The goal of this protocol is to explain and demonstrate the development of a three-dimensional (3D) microfluidic model of highly aligned human cardiac tissue, composed of stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes co-cultured with cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) within a biomimetic, collagen-based hydrogel, for applications in cardiac tissue engineering, drug screening, and disease modeling.
The leading cause of death worldwide persists as cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, modeling the physiological and biological complexity of the heart muscle, the myocardium, is notoriously difficult to accomplish in vitro. Mainly, obstacles lie in the need for human cardiomyocytes (CMs) that are either adult or exhibit adult-like phenotypes and can successfully replicate the myocardium's cellular complexity and intricate 3D architecture. Unfortunately, due to ethical concerns and lack of available primary patient-derived human cardiac tissue, combined with the minimal proliferation of CMs, the sourcing of viable human CMs has been a limiting step for cardiac tissue engineering. To this end, most research has transitioned toward cardiac differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) as the primary source of human CMs, resulting in the wide incorporation of hiPSC-CMs within in vitro assays for cardiac tissue modeling.
Here in this work, we demonstrate a protocol for developing a 3D mature stem cell-derived human cardiac tissue within a microfluidic device. We specifically explain and visually demonstrate the production of a 3D in vitro anisotropic cardiac tissue-on-a-chip model from hiPSC-derived CMs. We primarily describe a purification protocol to select for CMs, the co-culture of cells with a defined ratio via mixing CMs with human CFs (hCFs), and suspension of this co-culture within the collagen-based hydrogel. We further demonstrate the injection of the cell-laden hydrogel within our well-defined microfluidic device, embedded with staggered elliptical microposts that serve as surface topography to induce a high degree of alignment of the surrounding cells and the hydrogel matrix, mimicking the architecture of the native myocardium. We envision that the proposed 3D anisotropic cardiac tissue-on-chip model is suitable for fundamental biology studies, disease modeling, and, through its use as a screening tool, pharmaceutical testing.
Tissue engineering approaches have been widely explored, in recent years, to accompany in vivo clinical findings in regenerative medicine and disease modeling1,2. Significant emphasis has been particularly placed on in vitro cardiac tissue modeling due to the inherent difficulties in sourcing human primary cardiac tissue and producing physiologically relevant in vitro surrogates, limiting the fundamental understanding of the complex mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)1,3. Traditional models have often involved 2D monolayer culture assays. However, the importance of culturing cardiac cells within a 3D environment to mimic both the native landscape of the myocardium and complex cellular interactions has been extensively characterized4,5. Additionally, most models produced thus far have included a mono-culture of CMs differentiated from stem cells. However, the heart is comprised of multiple cell types6 within a complex 3D architecture7, warranting the critical need to improve the complexity of the tissue composition within 3D in vitro models to better mimic cellular constituents of the native myocardium.
To date, many different approaches have been explored to produce biomimetic 3D models of the myocardium8. These approaches range from experimental setups that allow for the real-time calculation of generated force, from mono-culture CMs seeded on thin films (deemed muscular thin films (MTFs))9, to co-culture cardiac cells in 3D hydrogel matrices suspended among free-standing cantilevers (deemed engineered heart tissues (EHTs))10. Other approaches have focused on implementing micromolding techniques to mimic myocardial anisotropy, from mono-culture CMs in a 3D hydrogel suspended among protruding microposts in a tissue patch11, to mono-culture CMs seeded among indented microgrooves12,13. There are inherent advantages and disadvantages to each of these methods, therefore, it is pertinent to utilize the technique that aligns with the intended application and the corresponding biological question.
The ability to enhance the maturation of stem cell-derived CMs is essential for the successful in vitro engineering of adult-like myocardial tissue and translation of subsequent findings to clinical interpretations. To this end, methods to mature CMs have been widely explored, both in 2D and 3D14,15,16. For example, electrical stimulation incorporated in EHTs, forced alignment of CMs with surface topography, signaling cues, growth factors from co-culture, and/or 3D hydrogel conditions, etc., all lead to a change in favor of CM maturation in at least one of the following: cell morphology, calcium handling, sarcomeric structure, gene expression, or contractile force.
