Immunohistochemical methods are useful in honeybee research to detect and assess the level of apoptosis and necrosis in the midgut and hypopharyngeal glands of adult bees.
Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) inside the hive (nurse workers and other hive bees) and outside the hive (foragers) are exposed to climate and weather changes, various pesticides, pathogens, and malnutrition, mainly entering through the mouth and primarily affecting the digestive tracts of adult bees. To understand and prevent the effects of such external and internal stressors on honeybees, one useful research method is the immunohistochemical method. A basic protocol is described to prepare the midgut (ventriculus) and hypopharyngeal glands (HPGs) of adult bees for histological analysis. A detailed methodology is described to assess the level of cell damage and distinguish necrosis from programmed cell death (apoptosis) as a natural process of tissue regeneration. The results of adult honeybee treatment with oxalic acid and pesticides (insecticide and acaricide) and the determination of cell death in the ventriculus and HPGs are presented. The pros and cons of the methodology are also discussed.
Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) are, among other wild pollinators, the most important pollinators of agricultural plants. Over thousands of years, the changing environment has influenced bees to adapt their morphology, physiology, behavior, and tolerance to several pathogens and parasites. Therefore, honeybees have developed a highly diverse range of species and subspecies around the globe1. These results are consistent with previous findings, that there is genetic variation in the honeybee's digestive tract structure, but also suggest that alterations of the midgut are due to environmental factors2,3.
The digestive tract of the honeybee has three main parts: foregut, midgut (ventriculus), and hindgut4. The ventriculus is an essential organ for the digestion of pollen and nectar/honey; in the hindgut, osmotic control takes place through absorption of water and ions2. The hypopharyngeal glands (HPGs) of honeybee workers are located in the head and synthesize and secrete royal jelly components to feed the brood, the queen, and members of the colony. Their size changes with age and tasks and depends on proper nutrition (quality pollen). Nurse workers aged 6 to 18 days perform brood rearing, and the size of HPGs increases5,6. In forager bees, the HPGs degenerate and only secrete enzymes that are important to convert the complex sugars into simple ones (α-glucosidases, leucine arylamidase, invertase) in honey7.
Honeybees are exposed to several biotic and abiotic stressors8, and the digestive tract can be affected by several negative stimulants. The first barrier that protects the organism from pathogens is the peritrophic membrane in the midgut, which consists of intestinal mucosa to protect against pathogens4. The development and function of HPGs depend on diet, age, and colony condition9, and are affected by insecticides, acaricides10, and pathogens11,12,13. Acaricide residues in the hive due to varroa control treatment and pesticides from the environment affect forager bees and nurse bees14,15. The greatest threat to honeybee colonies is the mite Varroa destructor, both as a vector of viruses contributing to colony losses16 and as a consumer of the host's fat body (an important vital organ in honeybees), which consequently affects the individual's body and colony functions17.
However, intensive farmland habitats can provide a short-term food supply for honeybees. Therefore, agri-environmental schemes should enhance the availability of honey flowers in agricultural landscapes18. To assess the morphology of different subspecies6,19,20,21 or sublethal effects of these factors at the cell or tissue levels, especially midgut and HPGs, histological and immunohistochemical methods are practical and sufficiently accurate to be used in histology research in honeybees.
1. Basic histology for honeybee research
Figure 1: Dorsal view of honeybee body. A1-A7 tergites. The detailed instructions on honeybee dissection can be found in Carreck et al.24. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Dorsal view of HPGs, parts of compound eyes attached to the brain (not visible). A young worker bee aged 5 to 6 days has plump and creamy white HPGs. The acini are located on the brain and fill the head area with branches reaching the back of the brain. In foraging bees, these glands are greatly shrunken and leave only thin thread-like remains. For this reason, it is better to remove glands together with the brain to make it easier in further procedures to avoid losing the tissue. Scale bar = 500 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
2. Cell death detection in tissue sections
Cell death detection in the midgut
Newly emerged worker bees (Apis mellifera carnica) from the experimental apiary at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia in Ljubljana were individually treated with 3% oxalic acid (OA)23. OA is frequently used in beekeeping for Varroa destructor control. After the treatment, the worker bees (three from each group) were immobilized on ice. The midgut was dissected and fixed it in 10% formalin. The tissue was then dehydrated in a series of alcohol solutions and finally embedded in paraffin wax. After being cut with a microtome into 7 µm thin sections, the tissue samples were prepared for analysis. Using a light microscope, the percentage of affected cells (70-100 cells from each of three midgut samples) was calculated. The results with Assay B indicated that treatment with OA significantly affected the cells in the midgut (Figure 3). Assay A showed no difference between treated and control bees; rate of cell death was under 10%. In control bees, fed sugar syrup only, the morphology of the midgut was unaffected and well preserved.
