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JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments
Encyclopedia of Experiments: Immunology

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An Ultrasound-Assisted Delivery of Antibodies in a Mouse Model



To prepare an animal for the analysis after confirming a lack of response to toe-pinch in an anesthetized mouse, use a permanent marker to label the center of the head. Then, glue plastic wrap to the bottom of a small weigh boat with the bottom cut off, and fill the weigh boat with ultrasound gel.

For focused ultrasound treatment, invert the vial of microbubbles and gently load 1 microliter of the solution per gram of the mouse's body weight into a 29-gauge insulin syringe.

Add 100 microliters of fluorescently labeled antibody to the syringe. and gently invert and roll the syringe between thumb and index finger to mix the antibody and the microbubbles within the syringe. Carefully and slowly, retro-orbitally, inject 150 microliters of the microbubble and antibody solution into the mouse, and set a timer for two minutes.

Apply ophthalmic ointment. Then, place the mouse in the head holder and fix its nose in the holder. Place the small ultrasound gel-filled weigh boat on top of the head and lower the water ballast until it sits on top of the ultrasound gel within the weigh boat.

Then, use the joystick to visually align the transducer focus within the center of the head. When the timer goes off in the motion tab of the software, select Reset Origin and select a Complete scan. When the treatment is complete, apply ophthalmic ointment to the animal's eyes, and place the mouse in a warmed recovery chamber.

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