Here, we present the extraction and preparation of polar and semi-polar metabolites from a coral holobiont, as well as separated coral host tissue and Symbiodiniaceae cell fractions, for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis.
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)-based approaches have proven to be powerful for elucidating the metabolic basis of the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis and how coral responds to stress (i.e., during temperature-induced bleaching). Steady-state metabolite profiling of the coral holobiont, which comprises the cnidarian host and its associated microbes (Symbiodiniaceae and other protists, bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses), has been successfully applied under ambient and stress conditions to characterize the holistic metabolic status of the coral.
However, to answer questions surrounding the symbiotic interactions, it is necessary to analyze the metabolite profiles of the coral host and its algal symbionts independently, which can only be achieved by physical separation and isolation of the tissues, followed by independent extraction and analysis. While the application of metabolomics is relatively new to the coral field, the sustained efforts of research groups have resulted in the development of robust methods for analyzing metabolites in corals, including the separation of the coral host tissue and algal symbionts.
This paper presents a step-by-step guide for holobiont separation and the extraction of metabolites for GC-MS analysis, including key optimization steps for consideration. We demonstrate how, once analyzed independently, the combined metabolite profile of the two fractions (coral and Symbiodiniaceae) is similar to the profile of the whole (holobiont), but by separating the tissues, we can also obtain key information about the metabolism of and interactions between the two partners that cannot be obtained from the whole alone.
Metabolites represent the end products of cellular processes, and metabolomics – the study of the suite of metabolites produced by a given organism or ecosystem – can provide a direct measure of organismal functioning1. This is particularly critical for exploring ecosystems, symbiotic interactions, and restoration tools, as the goal of most management strategies is to preserve (or restore) specific ecosystem service functions2. Coral reefs are one aquatic ecosystem that demonstrates the potential value of metabolomics for elucidating symbiotic interactions and linking coral physiological responses to community-level and ecosystem-level impacts3. The application of high-throughput gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is especially valued due to its capacity to rapidly analyze a broad range of metabolite classes simultaneously with high selectivity and sensitivity, provide rapid compound identification when spectral libraries are available, and provide a high level of reproducibility and accuracy, with a relatively low cost per sample.
Corals are holobionts consisting of the coral animal, photosynthetic dinoflagellate endosymbionts (family: Symbiodiniaceae4), and a complex microbiome5,6. Overall, the fitness of the holobiont is maintained primarily through the exchange of small molecules and elements to support the metabolic functioning of each member7,8,9,10. Metabolomic approaches have proven especially powerful for elucidating the metabolic basis of symbiosis specificity9,11, the bleaching response to thermal stress7,8,12,13, disease responses14, pollution exposure responses15, photoacclimation16, and chemical signalling17 in corals, as well as aiding in biomarker discovery18,19. Additionally, metabolomics can provide valuable confirmation of the conclusions inferred from DNA- and RNA-based techniques9,20. There is, therefore, considerable potential for the use of metabolomics for assessing reef health and developing tools for reef conservation3, such as through the detection of metabolic biomarkers of stress18,19 and for examining the potential of active management strategies such as nutritional subsidies21.
Separating the host and symbiont cells and analyzing their metabolite profiles independently, rather than together as the holobiont, can yield more information about the partner interactions, independent physiological and metabolic statuses, and potential molecular mechanisms for adaptation11,12,22,23,24. Without separating the coral and Symbiodiniaceae, it is almost impossible to elucidate the contribution and metabolism of coral and/or Symbiodiniaceae independently, except for with complex genome reconstruction and metabolic modeling25, but this has yet to be applied to the coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Furthermore, attempting to extract information about the individual metabolism of the host or algal symbiont from the metabolite profile of the holobiont can lead to misinterpretation.
For example, until recently, the presence of C18:3n-6, C18:4n-3, and C16 polyunsaturated fatty acids in extracts from coral and holobiont tissues was thought to be derived from the algal symbiont, as corals were assumed to not possess the ωx desaturases essential for the production of omega-3 (ω3) fatty acids; however, recent genomic evidence suggests that multiple cnidarians have the ability to produce ω3 PUFA de novo and further biosynthesize ω3 long-chain PUFA26. Combining GC-MS with stable isotopic labeling (e.g., 13C-bicarbonate, NaH13CO3) can be used to track the fate of photosynthetically fixed carbon through coral holobiont metabolic networks under both control conditions and in response to external stressors27,28. However, a critical step in the tracking of 13C fate is the separation of the coral tissue from the algal cells-only then can the presence of a 13C-labeled compound in the coral host fraction be unequivocally assigned as a Symbiodiniaceae-derived metabolite translocated to the coral or a downstream product of a translocated labeled compound. This technique has demonstrated its power by challenging the long-held assumption that glycerol is the primary form in which photosynthate is translocated from symbiont to host29, as well as elucidating how inter-partner nutritional flux changes during bleaching27,28 and in response to incompatible Symbiodiniaceae species11.
