmonary pharmaceutical testing of a complete inhalation dose is the Next Generator Impactor (NGI), which measures the aerodynamic diameter of an aerosol4. This sizing data is then used to predict the lung generation at which the aerosol will deposit based on a correlation developed for a healthy adult male11. Unfortunately, this method is limited in its ability to assess differences in regional lung deposition, determine the effects of disease conditions on pharmaceutical delivery, and predict deposition profiles for various age groups, races, and genders12,13,14. The protocol outlined here has the capacity to fulfill these testing needs by allowing researchers to generate tunable, anatomically accurate lung models with the ability to quantify relative deposition at the lobe level, based on fluid flow behavior previously demonstrated in computational models3,5,15. Using this method, pharmaceutical dosage and delivery can be better assessed for pediatric and diseased lung geometries prior to entering clinical trials.
As shown in Figures 4 and Figure 5, lobe-level deposition can be accurately and rapidly measured for both targeted and non-targeted inhalation aerosols. In the absence of a targeting device, particles in this size range (1-5 μm) and flow conditions (1-10 L/min) follow the fluid streamlines and total airflow profile diverted to each lobe (Figure 4). Notably, various inhaler devices and ET tube attachments can be developed to concentrate inhaled medicines to controlled lobe locations. As described in our recent work and those of others, many features of the inhaler device, flow profile, and airway geometry contribute to targeted deposition behavior2,3,9,16. In general, efficient regional targeting as demonstrated by our unique in vitro models requires a narrow aerosol size distribution and low inhalation flow rates to avoid airway turbulence specifically found within the trachea. Inclusion of the full upper airway within our in vitro model allows for accurate recreation of these airflow patterns that are known to influence downstream lobe-level distribution9. Because of these complex flows, recent work has demonstrated increased targeting from below the glottis9. Our results in Figure 5 specifically highlight the benefit of using an ET tube adaptor to regionally target individual lobes from release below the glottis, with efficient lobe-specific targeting shown for lobes of both the right and left lungs at efficiencies ranging between 62-74% of the total dose. This represents an increase over previously experimentally reported mouth-release regional targeting efficiencies and is an important avenue for clinical implementation of this approach9. Importantly, the protocol allows for experimental lobe distribution measurements of a complete pharmaceutical dosage from a wide range of potential regional targeting devices beyond those demonstrated here.
With only a CT scan, a patient-specific lung model can be quickly 3D printed to test a potential therapeutic delivery method. This protocol will not only provide an experimental lab-scale approach to support design of new inhaler devices, but also create opportunity for on-demand personalized inhalation devices in clinical practice. The hard resin used in this protocol costs ~$0.12/mL; therefore, hospitals with existing 3D printing infrastructure could print a lung model for as little as $15 in materials17 and assemble a personalized airway in under a day. Notably, printing times and material costs in additive manufacturing continue to decrease rapidly, increasing the overall feasibility of this approach. Our experimental set-up can be easily modified to reflect a number of airflow conditions through utilizing a different lung model or air flow distribution setting, following the experimental validation shown in Figure 4. Differences in lung flow profiles and geometries due to characteristics such as age, race, and sex are well documented in literature and can be readily incorporated into our modelling approach18,19,20. Specifically, geometric variations in the larynx, pharynx, and trachea of lung models can have a significant impact on airflow and subsequent regional deposition patterns15,21,22, which this protocol is well-equipped to detect. Thus, incorporation of this personalized modelling approach is expected to have significant impact on the development of customized inhalation therapeutics.
Here, the lobe flow rates were altered to reflect those of a COPD disease state characterized by decreased air flow to the lower lobes (Figure 4B), but COPD patient-derived CT scans could also be used to more accurately mimic the diseased lung architecture and possible obstructions23. With a library of patient lung models and flow profiles, the effects of disease progression on delivery efficiency can be investigated. There is a wide range of open source scans available from organizations, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA)24. While these models currently can only replicate patient geometry up to the second or third generation to adequately measure lobe-level distribution, work is ongoing to develop modifications that can incorporate the lower airways for more detailed analysis. This protocol can also incorporate clinically relevant drug delivery devices such as an ET tube as depicted in Figure 5B. Researchers can evaluate multiple delivery devices to reveal characteristics that may increase or decrease treatment efficiency. For example, targeting effectiveness is reduced when attempted in the full lung model as opposed to the intubated lung model (Figure 5). This difference indicates that bypassing the glottal region avoids areas of turbulent mixing that diminish targeting ability.
