The cardiac extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex network of molecules that orchestrate key processes in tissues and organs while enduring physiological remodeling throughout life. Standardized decellularization of fetal and adult hearts permits comparative experimental studies of both tissues in a 3D context by capturing native architecture and biomechanical properties.
Current knowledge of extracellular matrix (ECM)-cell communication translates to large two-dimensional (2D) in vitro culture studies where ECM components are presented as a surface coating. These culture systems constitute a simplification of the complex nature of the tissue ECM that encompasses biochemical composition, structure, and mechanical properties. To better emulate the ECM-cell communication shaping the cardiac microenvironment, we developed a protocol that allows for the decellularization of the whole fetal heart and adult left ventricle tissue explants simultaneously for comparative studies. The protocol combines the use of a hypotonic buffer, a detergent of anionic surfactant properties, and DNase treatment without any requirement for specialized skills or equipment. The application of the same decellularization strategy across tissue samples from subjects of various age is an alternative approach to perform comparative studies. The present protocol allows the identification of unique structural differences across fetal and adult cardiac ECM mesh and biological cellular responses. Furthermore, the herein methodology demonstrates a broader application being successfully applied in other tissues and species with minor adjustments, such as in human intestine biopsies and mouse lung.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a dynamic network of molecules that regulate important cellular processes, namely fate-decision, proliferation and differentiation1,2. The investigation of cell-ECM interactions has been performed mainly in two-dimensional (2D) in vitro cultures coated with ECM components, which constitute a simplification of native ECM properties found in vivo. Decellularization generates acellular 3D-like ECM bioscaffolds that largely preserve the extracellular architecture and composition of native tissues and organs3,4. In addition to serving as bioactive scaffolds for tissue engineering, decellularized 3D ECM biomaterials are emerging as novel platforms to assess cell-ECM biology that parallel the in vivo environment.
Assessment of the differential role of the ECM components of distinct tissues, organs and age will benefit with the use of similar protocols of generating native bioscaffolds. In the heart, we have developed a versatile protocol for decellularization of fetal and adult-derived samples, as an alternative approach to perform comparative studies of the organ microenvironment. Using this methodology, we captured the native cardiac microenvironment and showed that fetal ECM promotes higher repopulation yields of cardiac cells5. Decellularization further provided identification of resident structural differences between fetal and adult ECM at the level of basement lamina and pericellular matrix mesh arrangement and fiber composition5. Prior to this work, head-to-head comparison of tissues at different ontogenic stages using the same decellularization approach has only been reported for rhesus monkey kidneys and rodent hearts. In addition, a limited number of studies report fetal tissue/organ decellularization per se5,6,7. This has been achieved using SDS as a unique decellularization agent; however, distinct SDS concentrations were used for the decellularization of fetal and adult cardiac tissue7,8. SDS is one of the most effective ionic detergents for clearance of cytoplasmic and nuclear material, and widely used in the decellularization of different tissues and specimens9,10. Solutions containing high SDS concentrations and extended periods of exposure have been correlated with protein denaturation, glycosaminoglycan (GAGs) loss and disruption of collagen fibrils10,11, and therefore a balance between ECM preservation and cell removal is necessary. To apply the same procedure to fetal and adult heart tissue, the protocol described herein is divided in three sequential steps: cell lysis by osmotic shock (hypotonic buffer); solubilization of lipid-protein, DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions (0.2% SDS); and nuclear material removal (DNase treatment).
Our protocol shows several advantages: i) the possibility of equivalent decellularization of age-specific cardiac tissues by the application of the same decellularization strategy; ii) no requirements for specialized methods or equipment; iii) ready adaptation to other tissues and species as it has been successfully applied with minor alterations in human intestine biopsies12 and mouse lung13; and, importantly, iv) can address ECM biomechanical properties while enabling the assembly of 3D-like organotypic cultures that more closely mimic the molecular features of the native tissue microenvironment.
All the methodologies described were approved by the i3S Animal Ethics Committee and Direção Geral de Veterinária (DGAV) and are in accordance with the European Parliament Directive 2010/63/EU.
1. Preparation of the decellularization solutions
NOTE: All decellularization solutions should be filtered through a 0.22 μm membrane filter and stored for a maximum of 3 months, except specified otherwise.