While the decision to separate tissues is primarily driven by the research question, the practicality, reliability, and potential metabolic impacts of this approach are important to consider. Here, we provide detailed, demonstrated methods for the extraction of metabolites from the holobiont, as well as the separate host and symbiont fractions. We compare the metabolite profiles of the host and symbiont independently and how these profiles compare to the holobiont metabolite profile.
NOTE: The experimental design, sample collection and storage have been described in detail elsewhere2,30,31. Permit approval for the collection of wild corals must be obtained prior to collection and experimentation. The samples here were collected from colonies of Montipora mollis (green colour-morph) imported from Batavia Coral Farms (Geraldton, WA), originally collected from a reef off the Abrohlos Islands (Western Australia; 28°52'43.3"S 114°00'17.0"E) at a depth of 1 m under the Aquaculture License AQ1643. Prior to sampling, the colonies were held in an 800 L aquarium at 35 PSU, under blue and white light at 150 µmol photons·m−2·s−1, and at 25 °C ± 0.5 °C for 3 months. The coral fragments (~5 cm2, N = 6) were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80 °C until processing.
1. Preparation of the extraction solutions and equipment
2. Coral metabolism quenching
NOTE: The experimental design, sample collection and storage have been described in detail elsewhere2,30,31. However, it should be noted that the time taken to quench metabolism (i.e., the time between coral sample collection and preservation) is critical to capture the original response30. Preserve the sample as quickly as possible after collection to prevent changes in the metabolite composition due to sample degradation or non-target physiological responses32.
3. Coral tissue removal from the skeleton
NOTE: The samples should be kept on ice (4 °C) at all times to ensure they are simultaneously in liquid form whilst preventing ongoing metabolism.
4. Optional homogenization
NOTE: Some coral species are more viscous than others, meaning the air-brushing will remove the tissue in clumps instead of in a slurry. If clumps of tissue are visible in the air-brushed homogenate, a homogenization step at 4 °C can be added for all the samples.
5. Sample collection for normalization
6. Optional coral host tissue-Symbiodiniaceae cell separation
7. Sample drying
8. Intracellular metabolite extractions
9. Metabolite extract purification
10. Metabolite derivatization
NOTE : A two-step online derivatization process is used for the methoximation and trimethylsilylation of the polar metabolites.
11. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis
NOTE: The mass spectrometer should be tuned according to the manufacturer's recommendations using tris-(perfluorobutyl)-amine (CF43).
12. Symbiodiniaceae cell counts, coral host tissue protein content analysis, and chlorophyll a estimation
13. Quantification of the cell biomass following metabolite extractions for normalization
NOTE: There are two options for the quantification of cell biomass described below: the quantification of protein related to biomass using a modified Bradford colorimetric method and the measurement of the cell debris dry weight. Either method is appropriate to use, as both offer accurate quantification of the cell biomass.
14. Data analysis
All the data produced during this work are available in the supplementary information.