Of these models, the approaches that utilize microfluidic platforms retain certain advantages in nature, such as control of gradients, limited cell input, and minimal necessary reagents. Furthermore, many biological replicates can be generated at once using microfluidic platforms, serving to better dissect the biological mechanism of interest and increase the experimental sample size in favor of statistical power17,18,19. Additionally, using photolithography in the microfluidic device fabrication process enables the creation of precise features (e.g., topographies) at the micro- and nano-level, which serve as mesoscopic cues to enhance the surrounding cellular structure and macro-level tissue architecture18,20,21,22 for different applications in tissue regeneration and disease modeling.
We previously demonstrated the development of a novel 3D cardiac tissue on-chip model that incorporates surface topography, in the form of innate elliptical microposts, to align hydrogel-encapsulated co-cultured cardiac cells into an interconnected, anisotropic tissue20. After 14 days of culture, the tissues formed within the microfluidic device are more mature in their phenotype, gene expression profile, calcium handling characteristics, and pharmaceutical response when compared to monolayer and 3D isotropic controls23. The protocol described herein outlines the method for creating this 3D co-cultured, aligned (i.e., anisotropic) human cardiac tissue within the microfluidic device using hiPSC-derived CMs. Specifically, we explain the methods to differentiate and purify hiPSCs towards CMs, supplementation of hCFs with CMs to produce an established co-culture population, insertion of the cell population encapsulated within the collagen hydrogel into the microfluidic devices, and subsequent analysis of the 3D constructed tissues through contractile and immunofluorescent assays. The resultant 3D engineered micro-tissues are suitable for various applications, including fundamental biology studies, CVD modeling, and pharmaceutical testing.
Perform all cell handling and reagent preparation within a Biosafety Cabinet. Ensure all surfaces, materials, and equipment that come into contact with cells are sterile (i.e., spray down with 70% ethanol). Cells should be cultured in a humidified 37 °C, 5% CO2 incubator. All hiPSC culture and differentiation is performed in 6-well plates.
1. Microfluidic device creation (approximate duration: 1 week)
2. Stem cell culture (approximate duration: 1-2 months)
3. Creation of 3D cardiac tissue within the microfluidic device: (Approximate duration: 2-3 h)
4. Tissue analysis
To obtain a highly purified population of CMs from hiPSCs, a modified version involving a combination of the Lian differentiation protocol33 and Tohyama purification steps34 is used (refer to Figure 1A for experimental timeline). The hiPSCs need to be colony-like, ~85% confluent, and evenly spread throughout the culture well 3-4 days after passage, at the onset of CM differentiation (Figure 1B). Specifically, on Day 0, hiPSC colonies should have a high expression of pluripotency transcription factors, including SOX2 and Nanog (Figure 1C). Based on this protocol, evidence of a successful stem cell differentiation and purification process is demonstrated in Figure 1D, with dense colonies of CMs expressing sarcomeric α-actinin, with minimal surrounding non-CMs. Additionally, the hCFs must maintain a fibroblast morphology with high vimentin expression (Figure 1E), so they are to be used before P10 as they may start to differentiate to myofibroblasts at higher passages29.
To maintain the robust nature of this protocol, it is pertinent to implement replating of the hiPSC-CMs after metabolic purification. Due to the presence of dead cells and debris that occur from glucose starvation, the CMs need a further purification step to maximize CM purity and health before use in the experiment; therefore, replating is used as it helps loosen the debris/ dead non-CMs (Figures 2A-B, Videos 1-2). Video 1 shows an example population of CMs before replating, presenting with a high purity of CMs in multiple layers, however with much debris present on the cells and floating in the media due to the implemented purification. Correspondingly, Video 2 shows the same population of CMs immediately after replating, presenting the CMs in a monolayer with significantly less debris, demonstrating the effects of tissue digestion and single-cell dissociation that occur during replating.