Figure 3: Midgut. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin staining; (B) immunostaining (Assay C) of the midgut. Intense red staining is localized in the nuclei of the midgut cells. Scale bars = 100 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Cell death detection in HPGs
In the next trial, the experiment was conducted, selecting three disease-free colonies (Apis mellifera L.). Combs with covered brood were placed in an incubator (34.5 °C), and the newly emerged worker bees were marked with a spot on the thorax to define their age. This procedure was repeated three times to obtain differently aged bees. The bees were marked and returned to their colony. The bees were sampled after 30 days from the beginning of the trial. Finally, they were put into a 7.5 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm hoarding cage, with wire mesh on one side and kept in an incubator at 28 °C.
Workers were treated with insecticide (imidacloprid) or acaricide (coumaphos), both solutions in sublethal doses, or sugar syrup as a control group10. The bees of different groups were immobilized and the HPGs dissected. A sample consisted of three to five workers from the same group to obtain as many cells as possible. The affected cells were evaluated using immunohistology methods. Red (Assay C) and brown (Assay B) reaction products were detected in the apoptotic nuclei of HPGs. Positive red nuclei after imidacloprid or coumaphos treatment were determined in the majority of glandular cells (Figure 4), and only sporadic cell nuclei showed brown reaction product from the same treated groups. The control group had no damaged HPG cells.
Figure 4: Hypopharyngeal glands. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin staining; (B) immunostaining (Assay C). Red staining is localized in the nuclei of the cells. (C) Immunostaining (Assay B). Brown reaction product indicates the positive cell nuclei. Scale bars = 50 mm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
In living organisms, cell death is defined as apoptosis or necrosis25 and can be accompanied by autophagy26. The difference between apoptotic and necrotic cells is that apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death and appears in normal cells, whereas necrosis occurs due to lethal conditions (e.g., accident, disease)27,28. Apoptosis can be detected using assay kits based on the TUNEL technique (detection ofDNA fragmentation by labeling the 3′-hydroxyl termini in the double-strand DNA breaks generated during apoptosis). Different kits provide several levels of sensitivity in detecting cell deletion.
One of the assays (Assay C) is highly sensitive and detects both apoptosis and necrosis29; the other assay (B) shows higher sensitivity for detecting apoptotic cell death30. The principle of Assay C is to detect DNA breaks in the early stages of apoptosis. After fixing and permeabilizing the apoptotic cells, the tissue is incubated with a TUNEL reaction mixture. Meanwhile, the role of TdT is to catalyze the addition of fluorescein-dUTP at free 3′-OH groups in DNA. After the tissue is washed, the anti-fluorescein antibody marks the label in the damaged parts of the DNA. The principle of the antibody is to attach to the enzyme alkaline phosphatase that works as a reporter. Lastly, the AP can be seen as a result of this specific reaction31.
Haematoxylin and eosin staining of organs is a straightforward and useful method for morphological analysis using light microscopy. Including this step first to observe any morphological changes of cells is recommended. For the detection of early stages of apoptosis in the thin sections of honeybee tissue, at least two kits are available for immunohistochemical analysis (see the Table of Materials). Both turn the apoptotic cell nuclei dark brown and are visualized using light microscopy. Using Assay A (TUNEL technique), the Streptavidin HRP (horseradish peroxidase) conjugates to biotinylated nucleotides, and apoptotic nuclei turn brown after the reaction of DAB (diaminobenzidine, a stable chromogen). Assay B distinguishes cell damage via the detection of DNA cleavage and condensed chromatin, which is a sign of early apoptosis.
In a healthy organism, the level of cell renewal can usually be assessed in small percentages32,33. Cell death in the midgut increased after the OA treatment, which indicates that the use of OA has a detrimental effect on worker bees' midguts in lab experiments. The group of bees treated with imidacloprid and coumaphos revealed an increased cell death (red nuclei) in the food glands10, indicating cell damage or necrosis; programmed cell death was found at a low level (brown nuclei)10. However, necrotic and apoptotic cell death was found at high levels, especially after imidacloprid treatment. In the group of untreated bees, the level of programmed cell death in HPGs was not more than 10%, which is in accordance with normal tissue turnover32.
Cell death, both due to damage or programmed cell death, was detected by both assays (B and C) and resulted in different sensitivity; the first one detects both necrotic and programmed cell death11. As confirmed in the healthy workers (control group), both assays detected sporadic positive cells only10. The apoptosis and necrosis detection assays used in immunohistochemical analysis of honeybee tissue turned out to be a powerful method to explore the sublethal effects of different substances on honeybees.
