Microtubules are inherently unstable polymers, and their switching between growth and shortening is stochastic and difficult to control. Here we describe protocols using segmented microtubules with photoablatable stabilizing caps. Depolymerization of segmented microtubules can be triggered with high temporal and spatial resolution, thereby assisting analysis of motions with the disassembling microtubule ends.
Microtubule depolymerization can provide force to transport different protein complexes and protein-coated beads in vitro. The underlying mechanisms are thought to play a vital role in the microtubule-dependent chromosome motions during cell division, but the relevant proteins and their exact roles are ill-defined. Thus, there is a growing need to develop assays with which to study such motility in vitro using purified components and defined biochemical milieu. Microtubules, however, are inherently unstable polymers; their switching between growth and shortening is stochastic and difficult to control. The protocols we describe here take advantage of the segmented microtubules that are made with the photoablatable stabilizing caps. Depolymerization of such segmented microtubules can be triggered with high temporal and spatial resolution, thereby assisting studies of motility at the disassembling microtubule ends. This technique can be used to carry out a quantitative analysis of the number of molecules in the fluorescently-labeled protein complexes, which move processively with dynamic microtubule ends. To optimize a signal-to-noise ratio in this and other quantitative fluorescent assays, coverslips should be treated to reduce nonspecific absorption of soluble fluorescently-labeled proteins. Detailed protocols are provided to take into account the unevenness of fluorescent illumination, and determine the intensity of a single fluorophore using equidistant Gaussian fit. Finally, we describe the use of segmented microtubules to study microtubule-dependent motions of the protein-coated microbeads, providing insights into the ability of different motor and nonmotor proteins to couple microtubule depolymerization to processive cargo motion.
Microtubules are highly conserved cytoskeletal structures that are important for cellular architecture, cell motility, cell division, and intracellular transport1. These dynamic polymers assemble from tubulin in the presence of GTP, and they switch spontaneously between growth and shortening2. Microtubules are very thin (only 25 nm in diameter) therefore special optical techniques to enhance contrast should be used to observe microtubules with a light microscope. Previous work with these polymers examined their dynamic behavior using differential interference contrast (DIC)3. This and similar studies in vitro revealed that under typical experimental conditions, the microtubules undergo catastrophe and switch to the depolymerization only rarely, once every 5-15 min (this frequency is for 7-15 mM soluble tubulin concentration examined at 28-32 °C)4. Different techniques have thus been proposed to induce microtubule depolymerization in a controlled manner. Microtubule shortening can be triggered by washing away soluble tubulin5,6, cutting microtubules with a laser beam7, or using segmented microtubules8, as described here. Previous work using segmented microtubules, as well as stochastically switching polymers, has found that small intracellular cargos, such as chromosomes, vesicles, and protein-coated beads, can move at the ends of the shortening microtubules9-13. This phenomenon is thought to have a direct implication for chromosome motions in mitotic cells, and the underlying mechanisms are currently under active investigation14-16.
Recently, fluorescent-based techniques, including the total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy, have been employed to study motility with dynamic microtubule ends17-24. The advantage of this approach is that it allows examination of interactions between microtubules and microtubule-binding proteins in real time using proteins labeled with different fluorophores. Several protein complexes were found to move processively with elongating and/or shortening microtubule ends. They include the microtubule-associated proteins Dam110,12,18, Ska119, and XMAP21520, as well as kinesin motors Kif18A21,22, MCAK23 and CENP-E24. These proteins exhibit processive tip-tracking, which is fundamentally different from that of the classic tip-tracking proteins like EB125. Although EB1 molecules and the associated partners appear to remain stably associated with dynamic microtubule ends, the individual molecules remain bound to the microtubule tip for only ~0.8 sec, rapidly exchanging with the soluble pool26. In contrast, processive tip-trackers, like Dam1, travel with microtubule ends for many microns, and their association with microtubule tips can last for many seconds. The tip association time, as well as the resulting rate of tracking, depends strongly on the number of molecules that form the tip-tracking complex27. Larger protein ensembles are usually much better tip-trackers. For example, such complex assemblies as the isolated yeast kinetochores can remain coupled to microtubule ends for hours28. Some microtubule-binding proteins, e.g. Ndc80 kinetochore protein complex, have been found to be unable to track with microtubule ends at a single molecule level, yet Ndc80 is very efficient in coupling the motion of bead cargo19,29-31. Thus, to understand the mechanism of tip-tracking by different protein complexes, as well as their biological roles, it is important to examine tip-tracking as a function of the number of molecules in the tip-tracking complex, as well as to determine the ability of these complexes to exhibit collective motility on the surface of bead cargo.