Host-symbiont separation
Figure 1: Setup and validation of the separation of coral host tissues and Symbiodiniaceae cells. (A) The air gun setup for the removal of coral tissue from the coral skeleton. A pipette tip is attached to the air gun with electrical tape, and a small (~5 mm) section is cut from the tip to allow for more air to escape without dislodging the tip. (B) Examples of the holobiont and separated host tissue (supernatant) and Symbiodiniaceae cells (pellet). The value represents number of centrifugation steps. The arrow points to the narrow host lipid layer on top of the symbiont pellet that can be collected and combined with the host fraction. (C–E) Brightfield (top) and chlorophyll autofluorescence (bottom) microscopy images of an aliquot of the (C) holobiont with both host tissue and symbiont cells, (D) the host fraction without symbiont cells as verified by the absence of any chlorophyll autofluorescence, and (E) intact symbiont cells, demonstrating the removal of the host tissue. Scale bars = 100 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Microscopic visualization showed no Symbiodiniaceae cells in the host tissue samples following the three wash steps (Figure 1D). Similarly, there was minimal host tissue present in the symbiont fractions (Figure 1E). However, the holobiont homogenate (Figure 1C) showed that the intracellular Symbiodiniaceae may not have been adequately released from their symbiosomes by simple air-brushing and, thus, not as sufficiently lysed during the mechanical homogenization (protocol section 4) or solvent extraction (protocol section 8) compared to centrifugal separation (Figure 1E). This limitation could explain some of the large within-group variation between the holobiont samples and specific observations in the holobiont profiles. For example, two metabolites (glycolic acid and 1-hexadecanol) were significantly more abundant in the holobiont versus symbiont but not in the host versus symbiont; this may have been a result of the large within-group variation in the relative abundance of these metabolites in the holobiont profiles. In particular, holobiont sample 3 had relatively higher concentrations of dodecanoic acid, glycolic acid, and 1-hexdecanol than any of the symbiont or host samples individually. As the metabolite peak area data are normalized to sample protein content, if the symbiont cells were not cleaned sufficiently of host tissue, then the holobiont protein content may have been underestimated, thus influencing the biomass normalization and leading to the calculation of a higher metabolite abundance relative to the biomass in this sample. This further highlights the potential for increased variation in holobiont metabolomics.
Metabolite profile analysis
The choice of the mass spectrometer mode is dependent on the analysis being performed. For steady-state metabolite profiling, a comprehensive targeted methodology using a QqQ-MS in MRM mode enables improved metabolite detection and identification due to the elimination of the background noise that may be generated by high biological salt concentrations. For stable isotope-labeling approaches, a mass spectrometer (i.e., single quadrupole, triple quadrupole [QqQ], quadrupole-time of flight [QTOF]) running in scan mode allows for the detection of mass isotopologs that indicate stable isotopic enrichment patterns.
Targeted GC-MS analysis was completed using the Shimadzu Smart Metabolite Database (v3; which covers approximately 350 endogenous metabolites and multiple stable isotopically labeled internal standards) and the Shimadzu LabSolutions Insight software. Across all the treatments, 107 annotated metabolites were identified, including a suite of amino acids, organic acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and sterols (Supplementary Table S1). Qualitative and quantitative ion pairs are provided in Supplementary Table S2. Kmeans clustering identified three distinct clusters of samples (verified by a gap statistic test), with all the samples in separate, distinct clusters; the symbionts were in in Cluster 1, the host in Cluster 2, and the holobiont samples in Cluster 3 (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Kmeans cluster analysis of the metabolite profiles. (A) The sample metabolite profiles were clustered by Euclidean distance by the optimal number of clusters (N = 3), which was verified via a gap statistic calculation. (B) Parallel coordinate visualization of the average metabolite relative abundance (line, colored according to the cluster) and confidence interval (shading, colored according to the cluster) for each cluster (red = Cluster 1, green = Cluster 2, blue = Cluster 3). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Host and symbiont metabolite profile comparison
The host and symbiont profiles were significantly distinct from each other (PERMANOVA, t = 16.909, p < .001; Supplementary Table S3), with 100 individual metabolites significantly different between the host and symbiont fractions (ANOVA, FDR < .05; Figure 3 and Supplementary Table S1). Of these, 13 metabolites were significantly more abundant in the symbiont than the host extracts, including the eicosanoids docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6[ω-6]; DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5[ω-6]; EPA), and arachidonic acid (C20:4[ω-6]; ARA) (ANOVA, FDR < 0.05; Figure 3 and Supplementary Table S1). A total of 87 metabolites were less abundant in the symbiont than the host extracts (ANOVA, FDR < 0.05; Figure 3 and Supplementary Table S1).
