Histological and biochemical modifications after aneurysm endograft exclusion are still unclear. We describe a new model of endograft implantation on a murine aneurysm. Through thrombus analysis with and without persistant circulating blood stream interface, and new endovascular biomaterials evaluation, this model will help to better understand endovascular aneurysm exclusion pathobiology.
Rouer, M., Meilhac, O., Delbosc, S., Louedec, L., Pavon-Djavid, G., Cross, J., Legagneux, J., Bouilliant-Linet, M., Michel, J., Alsac, J. A New Murine Model of Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair. J. Vis. Exp. (77), e50740, doi:10.3791/50740 (2013).