JoVE Monthly Highlights: December 2018

1JoVE Content Production

Estimating Sediment Denitrification Rates Using Cores and N2O Microsensors

Carlos Palacin-Lizarbe1, Lluís Camarero2, Jordi Catalan1,3

This method estimates sediment denitrification rates in sediment cores using the acetylene inhibition technique and microsensor measurements of the accumulated N2O. The protocol describes procedures for collecting the cores, calibrating the sensors, performing the acetylene inhibition, measuring the N2O accumulation, and calculating the denitrification rate.

Comparing Eye-tracking Data of Children with High-functioning ASD, Comorbid ADHD, and of a Control Watching Social Videos

Vicky Tsang1, Patrick Chun Kau Chu1

This is a qualitative comparative case study analysis of eye-tracking data on the first moments of social video scenes as viewed by three participants: one with autism spectrum disorder, one with comorbid attention deficit-hyperactive disorder, and one neurotypical control.

Raising the Mexican Tetra Astyanax mexicanus for Analysis of Post-larval Phenotypes and Whole-mount Immunohistochemistry

Misty Riddle1, Brian Martineau1, Megan Peavey1, Clifford Tabin1

In this protocol, we demonstrate how to breed Astyanax mexicanus adults, raise the larvae, and perform whole-mount immunohistochemistry on post-larval fish to compare the phenotypes of surface and cave morphotypes.

A Customizable Protocol for String Assembly gRNA Cloning (STAgR)

Christopher T. Breunig1,2, Andrea M. Neuner1,2, Jessica Giehrl-Schwab3, Wolfgang Wurst3, Magdalena Götz2,4, Stefan H. Stricker1,2

Here, we present string assembly gRNA cloning (STAgR), a method to easily multiplex gRNA vectors for CRISPR/Cas9 approaches. STAgR makes gRNA multiplexing simple, efficient and customizable.