Figure 3: Heatmap visualization of the metabolite relative abundances with post-hoc analysis results of the group comparisons. The host, symbiont, and holobiont samples (N = 5 per group) were hierarchical clustered via Ward's linkage, and the metabolites were clustered according by Euclidean distance measure. The colored squares indicate significant differences in the group comparisons detected via ANOVA with post hoc Tukey's HSD (Supplementary Table S1). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Holobiont metabolite profiles compared to separated host and symbiont profiles
The holobiont metabolite profiles demonstrated large within-group variability, substantiated by the large separation of samples in the holobiont cluster in the Kmeans analysis; specifically, Sample 3 and Sample 4 were separated along dimension 2 from Sample 1, Sample 2, and Sample 5 (Figure 2A). The holobiont samples were intermediate between the separated host and symbiont fractions (Figure 2A). While the Kmeans cluster distributions (Figure 2A), parallel coordinates (Figure 2B), and heatmap visualization of the metabolite relative abundance (Figure 3), indicated that the holobiont profile more closely matched the host fraction profile, the holobiont profile significantly differed from both the host (PERMANOVA, t = 3.47, p < 0.001; Supplementary Table S3) and symbiont profiles (PERMANOVA, t = 11.29, p < 0.001; Supplementary Table S3). At the individual metabolite level, 66 and 82 metabolites in the holobiont were significantly different to the host and symbiont profiles, respectively (ANOVA, FDR < 0.05, Supplementary Table S1). Of these, 54 (81.8%) out of the 66 significant metabolites had significantly higher relative abundance in the host than the holobiont fraction, and 78 (95%) had significantly higher relative abundance in the holobiont than the symbiont fraction; four were more abundant in the symbiont fractions, including DHA, glycerol-3-phosphate, inositol phosphate, and phosphoric acid (Figure 3). Eight metabolites (including two fatty acids [linoleic (C18:1) and myristic (C14:0) acids], five dicarboxylic acids, and the amino acid guanine) were significantly different in abundance between the host and symbiont but not when compared to the holobiont fraction (Figure 3).
Supplementary Table S1: The relative abundance of each metabolite identified using GC-MS analysis in the holobiont and separated host and symbiont. The values are mean ± standard error, and the ANOVA results provided, including the post hoc analysis, are indicated by the colored cells (columns K, L, and M). Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Table S2: Qualitative and quantitative ion pairs for the identified metabolites. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Table S3: PERMANOVA results. Please click here to download this File.
The separation of the host and symbiont is easily and rapidly achievable via simple centrifugation, and the results here show that separating the fractions can provide valuable information indicative of specific holobiont member contributions, which can contribute toward the functional analysis of coral health. In adult corals, lipid synthesis is primarily performed by the resident algal symbiont40, which supplies lipids (e.g., triacylglycerol and phospholipids)41 and fatty acids that can promote stress recovery11,42. Of the 13 metabolites that were more abundant in the symbiont versus host profiles in this work, 9 were fatty acids, including the biologically relevant eicosanoids DHA (C22:6[ω-6]), EPA (C20:5[ω-6]), and ARA (C20:4[ω-6]), which are implicated in inter-kingdom stress signaling in the coral-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis9,10. Inositol phosphate plays a crucial role in diverse cellular functions, including cell growth, apoptosis, endocytosis, and cell differentiation. The relative abundances of inositol isoforms and derivatives have frequently been found to change during symbiosis dysfunction7,11,27,28, although the role of these isoforms and their derivatives in the coral-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis remains unclear. Thus, the clear difference in relative abundance between host and symbiont profiles helps to contribute to this knowledge.
Many studies have used holobiont metabolite profiles to investigate coral metabolic interactions and performance under ambient and stress conditions13,43,44,45. Here, we show that the analysis of the holobiont homogenate can result in large within-treatment variability, and the resulting profiles can mask host- and/or symbiont-specific abundance patterns and metabolic contributions to the overall holobiont metabolome. For example, of the 13 metabolites that were significantly more abundant in the symbiont relative to the host fraction, only 4 were significantly more abundant in the symbiont relative to the holobiont. These included the potentially biologically relevant DHA and inositol phosphate7,9,10,11,27,28; however the distinct differences observed in the stress-signaling eicosanoids EPA and ARA between the host and symbiont were not significant in the holobiont versus symbiont samples. These metabolites are increasingly being recognized as important metabolites in the molecular language of symbiosis and as indicators of stress responses10, but examining holobiont profiles alone would not reveal the distinct changes in the relative abundance ratios of these metabolites in specific holobiont members. Thus, analyzing the holobiont can mask differences that are otherwise apparent when the host and symbiont are analyzed separately, and these differences might not be detected as significant in studies that compare abiotic or biotic treatments solely using holobiont profiles. This could make it challenging to infer specific partner contributions or functions7,8,9,11,12,22,28, particularly when attempting to answer biological questions for which symbiotic interactions underlie the observed holobiont phenotype46,47.