Below we provide detailed protocols to prepare and conduct experiments with segmented microtubules (Figure 1A). First, the commercially available glass slides are modified to attach short polyethylene tubing (Protocol 1). The reusable microscopy flow chamber is then assembled from such a slide and the chemically or plasma-cleaned and silanized coverslip (protocol 2)32-34. The resulting chamber volume is only 20-25 μl (or as small as 15 μl, see Note 3 in Protocol 1), including the volume of the inlet tubing. Commercially available flow chambers can also be used, but their volume is usually larger, leading to the unnecessary waste of proteins. If a larger chamber is employed, the volume of all solutions in the protocols below should be scaled proportionally. Microtubule seeds are then prepared, for example using slowly hydrolysable GTP analog, GMPCPP (Guanosine-5’-[(α,β)-methyleno]triphosphate) (protocol 3, see also Hyman et al.35). The seeds are immobilized on a cleaned coverslip and the surface is subsequently blocked to prevent nonspecific absorption of other proteins32 (protocol 4 describes seeds immobilization using digoxigenin). The segmented microtubules can then be prepared using Protocol 5. The main rationale for this approach is that dynamic microtubule polymers, which form in the presence of GTP, can be stabilized temporarily by adding the short “caps” of stable tubulin segments, which contain GMPCPP. These caps also contain Rhodamine-labeled tubulin, so they can be removed simply by illuminating the field of view with a 530-550 nm laser or mercury arc lamp (Protocol 6)36. Fluorescence intensity of the tip-tracking signal can then be used to estimate the number of molecules that travel with the disassembling microtubule ends, taking into account the unevenness of the microscope field illumination (Protocol 7). A similar approach can be used to study interactions between depolymerizing microtubules and protein-coated beads, prepared as described in27 (Protocol 8). Some proteins will readily bind to the walls of segmented microtubules, but laser tweezers can also be used to hold the bead near the microtubule wall, thereby promoting its binding.
Required equipment: The experiments described below require a light microscope equipped for DIC and fluorescence imaging (Table 1). Bright field LED illumination can be used to significantly improve the detection of the coverslip-attached microtubule seeds37, which are difficult to observe with a regular Halogen lamp. To control liquid flow in microscopy chambers, the solutions should be exchanged with a peristaltic pump capable of flow speeds from 10-100 μl/min. A syringe pump can also be used but care should be taken to avoid air bubbles that may form when the flow speed is changed abruptly. For handling protein-coated beads, for example to bring them close to the segmented microtubule wall, a 1,064 nm continuous wave laser beam can be introduced into the microscope’s optical axis and focused with a high numerical aperture objective (1.3 or higher) to produce a trap. For quantitative analysis of the fluorescent intensity of single molecules the excitation light should be provided by a laser-base source since the intensity of this light source is more stable than that generated by a mercury lamp. To minimize mechanical vibrations, the microscope should be placed on an optical table. More sophisticated equipment is required to study the movement of the beads with the depolymerizing microtubule ends under a constant force, and to measure the single-shot force signals11,38,39, these methods will be described elsewhere.
1. Manufacturing Reusable Flow Chambers
Glass slides for reusable flow chambers can be ordered from a local glass manufacturing facility using schematics in Figure 1B (see Table 2 for details about our supplier). With ultrasonic milling modify regular microscope slides (75 mm x 25 mm, 1.0 mm thick) to make two grooves 15±1 mm long, 1.0±0.1 mm wide and 0.8±0.05 mm deep. Distance between the closest ends should be 14±1 mm; this distance is optimal for a chamber assembled with 22 mm x 22 mm coverslip. See Table 2 for a list of other materials.
2. Preparation of Coverslips
This protocol takes 6-8 hr and will help to prepare 12 coverslips. You will need one ceramic coverslip holder and 3 coverslip staining jars with lids; jar volume should be 15 ml, so each will hold 4 coverslips stacked together. A glass jar with a lid (250 ml) should be used to incubate coverslips with silane. Use regular No.1 glass coverslips (22 mm x 22 mm or 22 mm x 30 mm, see Tables 2 and 3 for a list of materials). All steps should be carried out in a fume hood, while wearing gloves.
3. Preparation of GMPCPP-stabilized Microtubule Seeds
This procedure will take ~1 hr and the resulting microtubule seeds are stable for 1-2 days at room temperature. See Table 4 for a list of reagents.