Upon insertion of the cell-embedded hydrogel into the microfluidic device (i.e., chip; inset image in Figure 3), the cells are dense and evenly spaced throughout the posts. The cells start to spread at Day 1 (Figure 3A), then by Day 7, they resume beating and become more synchronous in their contractile patterns (Figure 3B). Additionally, the 3D tissues condense around the posts to form repeating elliptical pores, and the cells elongate. By Day 14, the matured tissues exhibit a high degree of anisotropy (i.e., directional organization), composed of cells with elongated shape (Figures 3C, 4A), striated, aligned sarcomeres, and localized gap junctions (Figure 4B). Furthermore, the spontaneous contractile patterns of these tissues are highly synchronous (Figure 4C, Video 3) due to the interconnected, aligned nature of the cardiac cells.
Figure 1: Experimental schematic and representative images of cellular morphology during preparation for device injection: Schematic of the protocol, describing steps after microfluidic device fabrication, from hiPSC culture to microfluidic cardiac tissue formation (A). hiPSCs should maintain a colony-like morphology (B) and high expression of pluripotency markers (SOX2, green; Nanog, red) (C) on the onset of differentiation. After hiPSC-CM differentiation, there should be abundant, dense patches of CMs, as stained with sarcomeric alpha-actinin (SAA, green), with minimal surrounding non-CMs, as evidenced by vimentin staining (vim, red) (D). hCFs should present with high levels of vimentin expression and maintain fibroblast morphology (E). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: hiPSC-CM populations during the latter stages of differentiation: The purification process causes the death of non-CMs, producing debris in the cell culture, present before CM replating (A). After replating (B), the debris and non-CMs are dislodged, serving to further purify the CM population. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Human cardiac 3D tissue formation within the microfluidic device: The day following injection into the device (shown in the upper left inset, next to US dime for scale), the cells will begin to spread and will be dense and homogeneously distributed throughout the device (A). After a week of culture, the cells will resume spontaneously beating and form condensed, aligned tissues (B). By two weeks of culture, the cells form condensed, aligned tissues around the elliptical posts (C). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Representative characteristics of human cardiac tissue after culture for 14 days in the microfluidic device: The cells have formed elongated, highly aligned tissues, as denoted by actin staining (A). The sarcomeres are parallel and striated, and there is the localization of gap junctions as evidenced through staining for sarcomeric α-actinin (SAA) and connexin 43 (CX43), respectively (B). The spontaneous contraction is synchronous (C). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Video 1: Spontaneous contraction of hiPSC-CMs on Day 21 after lactate purification and before replating Please click here to download this Video.
Video 2: Spontaneous contraction of hiPSC-CMs on Day 23 after replating Please click here to download this Video.
Video 3: Synchronous, spontaneous contraction of human cardiac tissue within device for 14 days Please click here to download this Video.
Supplementary File 1: AutoCAD file for heart on-a-chip device Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary File 2: MATLAB program to extract peaks to determine inter-beat interval variability from beating signals Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary File 3: Table of primary and secondary antibodies Please click here to download this File.
The formation of an in vitro human cardiac tissue model with enhanced cell-cell interactions and biomimetic 3D structure is imperative for basic cardiovascular research and corresponding clinical applications1. This outlined protocol explains the development of 3D human anisotropic cardiac tissue within a microfluidic device, using co-culture of stem cell-derived CMs with connective CFs encapsulated within a collagen hydrogel, serving to model the complex cell composition and structure of the native myocardium. This specific protocol is highly reproducible, as the particular structure of the device has been optimized and validated for 3D anisotropic cardiac tissue formation from both rat-derived cardiac cells, and human stem cell-differentiated CMs, from hESCs, and two types of hiPSCs (SCVI20 and IMR90-4) as demonstrated in our recent publication20. We, among many other groups, have found that the efficiency of CM-differentiation of stem cells varies amongst cell lines35,36. The implemented purification protocol aids in increasing the differentiation yield; however, the length of purification time is dependent on cell line and differentiation efficiency. Therefore, the resultant success in the formation of the microfluidic tissues may vary between cell lines.
To capture pertinent components of the myocardium, the cellular composition for the demonstrated tissues is mainly a mixture of CMs and CFs, as CMs compromise most of the volume while CFs retain most of the cell population within the heart37. Furthermore, the particular ratio of 4:1 CM:CFs was extensively validated in recent published work20 to result in optimal structure and cardiac tissue formation within this platform. Future studies involving this described platform could be further advanced in their complexity by supplementation with other penitent cell types to better mimic the native myocardium. For example, it has been recently found that resident macrophages are integral in conduction processes within the heart38, in addition to their well-documented role in immune response39. Therefore, macrophages could be incorporated into the cell mixture before hydrogel encapsulation to model resident cardiac macrophages. Alternatively, monocytes could be delivered through the media channels as a model of recruitment through the blood circulation, which may lead to a population of inflammatory macrophages within the heart tissue.