2. Tissue harvesting and cryopreservation
3. Tissue decellularization
NOTE: Cardiac tissue decellularization is performed in a 24-well tissue culture plate with one sample per well. 1 mL of each decellularization solution is added to each individual well. All decellularization steps should be performed with agitation at 165 rpm (incubator shaker with an orbital diameter of 20 mm) and at 25 °C, unless specified otherwise. For more details, please consult the scheme on Figure 1A. Amphotericin B (e.g. fungizone) and gentamicin are freshly added to all decellularization solutions before use to a final concentration of 2.5 μg/mL and 0.01 μg/mL, respectively. To quantify the amount of DNA retained within decellularized tissues, the sample mass needs to be determined before starting the decellularization protocol. The DNA quantification protocol is further detailed in section 5.1.
4. Assessment of decellularized tissue cell removal
5. Assessment of decellularized tissue nuclear material removal
NOTE: The quantification of the DNA content on decellularized tissue must be performed in comparison to the respective non-manipulated tissue.
6. Decellularized scaffolds cell seeding
NOTE: All solutions/reagents need to be sterile and the entire procedure performed at sterile conditions.
The decellularization efficiency should be assessed through three main techniques: macroscopic observation, histology and DNA quantification. The macroscopic appearance of samples post-SDS treatment indirectly affects the efficacy of cell removal. After SDS incubation, samples should appear as translucent to whitish (Figure 1C). Fetal (E18) decellularized tissues are characterized by a highly translucent structure while adult explants have a translucent to white appearance. A whiter appearance is generally correlated to an ECM network exhibiting higher fiber and collagen content, e.g. the adult ventricular and vascular vessels ECM mesh (Figure 1C). Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) and/or Masson's Trichrome (MT) stains are performed to confirm efficient cell removal by the observation of a porous mesh (light pink, H&E; light pink and blue, MT) (Figure 1C). In addition, the MT stain highlights the collagen meshwork in blue5. Clearance of nuclear material after decellularization is accessed by DNA quantification and a reduction of approximately 99.8% is generally obtained, when compared to non-manipulated tissues (Figure 1C). The presence of nuclear material on decellularized scaffolds has been described as a trigger of undesired inflammatory response upon implantation14. For this reason, confirmation of efficient decellularization is essential prior to native 3D scaffold repopulation experiments. Decellularized scaffolds may be stored in sterile conditions up to the seeding with the cells of interest. Cell viability is monitored throughout in vitro culture by calcein staining (Figure 2A). Nevertheless, calcein stain can be cytotoxic to sensitive cell types. Terminal analysis of cell repopulation and distribution across scaffolds is performed post-paraffin processing; a snapshot of the bioscaffold repopulation assessed by H&E staining at a central section of bioscaffolds is shown (Figure 2B, 2C).
Figure 1. Fetal (E18) and adult cardiac tissue decellularization procedure and confirmation of decellularization efficiency. (A) Protocol overview. (B) Decellularization protocol detailed. (C) Macroscopic analysis of cardiac fetal and adult tissue before and after decellularization. Scale bar: 2 mm. (D) Quantification of nuclear material in decellularized versus non-manipulated tissue. Data expressed as mean ± SEM. Student's t-test, two-tailed *p<0.05. (E) H&E and Masson's Trichrome histological analysis of cardiac fetal and adult tissue before and after decellularization. Scale bar: 100 μm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Repopulation analysis of decellularized scaffolds seeded with Lin- Sca-1+ cardiac progenitor cell line (iCPCSca-1). (A) High cell viability observed at scaffolds surface during in vitro culture by calcein stain (green). Scale bar: 100 μm. (B) Cell number and distribution across scaffolds assessed via H&E staining. Scale bar: 100 μm. (C) Orthogonal view of cells embedded in the decellularized ECM. Confocal image of 50μm-thick paraffin section. Scale bar: 10 μm (orthogonal view XZ, YZ) and 40 μm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Step | Observation | Possible reason | Problem | Solution |
3.1.2. | Tissue with a brownish color | Sample cryofixation; unstable freezing temperature | Sample cryofixation will lead to inefficient removal of cytoplasmic proteins | Store frozen tissue during shorter periods. Check freezer temperature and stability |
3.2.4. | Pink-to-white opaque samples | SDS solution was not well prepared; adult LV explants too big | Inefficient removal of cytoplasmic proteins | Ensure complete SDS dissolution. Decellularize samples of smaller size. |
3.3.4. | Samples with a gelatin-like appearance | Inefficient DNA removal | Inefficient nuclear material clearance | Increase DNase concentration and/or incubation time. |
4.6. | Histology gel compaction | Long waiting time in PBS1X/ethanol before paraffin processing | Alteration of decellularized tissue structure | Start histological processing as soon as possible |
6.6. | Dried decellularized samples | Samples were left to dry for too long | Permanent collapse of decellularized tissue. Inefficient cell seeding | Allow samples to slightly dry only in the periphery in order to become attached to the bottom of the well during seeding |
6.7. | Decellularized sample detachment during seeding | Samples were not sufficient dried prior to seeding | Inefficient cell seeding | Increase ECM drying time to allow better adherence prior to cell seeding |
Table 1. Troubleshooting table for parallel decellularization of fetal (E18) and adult mouse cardiac tissue.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a highly dynamic and complex meshwork of fibrous and adhesive glycoproteins, consisting of a reservoir of numerous bioactive peptides and entrapped growth factors. As the major modulator of cell adhesion, cytoskeleton dynamics, motility/migration, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis, ECM actively regulates cellular function and behavior. Knowing that cellular behavior differs in 2D and 3D cultures, there have been efforts to develop novel organotypic models that can accurately replicate natural tissue environments. In the last years, tissue decellularization has emerged as an alternative technique for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Thus, tissue and organ decellularization is currently the tool of choice to better dissect tissue-specific microenvironmental parameters (biochemical, structural and mechanical) and biological activity in vitro and in vivo.