4. Attachment of Microtubule Seeds to the Coverslips
Protocols 4 and 5 will require 2-3 hr, so two flow chambers are used per day.
5. Preparation of Segmented Microtubules
All solution volumes below are for chamber volume 15-20 μl; increase proportionally if larger chamber is used.
6. Experimental Observation of the Protein Tracking with Depolymerizing Microtubule Ends
7. Quantitative Analysis of the Molecular Size of Microtubule Tip-tracking Complexes
The rationale for this approach is to determine the number of molecules in a tip-tracking complex by finding the ratio of total fluorescent intensity of the tip-tracking complex to the intensity of a single fluorophore. This approach can be applied to GFP-protein fusions and proteins labeled with fluorescent dyes, but it may underestimate the number of molecules in the tip-tracking complexes if some protein molecules in the preparations are not fluorescent.
8. Microtubule Tip-tracking by the Protein Coated Beads
Protein tracking with depolymerizing microtubule ends. Yeast kinetochore component Dam1 is by far the best tip-tracker of the depolymerizing microtubule ends14. This 10-subunit complex labeled with GFP can be readily expressed and purified from bacterial cells18,38, so we recommend using it as a positive control for the tip-tracking assay. A fluorescent protein that tracks with the depolymerizing end of a microtubule is seen as a bright fluorescent spot steadily moving towards the coverslip-attached seed (Video 3). It will also appear as an oblique line on a corresponding kymograph (Figure 2E). In contrast, if the protein fails to tip-track, the microtubule shortens without showing enrichment in fluorescent signal at the microtubule end, such as seen for human Ndc80-GFP complex19 (Figure 2F). When the processive tracking is observed, the rate of microtubule shortening can be determined by tracking the moving dot or by measuring the slope of the oblique line on the corresponding kymograph. This can give information about the strength of protein-microtubule end binding45. Proteins that bind strongly to the microtubule, like the Dam1 ring complex, slow down the rate of microtubule depolymerization. This effect, however, depends strongly on the size of the tip-tracking complex and the small complexes may exert little or no effect on the rate of microtubule disassembly27. Thus, the change in the rate of microtubule shortening should be interpreted in the context of the size of the tip-tracking complex. Under some conditions, the tracking may be accompanied by the increase in brightness of the tip-tracking complex, as the depolymerizing end “collects” the protein that was bound to the microtubule lattice. In this case the rate of depolymerization often slows down concomitantly with the increasing size of the tip-tracking complex. In other cases the relationship is more complex. For example, many subunits of the Dam1 protein complex, in which GFP was conjugated at the N-terminus of Dam1 subunit, can be collected at the end of the shortening microtubule (Figure 2G). Microtubule disassembly eventually stalls; presumably because the force of microtubule depolymerization is not strong enough to move complexes that are too big. The disassembly often resumes after a decrease in tip brightness, which indicates dissociation of some of the tip-associated Dam1 subunits10. Careful examination of these relationships is important because the microtubule-binding proteins that do not track processively can also slow down the rate of microtubule disassembly19,31,46.
Bead tracking with depolymerizing microtubule ends. Many microtubule-binding proteins have already been identified as couplers for the microbead motion with dynamic microtubule ends5,11,27,39,47. Strikingly, even the Ndc80 protein complex can sustain the microtubule end tip-tracking by the beads29,30. Usually, binding between protein-coated beads and microtubules is strong, so when beads are added to the microscopy chamber they bind readily to the segmented, coverslip-attached microtubules (Figure 4A). It is not always possible to definitively see with DIC whether the bead became attached to only one microtubule. We have developed several criteria to avoid recording the beads that have formed attachments to several microtubules. First, a bead that is attached to one microtubule should show an arc-like motion, as the microtubule pivots slightly around the site of its growth from the cover-slip attached seed (Figure 4B). Second, when the stabilizing cap is illuminated, only one red segment should be seen distal from the seed and bead (Figure 4C). The cap can often be seen following the bead’s arc-like motion until the cap bleaches (Video 4). Third, the bead motion (or its detachment) should be observed shortly after the cap has bleached and the direction of bead motion should be consistent with microtubule orientation, which was deduced based on the above observations. Fourth, as the microtubule shortens and the bead moves towards the seed, the amplitude of the arc-like oscillations should decrease (Figure 4D).