There are inherent advantages in using a microfluidic device as a platform to construct 3D tissue models. Particularly, precise diffusion-based experiments can be established through exact control of chemicals, molecules, or gases that enable concentration gradients across a device18,20. Additionally, diverse sets of cell types40 and fluid flow can be incorporated to mimic dynamic culture conditions and provide shear stress on seeded cells41. The latter may be of particular use in the study of an incorporated vascular system within the chip, as endothelial cells can be seeded in the adjacent media channels (as we have previously demonstrated using this device to model astrocytes-on-a-chip23), and constant fluid flow to mimic capillaries can easily be incorporated via a vacuum-based or gravity-based pump.
Another benefit of the microfluidic device is the material (i.e., PDMS) used to fabricate the device channels. Specifically, PDMS is a transparent, cheap, and biocompatible polymer42 with easily adjustable stiffness. The limiting step in the fabrication of these devices lies in the photolithography, as the technique requires access to a cleanroom and acquisition of the associated skill. However, once the wafer is fabricated, it can be used to make hundreds of devices through the straight-forward soft lithography process to create the PDMS channels and the simple act of plasma bonding to seal the channels to coverslips. In future studies, if the device were to be modified to include the capability to measure electrical properties of the tissue in real-time, an additional step of fitting the device with electrodes and conductive components would have to be incorporated in the fabrication process. The use of PDMS to fabricate the channel may retain limitations, particularly if used in constructs for drug-response studies, as PDMS has been found to adsorb small hydrophobic molecules43,44,45. Therefore, other materials, such as thermoplastics46,47, could be investigated as alternatives to PDMS during the soft lithography process.
A critical step in this outlined protocol is step 3.6.4 detailing cell:hydrogel insertion into the microfluidic devices. A few key variables need to be controlled to ensure success, including temperature, time, and proper handling. If either the hydrogel stock solutions or the prepared cell:hydrogel solution reach room temperature, they are at risk for partial polymerizing, which is irreversible, making the solution viscous and near impossible to inject into the device without leakage into media channels. On the other hand, the cell:hydrogel solution cannot freeze, as the cells will die; therefore the solution must be maintained within this narrow temperature window. Similarly, the amount of time elapsed between cell:hydrogel preparation and device injection directly relates to increasing temperature of the prepared solution. Specifically, as soon as the solution is made and the aliquot (i.e., 3 µL) is obtained, the pipette holding the aliquot has to be repositioned, so the tip is inside the device ports, and the aliquot is to be slowly and steadily inserted into the device. Throughout this transition, the small volume is within a pipette tip that is at room temperature, therefore, the solution is rapidly increasing temperature from that of the ice it was prepared on (i.e., -20 °C), requiring a rather swift injection process. If the temperature sensitivity of the collagen-based hydrogel becomes a key factor during device injection, incorporation of other hydrogels48, such as photocrosslinkable hydrogels (i.e., GelMA)47,49,50,51 or enzymatically-crosslinked hydrogels (i.e., fibrin)11,52,53, could be explored.
The design of the microfluidic device included in this protocol allows for the establishment of an anisotropic tissue due to the presence of the staggered, protruding elliptical posts within the main tissue channel20. This feature is advantageous over other methods, such as ECM contact printing, because it does not require a handling step to create the topography that may lead to variation between samples due to stamp deformation or ink diffusion54. However, as stated earlier, there are often difficulties inherent in the injection of a cell:hydrogel suspension into a device channel, particularly in a channel with innate posts. To that end, the handling pressure of device insertion is rather sensitive. The injection process has to be steady, at a consistent and relatively low pressure to avoid any leakage into the media channels.