We developed a protocol that combines the use of a hypotonic buffer with a detergent of anionic surfactant properties followed by a DNase treatment5,12,13. The present protocol constitutes a simple and reproducible method to perform comparative analysis between decellularized fetal and adult mouse cardiac tissue. Our experience with other tissues, namely with tumor samples derived from cancer patients' surgical resections and mouse lung tissue, shows that this protocol is easily adaptable and successful in other conditions and models12,13. The application of the same decellularization procedure on different samples allows comparative studies of the ECM composition, biomechanical properties, architecture and cellular modulatory properties in a 3D context.
One of the most difficult challenges of tissue decellularization is the balance between outright cell removal, ECM meshwork preservation and tissue biocompatibility. Hence, several critical steps need to be carefully considered, such as the time of tissue cryopreservation before decellularization, the correct explant size, the use of fresh solutions, and the manipulation of the final decellularized tissue. During our studies, we observed a direct correlation between long storage time of cryopreserved tissue and the use of longstanding SDS solutions with decellularization inefficiency. Long term tissue storage leads to inefficient cellular content removal rendering remnants of thick cellular areas (without nuclei) among the complex ECM meshwork. A similar undesirable effect is attained when long stored SDS solutions are used for tissue decellularization, likely because SDS solutions have a short stability due to reduced solubility, hydrolysis, and pH alterations over time15,16. The use of explants of the correct size (~1.5 mm x 1.5 mm x 1.5 mm) is also essential for successful adult tissue decellularization, since larger tissue resections are more difficult to decellularize, displaying cell debris entrapped at the surface and arrested between the dense ECM network. Although this protocol provides an efficient method of cardiac tissue decellularization, a minor fraction of adult explants may present cell remnants, in particular those of a larger size. Histological analysis of these samples eases their identification and subsequent exclusion from the study. Ultimately, the protocol herein is versatile and readily applicable to distinct specimens with slight adjustments to the tissue explant size, SDS concentration (0.1-0.2% SDS) or solution incubation time5,12,13.
The major limitation of the present method is that the manipulation of small size samples, i.e. murine fetal heart and adult heart explants, requires some handling skills. In fact, both fetal and adult decellularized tissues are delicate structures that can be permanently deformed when dried during the procedure or entrapped by the thin pipette tip or during handling with forceps5.
The major novelty of this protocol, besides the parallel decellularization of fetal mouse heart and adult left ventricle explants for comparative assessment of the ECM composition (biomechanical analyses) and associated biological function, is its simple translation to distinct tissues and models5,12,13. The decellularization of tissues of distinct ages by applying standardized methodology was described only on the rhesus monkey kidney, and the transverse sections of fetal, neonatal and adult tissues, which were subjected to a 1% SDS treatment for 10 days6. In a cardiac setting, although fetal, neonatal and adult tissues have been decellularized, the methods differed on the degree of mechanical dislodging, SDS concentrations and time of application7,8. As each decellularization procedure affects the ECM in a unique manner, the comparison of decellularized samples obtained from different protocols may lead to misleading conclusions. Hence, applying the same decellularization procedure across different samples enables reliable comparative analysis.