An alternative methodology would be to separate the host tissues and symbiont cells, take an aliquot of the homogenate or an extract of each fraction to recombine prior to extraction, and analyze this alongside the separated fractions; this method would ensure the release of symbionts from the host tissues but would increase the potential for human error and/or metabolite loss48. Analyzing the fractions separately and integrating the data post analysis may be possible, but the calculations would need to take into account the proportion of symbiont and host cells in the original coral holobiont.
While more information can be obtained by separating the host and symbiont fractions for metabolite analysis, especially in terms of individual member contributions to holobiont metabolism and function, whether to separate the host and symbiont rather than analyze the holobiont is ultimately a decision governed by the research question. For instance, analyzing the metabolite profile of the holobiont is relevant when other physiological measurements are taken with the holobiont (e.g., analysis of volatile metabolite emissions from coral colonies49,50,51) and when metabolomics profiles need to be integrated with holobiont datasets. In addition, the separation of the host and symbiont is not without limitations; for example, additional manipulation steps might interfere with metabolite stability and result in data loss or confounding effects48.
Furthermore, there are additional optimization steps involved in the host-symbiont separation procedure: 1) optimizing the number of washes for the specific coral species; and 2) identifying the optimal biomass to extract from both fractions for GC-MS analysis. Both steps need to be included before the final sample processing can commence, thus increasing both the consumable and analytical requirements for material, time, and costs. In this work, metabolite loss from the host and symbiont extractions due to the additional steps may have contributed to the higher relative abundances of some metabolites observed in the holobiont relative to either the host or symbiont, such as glycolic acid, 1-hexadecanol, and dodecanoic acid. However, the large within-group variation in the holobiont group for these metabolites is, as mentioned, an alternative reason for these observed patterns.
The application of metabolomics approaches, while relatively new, has had a profound impact on our capacity to elucidate the function of specific symbioses. For example, this approach has revealed the contribution of the phytoplankton growth-promoting hormone indole-3 acetic acid, which is synthesized by bacteria in the Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries-Sulfitobacter symbiosis. Moreover, this approach has elucidated host-derived and symbiont-derived translocation in corals11,27,28,29, which has exciting potential for coral reef conservation and restoration3, such as through biomarker detection19. Here, we have provided a procedure for both approaches with the hope that this will facilitate and accelerate the application of metabolomics for future coral reef investigations.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
J.L.M. was supported by a UTS Chancellor's Research Fellowship.
100% LC-grade methanol | Merck | 439193 | LC grade essential |
2 mL microcentrifuge tubes, PP | Eppendorf | 30121880 | Polypropylene provides high resistance to chemicals, mechanical stress and temperature extremes |
2030 Shimadzu gas chromatograph | Shimadzu | GC-2030 | |
710-1180 µm acid-washed glass beads | Merck | G1152 |
This size is optimal for breaking the Symbiodiniaceae cells |
AOC-6000 Plus Multifunctional autosampler | Shimadzu | AOC6000 | |
Bradford reagent | Merck | B6916 | Any protein colourimetric reagent is acceptable |
Compressed air gun | Ozito | 6270636 | Similar design acceptable. Having a fitting to fit a 1 mL tip over is critical. |
DB-5 column with 0.25 mm internal diameter column and 1 µm film thickness | Agilent | 122-5013 | |
DMF | Merck | RTC000098 | |
D-Sorbitol-6-13C and/or 13C5–15N Valine | Merck | 605514/ 600148 | Either or both internal standards can be added to the methanol. |
Flat bottom 96-well plate | Merck | CLS3614 | |
Glass scintillation vials | Merck | V7130 | 20 mL, with non-plastic seal |
Immunoglogin G | Merck | 56834 | if not availbe, Bovine Serum Albumin is acceptable |
Primer | v4 | ||
R | v4.1.2 | ||
Shimadzu LabSolutions Insight software | v3.6 | ||
Sodium Hydroxide | Merck | S5881 | Pellets to make 1 M solution |
tidyverse | v1.3.1 | R package | |
TissueLyser LT | Qiagen | 85600 | Or similar |
TQ8050NX triple quadrupole mass spectrometer | Shimadzu | GCMS-TQ8050 NX | |
UV-96 well plate | Greiner | M3812 | |
Whirl-Pak sample bag | Merck | WPB01018WA | Sample collection bag; Size: big enough to house a ~5 cm coral fragment, but not too big that the water is too spread |