

Published: April 07, 2023




多年来,细胞内成分的分离一直是细胞生物学的关键工具,并且已经能够提供有关其位置如何影响其功能的有用见解。特别是,核和细胞质RNA的分离在癌细胞和寻找药物新靶点的背景下变得很重要。当许多所需材料可以在典型的实验室环境中找到时,购买用于核细胞质RNA提取的试剂盒可能很昂贵。使用本方法可以替代更昂贵的试剂盒或其他耗时的过程,只需自制的裂解缓冲液、台式离心机和RNA分离纯化柱即可分离核和细胞质RNA。裂解缓冲液用于温和地裂解细胞的外膜,而不会影响核包膜的完整性,从而释放其细胞内成分。然后,可以通过简单的离心步骤分离细胞核,因为它们具有比裂解溶液更高的密度。离心用于根据其密度差异分离这些区域,以分离细胞核中的亚细胞元素和细胞质中的亚细胞元素。离心分离出不同组分后,使用RNA净化试剂盒纯化RNA含量,并进行qPCR以验证分离质量,通过不同级分中核和细胞质RNA的量进行定量。实现了统计学上显着的分离水平,说明了该方案的有效性。此外,该系统可以适用于分离不同类型的RNA(总RNA,小RNA等),从而可以有针对性地研究细胞质 – 细胞核相互作用,并有助于了解驻留在细胞核和细胞质中的RNA功能的差异。





分离核和细胞质RNA后,执行步骤以纯化感兴趣的RNA。由于RNA纯化试剂盒通常在实验室中发现,并且具有纯化和分离长RNA的功能,因此它们可以很好地满足本协议的目的。对于RNA纯化,产生大于1.8的260:280比率对于确保RNA测序或其他需要高纯度和分离的类似程序的样品质量至关重要。不规则的 260:280 值表示苯酚污染,表明分离效果差,结果不准确9.




K562细胞用于本研究。该协议已经过优化,适用于1 x 106-5 x 10600 万个细胞。然而,通过适当增加体积,该程序可以扩大到更大的细胞量。 1.0.25x裂解缓冲液的制备 通过混合 表1A中提供的以下组分制备0.25x裂解缓冲液。注意:样品需要大约 300 μL 的 0.25x 裂解缓冲液。推荐体积 = 样品数量 x 300 μL。 2…

Representative Results

为了确保实现核和细胞质分离,进行了qPCR以验证结果。在此过程中,使用特定于感兴趣区域的引物来证明核和细胞质分离水平。在这项研究中,MALAT1和TUG1分别用作核和细胞质引物。总之,它们允许证明高水平的核分级分离,MALAT1作为核元素的阳性对照,而细胞质分离预计较低。相反,当TUG1作为细胞质元件的阳性对照存在时,预计细胞质分离水平将高于核分离水平。这可以在 图2</…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




Agilent Tapestation Agilent G2991BA The Agilent TapeStation system is an automated electrophoresis solution for the sample quality control of DNA and RNA samples. 
0.5% Nonidet P-40 Thermo-Fischer 28324 Used in the making of lysis buffer
50 mM Tris-Cl pH 8.0 Thermo-Fischer 15568025 Used in the making of lysis buffer
MALAT1 GE Assay Thermo-Fischer Hs00273907_s1 Utilized for confirmation of Nuclear fraction.
MicroAmp Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate with Barcode Thermo-Fischer 4326659 The Applied Biosystems MicroAmp Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate with Barcode is optimized to provide unmatched temperature accuracy and uniformity for fast, efficient PCR amplification. This plate, constructed from a single rigid piece of polypropylene in a 96-well format, is compatible with Applied Biosystems 96-Well Real-Time PCR systems and thermal cyclers.
MicroAmp Optical Adhesive Film Thermo-Fischer 4311971 The Applied Biosystems MicroAmp Optical Adhesive Film reduces the chance of well-to-well contamination and sample evaporation when applied to a microplate during qPCR
PBS Gibco 20012-023 Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) is a balanced salt solution that is used for a variety of cell culture applications, such as washing cells before dissociation, transporting cells or tissue samples, diluting cells for counting, and preparing reagents.
Qiagen RNA Clean Up Kit-Rneasy Mini Kit Qiagen 74106 RNA cleanup kits enable efficient RNA cleanup of enzymatic reactions and cleanup of RNA purified by different methods. Includes RW1, RLT, RW1 buffers mentioned throughout protocol.
QuantStudio 6 Thermo-Fischer A43180 qPCR software utilized during protocol. Includes Design and Analysis Software for analyzing fractionation samples
RLT Buffer Qiagen 79216 Lysis Buffer from RNA clean-up kit
RPE Buffer Qiagen 1018013 Wash Buffer from RNA clean-up kit
RW1 Buffer Qiagen 1053394 Wash Buffer from RNA clean-up kit
Taqman Gene Expression Assays Thermo-Fischer 4331182 Applied Biosystems TaqMan Gene Expression Assays represent the largest collection of predesigned assays in the industry with over 2.8 million assays across 32 eukaryotic species and numerous microbes. TaqMan Gene Expression assays enable you to get results fast with no time wasted optimizing SYBR Green primers and no extra time spent running and analyzing melt curves.
TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix Thermo-Fischer 4305719 TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix is the ideal reagent solution when you need a master mix for multiple 5' nuclease DNA applications. Applied Biosystems reagents have been validated with TaqMan assays and Applied Biosystems real-time systems to ensure sensitive, accurate, and reliable performance every time.
TUG1 GE Assay Thermo-Fischer Hs00215501_m1 Utilized for confirmation of Cytoplasmic fraction.
UltraPure DEPC-Treated Water Thermo-Fischer 750024 UltraPure DEPC-treated Water is suitable for use with RNA. It is prepared by incubating with 0.1% diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC), and is then autoclaved to remove the DEPC. Sterile filtered.


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Jahn, J., Chaudhry, S., Affer, M., Pardo, A., Pardo, G., Taylor, J. Preparation of Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Long RNAs from Primary and Cultured Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (194), e64199, doi:10.3791/64199 (2023).

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