When the tracking by the bead is very processive, as shown in Figure 4D, these criteria are often satisfied. However, if the bead tracking is not processive, after some initial directed motion the bead detaches and begins diffusing randomly. With larger beads, e.g. 1 μm glass beads, this thermal motion is slow enough that it could be misinterpreted as an arc-containing motion with the shortening microtubule end. A formal criterion based on the magnitude of bead’s deviation from the linear track can be used to discriminate such events29. In our previous work we calculated average bead excursions across the microtubule axis and estimated that if this value exceeded 0.4 μm/1 μm of the microtubule-parallel bead motion, the bead was likely to diffuse randomly with 95% confidence. Using this measure we found that even in “control” bead preparations, e.g. beads coated with nonspecific antibody or streptavidin-coated beads used in conjunction with biotinylated microtubules, 5% of beads were judged to move processively. If greater accuracy is desired to monitor motions of beads with low processivity, we recommend using a laser trap, where the directed bead motions are easier to identify.
Laser trap should also be used if the beads fail to form lasting attachments to stable microtubules. We used a laser beam to capture beads coated with different protein constructs of plus-end-directed kinesin CENP-E and to “launch” such beads on the segmented microtubule walls (Figure 4E)24. In the presence of ATP these beads move rapidly (20-25 μm/min) towards the capped microtubule plus ends; on a kymograph, such motion results in the oblique line directed toward the cap (Figures 4F and 4G). After the cap is destroyed, a bead coated with the truncated CENP-E protein detaches from the microtubule (green arrow on Figure 4F). However, the full length CENP-E protein can sustain bead motion in the reverse direction, i.e. toward the minus microtubule end (Video 5). As a result, the kymograph for such beads shows a zigzag pattern, indicating the presence of both plus-end and minus-end directed motions by the beads coated with full length, and not truncated CENP-E. We expect that other microtubule-dependent motors may exhibit similar motility5,13, and hope that the assays we describe will help to advance the studies of microtubule tip-tracking by these and other microtubule-binding proteins.
Figure 1. Flow chamber for in vitro studies with segmented or dynamic microtubules. A. Diagram of a segmented microtubule (MT). Stable MT seeds are prepared with digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled tubulin and GMPCPP, attached to coverslip via anti-DIG antibodies. Nonspecific binding of tubulin and other proteins is blocked with Pluronic F127. Microtubules are extended from the seeds using unlabeled tubulin and GTP, and these extensions are capped with short segments containing Rhodamine labeled tubulin and GMPCPP (in red). MT Plus end (labeled with +) can usually be distinguished from a much shorter minus end (-). B and C. Detailed schemes of the modified flow chamber slides to use with upright and inverted microscopes. Sonic slots are shown in yellow. Numbers are in millimeters. D and E. Side views of the modified slides (not to scale) with attached tubes; thick arrows indicate liquid flow through the tubes after the chambers are fully assembled (not shown). Click here to view larger image.
Figure 2. Preparation of segmented microtubules and typical protein tip-tracking results. A. Coverslip-attached microtubule seeds visualized with DIC optics (step 4.8 of the protocol); arrows point to some of the seeds. The image is an average of 10 frames acquired sequentially (100 msec exposure each). B. Same microscope field after tubulin and GTP were incubated for 8 min at 32 °C, microtubules are seen emanating from the seeds (step 5.2 of the protocol). C. A pseudo-colored image showing a segmented microtubule viewed in DIC (green) and the Rhodamine-labeled stabilizing caps (arrows), viewed with epifluorescence (red). D. Same image as on panel C but with a larger field of view. Some Rhodamine-containing microtubule fragments, which nucleate spontaneously in the solution during step 5.2 of the protocol, are also seen (arrowheads). E. Kymograph of the Dam1–GFP protein tracking the disassembling microtubule end. Color-coded bars on the left show a fluorescent channel used for acquisition of the corresponding portion of the kymograph. Vertical fluorescent lines are created by the Dam1-GFP complexes that bind to the microtubule wall and show little motion until the microtubule end comes by. F. Kymograph as on E but with GFP labeled Ndc80 complex19. Initially, microtubule is decorated uniformly, although increased GFP fluorescence is observed at the capped end after Rhodamine excitation. This increase depends on the soluble pool of Ndc80-GFP protein, but the underlying mechanism is not known. After the cap disintegrates, microtubule shortening becomes evident but there is little enrichment of fluorescence at the microtubule tip, indicating a lack of tip-tracking. G. Distance from the tip-tracking Dam1 spot to the axoneme, which was used for microtubule nucleation in this experiment10, was measured using MetaMorph Track Points drop-in. The initial brightness of the moving complex corresponds to about 15 subunits: enough to form a single Dam1 ring. The brightness of the moving complex was normalized to the intensity of coverslip-attached, motionless fluorescent spots to correct for bleaching. Horizontal scale bars: panels A, B, D (10 μm), panels C, F, E (3 μm). Vertical scale bars: 10 sec. Click here to view larger image.
