

Published: September 18, 2014










在这项研究中使用的动物严格按照协议(N08001CVsr)批准的中心德RECHERCHE杜中心医院DE L'蒙特利尔大学(CRCHUM)机构委员会动物保护的它遵循概述了加拿大国家标准进行治疗理事会动物护理(CCAC)。 准备执行该协议( 表1)所需要的所有试剂。关于设备,耗材及供应商的所有其他细节可以在材料清单上找到。 <img…

Representative Results

从大鼠脊髓源性线粒体可以免疫标记与靶向Mitofusin2(Mfn2的),牵连线粒体8的外膜的融合蛋白的抗体。以下隔离和标签带Mfn2的特异性抗体和荧光标记的二抗,线粒体通过流式细胞术( 图1)进行处理。以下的数据采集,样品是使用流式细胞分析软件,由第一可视化上的点图( 图2A)的所有收集的事件进行分析。当事件被绘制在FSC,宽度(W)相对于面积(A)( <str…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


我们感谢劳瑞Destroismaisons和出色的技术支持莎拉Peyrard和Dr.Alexandre宝勒访问的流式细胞仪。我们也想感谢蒂莫西·米勒博士,他的贡献就从筹备去除髓鞘。这项工作是由卫生研究院(CIHR)神经肌肉研究合作伙伴,加拿大创新基金会,加拿大ALS协会,基金会弗里克ALS研究,密友基金会和全宗德拉RECHERCHE桑特连接魁北克(CVV)加拿大研究院的支持。无论是CVV和NA是研究学者的全宗德拉RECHERCHE桑特连接魁北克与CIHR新的调查。 SP被蒂姆·诺埃尔助学金来自加拿大的ALS协会的支持。


Name of Material/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
Rats Charles River Strain code 400 Adult (9 weeks to 18 weeks) male or female rats can be used for the isolation protocol. Weight of rats is dependent on gender and age (males between 300 to 500 g and females between 200 to 350 g) are typically used.
Dounce homogenizer Kontes Glass Co.  885450-0022 Duall 22
Microcentrifuge Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 R
Ulara-Clear Ultracentrifuge tubes Beckman Coultier 344057 Transparent, thin walled 
Sorvall Ultracentrifuge Thermo Scientific Sorvall WX UltraSeries
AH-650 rotor and buckets   Thermo Scientific
Opti-prep Axis-Shield 1114542 Iodixanol, density gradient medium
Fatty acid free Bovine Serum Albumin Sigma A8806 Must be fatty acid free for mitochondria
Sodium succinate dibasic hexahydrate   Sigma S9637
Rabbit anti-Mitofusin2 antibody Sigma M6319
Rabbit IgG Jackson Immuno Research  011-000-003
Anti-Rabbit IgG PE eBioscience 12-4739-81
Micro titer tube Bio-Rad 223-9391 For sample acquisition by flow cytometry 
MitoTrackerGreen (MTG) Invitrogen M7514 100 nM: Ex490 nm/Em516 nm
TMRM Invitrogen T668 100 nM: Ex548 nm/Em574 nm
CCCP Sigma C2759
MitoSOX Red Invitrogen M36008 5 µM: Ex540 nm/Em600 nm
Antimycin A Sigma A8874
LSR II flow cytometer BD
BS FACSDiva Software BD
FlowJo TreeStar Inc.  Software used for analysis
BCA protein assay kit   Pierce/Thermo Scientific 23225 Bradford assay is not recomended as it is not compatible with high concentrations of SDS


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Pickles, S., Arbour, N., Vande Velde, C. Immunodetection of Outer Membrane Proteins by Flow Cytometry of Isolated Mitochondria. J. Vis. Exp. (91), e51887, doi:10.3791/51887 (2014).

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