Additionally, bubbles cannot be introduced either during the preparation of the solution or during device insertion, as bubbles will cause leakage from the main tissue channel into the media channels. Thus, proper care is needed to control handling, temperature, and timing of the cell:hydrogel injection to ensure the success in the formation of 3D homogeneously distributed tissue. Therefore, practice in handling the microfluidic devices before cell culture experiments may be beneficial. Maintenance thereafter of tissues within microfluidic devices is quite straightforward, simply necessitating a daily media change of 20 µL volume, and the coverslip-base of the device renders convenient handling during real-time imaging.
In summary, the protocol described herein utilizes a combination of micromolding techniques, including photolithography and soft lithography, to create an intricate architecture within a microfluidic device that induces high levels of 3D tissue anisotropy, with robust biological techniques, including stem cell differentiation, primary human cell culture, and hydrogel-based biomaterials. The end result of the outlined protocol is an aligned, 3D co-cultured cardiac tissue within a microfluidic chip with a mature phenotype, that has been repeatedly validated for multiple different cell types and lines20, rendering it suitable for disease modeling and downstream preclinical applications.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We would like to thank NSF CAREER Award #1653193, Arizona Biomedical Research Commission (ABRC) New Investigator Award (ADHS18-198872), and the Flinn Foundation Award for providing funding sources for this project. The hiPSC line, SCVI20, was obtained from Joseph C. Wu, MD, PhD at the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute funded by NIH R24 HL117756. The hiPSC line, IMR90-4, was obtained from WiCell Research Institute55,56.
0.65 mL centrifuge tubes | VWR | 87003-290 | |
1 mm Biopsy punch | VWR | 95039-090 | |
1.5 mm Biopsy punch | VWR | 95039-088 | |
15 mL Falcon tubes | VWR | 89039-670 | |
18x18mm coverslips | VWR | 16004-308 | The coverslips should be No.1, to allow for high magnification imaging |
4% paraformaldehyde | ThermoFisher | 101176-014 | |
6-well flat botttom tissue-culture plates | VWR | 82050-844 | |
B27 minus insulin | LifeTech | A1895602 | |
B27 plus insulin | LifeTech | 17504001 | |
CHIR99021 | VWR | 10188-030 | |
Collagen I, rat tail | Corning | 47747-218 | |
DMEM F12 | ThermoFisher | 11330057 | |
DPBS | ThermoFisher | 21600069 | |
E8 | ThermoFisher | A1517001 | can also be made in house |
EDTA | VWR | 45001-122 | |
Ethanol | |||
FGM3 | VWR | 10172-048 | |
GFR-Matrigel | VWR | 47743-718 | |
Glycine | Sigma | G8898-500G | |
Goat serum | VWR | 10152-212 | |
hESC-Matrigel | Corning | BD354277 | |
IPA | |||
IWP2 | Sigma | I0536-5MG | |
Kimwipes | VWR | 82003-820 | |
MTCS | Sigma | 440299-1L | |
NaN3 | Sigma | S2002-25G | |
NaOH | Sigma | S5881-500G | |
Pen/Strep | VWR | 15140122 | |
Petri dish (150x15mm) | VWR | 25384-326 | |
Petri dish (60x15mm) | VWR | 25384-092 | |
Phenol Red | Sigma | P3532-5G | |
RPMI 1640 | ThermoFisher | MT10040CM | |
RPMI 1640 minus glucose | VWR | 45001-110 | |
Silicon Wafers (100mm) | University Wafer | 1196 | |
Sodium lactate | Sigma | L4263-100ML | |
SU8 2075 | Microchem | Y111074 0500L1GL | |
SU8 Developer | ThermoFisher | NC9901158 | |
Sylgard Elastomer | Essex Brownell | DC-184-1.1 | |
T75 flasks | VWR | 82050-856 | |
Triton X-100 | Sigma | T8787-100ML | |
TrypLE | ThermoFisher | 12604021 | |
Trypsin-EDTA (0.5%) | ThermoFisher | 15400054 | |
Tween20 | Sigma | P9416-50ML | |
Y-27632 | Stem Cell Technologies | 72304 | |
EVG620 Aligner | EVG | ||
Plasma cleaner PDC-32G | Harrick Plasma | ||
Zeiss AxioObserver Z1 microscope | Nikon | ||
Leica SP8 Confocal microscope | Leica |