The large majority of the commercially available decellularized tissues derive from adult specimens17. Despite the growing recognition for an increased ability of fetal microenvironments in providing pro-regenerative signals in comparison to their adult counterparts, decellularization of fetal tissues was only reported in few studies5,7,18,19,20,21. Understanding ECM dynamics during the aging process will be crucial to identify unique features of pro-regenerative microenvironments which, in turn, will impact the development of higher efficiency biomimetic-materials.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors are indebted to all members of Pinto-do-Ó laboratory for relevant critical discussion. This work was supported by Programa MIT-Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) under the project "CARDIOSTEM-Engineered cardiac tissues and stem cell-based therapies for cardiovascular applications" (MITP-TB/ECE/0013/2013). A.C.S. is a recipient of a FCT fellowship [SFRH/BD/88780/2012] and M.J.O. is a FCT Fellow (FCT-Investigator 2012).
Equipment | |||
Incubated Benchtop Shaker | Orbital Shakers | IKA:3510001 | Recommended |
Fluorimeter | – | – | Equipment available |
Digital weight scale | – | – | Equipment available |
Inverted Microscope | – | – | Equipment available |
Cell culture incubator | – | – | Equipment available |
Fridge (4ºC) | – | – | Equipment available |
Deep freezer (-80ºC) | – | – | Equipment available |
Microtome | – | – | Equipment available |
Cirurgical Instruments | |||
Vannas Spring Scissors – 2.5mm Cutting Edge | Fine Science Tools | 5000-08 | Recommended |
Dumont 5 Fine Forceps – Biologie/Inox | Fine Science Tools | 11254-20 | Recommended |
Dumont 7 forceps | Fine Science Tools | 11272-30 | Recommended |
Dissecting Scissors, straight | – | – | Tool available |
Forceps, serrated, curved | – | – | Tool available |
Materials | |||
24 well plates, individually wrapped | VWR | 29442-044 | – |
96 well plates, individually wrapped | VWR | 71000-078 | – |
Steriflip-GV, 0.22µm, PVDF, Radio-Sterilized | Millipore | SE1M179M6 | – |
Eppendorff | – | – | Material available |
15 mL Falcon tubes | Fisher Scientific | 430791 | – |
50 mL Falcon tubes | Fisher Scientific | 430829 | – |
Four-Compartment Biopsy Processing/Embedding Cassettes with Lid | Electron Microscopy Science | 70075-B | – |
Fisherbrand Superfrost Plus Microscope Slides | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 22-037-246 | – |
Tissue cryopreservation | |||
Shandon Cryomatrix embedding resin | Thermo Scientific | 6769006 | – |
2-METHYLBUTANE ANHYDROUS 99+% (isopentane) | Sigma-Aldrich | 277258-1L | – |
Dry ice | – | – | – |
Decellularization | |||
NaCl | BDH Prolabo | 27810.364 | – |
Na2HPO4 | Sigma-Aldrich | S-31264 | – |
KH2PO4 | Sigma-Aldrich | P5379-100g | – |
KCl | Sigma-Aldrich | P8041-1KG | – |
TrisBASE | Sigma-Aldrich | T6066-500G | – |
Sodium dodecyl sulfate | Sigma-Aldrich | L-4390 | – |
MgCl2 | MERCK | 1.05833.1000 | – |
DNAse I | AplliChem | A3778,0050 | – |
Gentamicin | Gibco | 15710-049 | – |
Fungizone | Gibco BRL | 15290-026 | – |
Deionized water (DI water) | – | – | – |
Histology | |||
10 % formalin neutral buffer | Prolabo | 361387P | – |
Eosin Y AQUEOUS | Surgipath | 01592E | Can be replaced by alcoholic eosin |
Richard-Allan Scientific HistoGel Specimen Processing Gel | Thermo Fisher Scientific | HG-4000-012 | – |
Ethanol ethilic alcohol 99,5% anydrous | Aga | 4,006,02,02,00 | – |
Deionized water (DI water) | – | – | – |
Clear Rite 3 | Richard-Allan Scientific | 6915 | – |
Shandon Histoplast | Thermo Fisher Scientific | RAS.6774006 | – |
Kits | |||
PureLink Genomic DNA Mini Kit | Thermo Fisher Scientific | K182001 | – |
Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA kit | Invitrogen | P11496 | – |
Cell culture | |||
DPBS | VWR | 45000-434 | – |
Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution 100X | Labclinics | L0022-100 | – |
Fungizone | Gibco BRL | 15290-026 | – |
Cell culture media of the cell of interest | – | – | – |