This protocol is limited by its inability to accurately mimic the biological air-liquid interface. As a result, aerosols that normally deposit by inertial impaction may instead bounce off the rigid walls of the lung model25. To ameliorate this, future directions include exploring surface modifications and coatings to mimic the mucosal layer of the lung epithelium. Coatings such as silicon oil and glycerin have been investigated for the prevention of particle bounce in an NGI and could easily be incorporated onto the 3D printed lung models26. Other techniques such as bioprinting and culturing cells on 3D printed models are being investigated for their ability to incorporate a cellular response into the protocol27. Additionally, this protocol uses equipment optimized for flow rates of 1-15 L/min; in the future, higher flow rates of 30-60 L/min, the normal range of peak inspiratory flow rates, could be used by switching out the control valves and flow meters for ones appropriate for the desired flow rate range28,29. With the flow controller model used, the system is only capable of modeling inspiration rather than a full cyclical breathing cycle. Incorporation of transient breathing patterns through the use of a ventilator or more complex flow system would likely improve the accuracy of experimental results with respect to particle deposition efficiency30. Lastly, deposition experiments have only been performed with monodisperse fluorescent polystyrene spheres ranging in size from 1-5 μm. Deposition quantification relies on aerosol fluorescence, so the use of this protocol with non-fluorescent aerosols may require the incorporation of a fluorescent label such as fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) for analysis31. However, additional analytical techniques could be applied to analyze the filter depending on the aerosol composition, such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and or mass spectrometry.
Our protocol demonstrates the first in vitro experimental setup with the ability to quantify lobular pulmonary deposition in a patient-specific lung geometry. Achieving controlled lobe-level distribution is expected to increase therapeutic efficacy of inhalation therapeutics, which will only be achieved through advances in in vitro whole-dose measurements. With the growing interest in personalized medicine, this protocol has the potential to spur the development of new targeted lung therapies by allowing for more accurate predictions of potential treatment efficacy.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors thank Professor Yu Feng, Dr. Jenna Briddell, Ian Woodward, and Lucas Attia for their helpful discussions.
1/4" Plastic Barbed Tube Fitting | McMaster Carr | 5372K111 | |
10 um Filter Paper | Fisher | 1093-110 | |
1um Fluorescent Polystyrene Particles | Polysciences | 15702-10 | |
1um Non-Fluorescent Polystyrene Particles | Polysciences | 8226 | |
2-Propanol | Fisher | A516-4 | Referred to in protocol as "IPA" |
3/8" Plastic Barbed Tube Fitting | McMaster Carr | 5372K117 | |
Air Flow Meter (1 – 280 mL/min) | McMaster Carr | 41695K32 | Referred to in protocol as "flow meter" |
Carbon M1 3D Printer | Carbon 3D | https://www.carbon3d.com/, Associated software referred to in protocol as "slicing software" | |
Collison Jet Nebulizer | CH Technologies | ARGCNB0008 (CN-25) | 6 Jet MRE style horizontal collision with glass jar, Referred to in protocol as "nebulizer", http://chtechusa.com/Manuals/MRE_Collison_Manual.pdf |
Convection Oven | Yamato | DKN602 | |
Copley Critical Flow Controller TPK2000 Reve 120V | MSP Corp | 0001-01-9810 | Referred to in protocol as "flow controller" |
Copley High Capacity Pump Model HCP5 | MSP Corp | 0001-01-9982 | Referred to in protocol as "vacuum pump" |
Cytation | BioTek | CYT5MPV | Multifunctional Spectrophotometer/Fluorescent imager equiped with 4x/20x/40x objectives and DAPI/GFP/TexasRed laser/filter cubes |
EPU40 Resin | Carbon 3D | https://www.carbon3d.com/materials/epu-elastomeric-polyurethane/, Referred to in protocol as "soft resin" | |
Filter for vacuum pump | Whatman | 6722-5000 | |
Flow Meter Model DFM 2000 | MSP Corp | 0001-01-8764 | Referred to in protocol as "electronic flow meter" |
ImageJ Software | ImageJ | https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/download.html | |
Inline Air Flow Control Valve (Push-to-Connect) | McMaster Carr | 62005K333 | Referred to in protocol as "valve" |
Inline Filter Devices | Whatman | WHA67225000 | |
Marine-Grade Plywood Sheet | McMaster Carr | 62005K333 | Referred to in protocol as "wooden board" |
Materialise Mimics Software | Materialise | https://www.materialise.com/en/medical/mimics-innovation-suite, Referred to in protocol as "CT scan software" | |
Meshmixer Software | Autodesk | http://www.meshmixer.com/, Referred to in protocol as "mesh editing software" | |
Methanol | Fisher | A454-4 | |
Opticure LED Cube | APM Technica | 102843 | Referred to in protocol as "UV oven" |
PR25 Resin | Carbon 3D | https://www.carbon3d.com/materials/uma-urethanemethacrylate, /Referred to in protocol as "hard resin" | |
PVC Tube for Chemicals | McMaster Carr | 5231K161 | 1/4" ID |
Screws | |||
SolidWorks Software | Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation | https://www.solidworks.com/, Referred to in protocol as "3D modeling software" | |
Straight Flow Rectangular Manifold | McMaster Carr | 1125T31 | |
Tubing to Flow Controller | McMaster Carr | 5233K65 | 3/8" ID |
Wire |