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Production of Chick Embryo Extract for the Cultivation of Murine Neural Crest Stem Cells
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Production of Chick Embryo Extract for the Cultivation of Murine Neural Crest Stem Cells

Article DOI: 10.3791/2380-v 10:12 min November 27th, 2010
November 27th, 2010



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Click here for the English version.

To cultivate neural crest stem cells (NCSC) in vitro, a special medium (NCSCM) is required. Essential part of NCSCM is chick embryo extract (CEE). We here describe accurate techniques to produce a maximized amount of pure and high quality CEE, including details as the isolation, maceration, centrifugation, and filtration processes.


Chick Embryo Extract Murine Neural Crest Stem Cells Neuro-ectoderm Pluripotent Progenitor Cells P75 SOX10 Migration Smooth Muscle Cells Chromaffin Cells Neurons Glial Cells Melanocytes Cartilage Bone Neural Crest Stem Cell Medium (NCSCM) Growth Factors Chick Embryo Extract Preparation Isolation Maceration Centrifugation Filtration Processes
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