Critical steps in the protocol:
After being cut with a microtome, tissue sections must be placed onto the objective glass on a warm plate (flattening table, see Table of Materials) overnight. It is essential for the samples to be well dried for future steps in the protocols. When tissue is not well attached to the glass, it can detach from the surface in the procedure for cell death detection. It is advisable to use the light microscope to verify the presence of the desired tissue. Next, it is useful to dye the first slide with H&E to check for the correct section with many cells (especially the glandular tissue) and prepare new ones in case the midgut section is not appropriate. HPGs can be quite challenging to find, so care must be taken not to cut too many sections; otherwise, the glands will be lost.
Adding positive control to detect DNA fragmentation is useful but optional. It is important to treat the slides separately to avoid high background staining in the experimental slides. In Assay B, the positive controls are included in some of the kits (see Table of Materials); others should be purchased separately.
The method has a limitation in its length and precision. Preservation of tissue in an aqueous mounting medium is only short-term (under 3 months). If longer preservation is desired (not recommended due to possible changes of color), there are other mediums, but the results are not as reliable.
Using these two methods (apoptosis and necrosis detection) simultaneously is very useful to compare the different effects of pesticides on honeybee tissue, especially for sublethal effects. The alternative method would be the observation of foraging activity and its impact on the cognitive perception of worker bees affected by pesticides. Such a method would be faster in detecting sublethal effects on adult bees' activities, but would not answer any questions regarding the extent of the internal damage that can alter behavior in the early stage, as in young (nurse) bees.
Histological analysis of the simple morphology of honeybee tissue is a solid basis for approaching different research perspectives in cell damage, apoptosis, or malformations. The causes of pesticide use in the environment or colony treatment due to parasites and pests can be detrimental and significantly affect honeybee lifespan and colony survival. The midgut and HPGs are essential organs in honeybees and have the ability and purpose to quickly respond to any kind of negative external factors that affect the age-related activities of bees. The HPGs decrease in size and secretion abilities, and epithelial cells in the midgut respond by increased cell death. Immunohistochemistry methods, such as in situ studies, are useful tools for apoptosis detection in bee tissue. They also show the potential to be implemented in studies of possible adverse effects on honeybees and other beneficial insects.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
I gratefully acknowledge the support of the Slovenian Research Agency, grant no. P4-133.
2-Propanol | |||
ApopTag Peroxidase kit (ApopTag Peroxidase In Situ Apoptosis Detection) | Sigma-Aldrich | S7100 | Assay B, jw7vuUBhBUEiwAEdu2pPanI9SE j81ZTl-nLHEoxXAv7ViKwPA_QRx H7fciMRNcYwR7lbPQbhoCqcQQA vD_BwE; Positive controls included in S7101 |
Covers | |||
DeadEnd Colorimetric TUNEL system | Promega | G7360 | Assay A, |
Dissecting microscope (for bee dissection) | Zeiss | ||
Distilled water | |||
Embedding cassette | |||
EnVision System alkaline phosphatase kit | Dako | ||
Eosin Y Solution | Sigma-Aldrich | alcoholic | |
Ethanol | 95% (or less pure), 90%, 80% | ||
Faramount mounting medium, aqueous | Dako | mounting medium | |
Flattening table | Leica | HI1220 | |
Forceps (for bee dissection) | Fine science tools | 11294-00 | Standard #4 |
Formalin 10% | Formaldehyde | ||
Hematoxylin | Sigma-Aldrich | ||
HistoChoice Clearing Agent | Sigma-Aldrich | clearing agent | |
Hydrogen peroxidase 3% | |||
Incubator | BioRad | ||
Insect pins (for bee dissection) | Entosphinx | 44594 | Insect pins stainless steel – white, size 2 |
ISCDDK, AP (In Situ Cell Death Detecteion Kit, Alkaline Phosphatase) | Roche | 11684809910 | Assay C, ul.pdf |
KH2PO4 | |||
Lab clock | |||
Light microscope | Leica | ||
Microscope slides | Box with the slides must be preserved in a plastic wrap to prevent dust | ||
Microtome | Leica | ||
Modular tissue embedding station | Leica | ||
Na2HPO4 | |||
NaCl | |||
Paraformaldehyde 4% | |||
Paraplast | Leica | ||
Pasteur pipettes | 1.5 mL; 3 mL | ||
PBS | |||
Petri dish (for bee dissection) | Filled with condensation silicon (Xantoprene L blue and Universal liquid plus activator) | ||
Proteinase K | Merck | 21627 | |
Ringers' solution (for bee dissection) | 7.5 g NaCL, 2.38 g Na2HPO4, 2.72 g KH2PO4, 1 L distilled water | ||
Scissors (for bee dissection) | Fine science tools | 1406-09, 14061-09 | Straight and curved, 9 cm |
Universal liquid plus activator (for bee dissection) | Kulzer | ||
Watchmaker’s forceps (for bee dissection) | Fine science tools | 91100-12 | |
Water bath | Leica | ||
Watercolor brush | 2x | ||
Xantoprene L blue (for bee dissection) | Kulzer |