Figure 3. Quantitative analysis of fluorescent signals. A. Example image of the microscope field with Dam1-Alexa488 complexes bound nonspecifically to the coverslip surface. Note heterogeneity in dots brightness and unevenness of the illumination. Scale bar is 2 µm. B. Quantitative representation of the same image as in panel A. C. Image of soluble fluorescent dye is used to quantify the two-dimensional laser intensity profile. Image was generated by averaging 50 images, and using Gaussian filter, as described in Section 7.2.4. Scale bar is 2 µm. D. Normalized image from panel A plotted as intensity surface using Mathematica 9 (Wolfram Research). Note that this surface is more flat than on B and the peaks are less heterogeneous in height. E. Examples of the photobleaching curves obtained with CENP-E-GFP protein. The integral intensity of each dot was collected, normalized to take into account unevenness of illumination and the curves were smoothed (average with the sliding window of 5 points). Signals in the upper row were excluded from further analysis for reasons described in Section 7.3.4. Curves like those shown in the lower row were further processed and used to build a histogram on panel F, as described in Sections 7.3.4-7.3.5. F. Histogram of integral intensities collected from 22 bleaching CENP-E-GFP dots (total 1,900 data points). Red line is fitting with equidistant Gaussian function; 5 distinct peaks are seen. The integral intensity of a single GFP fluorophore determined from this histogram was (64.7±1.1) x 104 a.u. G. Typical photobleaching curve for Dam1-Alexa488, processed as described in protocol 7.3.5. H. Histogram of integral intensities collected from 48 photobleaching Dam1-Alexa488 dots (total 1,548 data points); 4 distinct peaks are seen. The integral intensity of one Alexa488 molecule under these conditions was (17.4±0.8) x 103 a.u. Click here to view larger image.
Figure 4. Illustration of the motions of microtubule-associated beads. A. Schematic of the experiment with beads coated with microtubule-binding proteins. Thick arrows indicate direction of microtubule disassembly. B. Maximum intensity projection of the DIC images of one GFP-Dam1-coated bead, which was stably attached to a segmented microtubule (based on 26 images). Bead showed the arc-like motion (arrow), suggesting that it was attached to a microtubule oriented as shown with a broken line. C. Single image of the same bead as in panel B, but taken during step 8.6 of the protocol immediately after the fluorescent shutter was opened. Arrow points to the fluorescent cap located near the bead, but on the opposite side from the microtubule attachment site. D. A maximum intensity projection shows the trajectory of the bead’s motion with the disassembling microtubule. Image was created from 115 frames acquired sequentially from the start of imaging (note the arc-like projection) and until bead’s detachment (Video 4). E. Schematic of the experiment with beads coated with plus-end-directed kinesin CENP-E. The bead is brought in contact with microtubule using laser trap. The trap is then switched off and the bead starts moving towards microtubule plus end. After the microtubule-stabilizing cap is remove and microtubule disassembled, the bead reverses the direction of its motion. F. Kymograph shows a 0.5 μm bead coated with truncated X. laevis CENP-E kinesin moving towards microtubule plus end24. After the bead traveled about 1 μm, fluorescent shutter was opened (red bar), and the stabilizing cap became visible (red arrowhead). The bead detached suddenly (green arrowhead), presumably when the motor encountered the shortening microtubule end. G. Same experiment but when the bead was coated with full length CENP-E. Note that this bead suddenly changed the direction of its motion (green arrowhead). Horizontal scale bars: 3 μm. Vertical scale bars: 10 sec. Click here to view larger image.
Video 1. Preparation of segmented microtubules. Video shows DIC images of a microscope field during preparation of segmented microtubules. Imaging starts after the microtubule seeds have already attached to the coverslip. Small round dots are from particulates found in our preparation of anti-digoxigenin antibodies. After tubulin and GTP are added, microtubules begin to elongate from the seeds (step 5.2). After they reach the desired length (8-15 μm), the solution is exchanged quickly to introduce Rhodaminated tubulin and GMPCPP. During the exchange, microtubule polymers bend in the direction of flow but after the pump is stopped they assume the unstrained orientation. During the following “capping” stage, some tubulin begins to polymerize spontaneously and small microtubule fragments are seen floating in the chamber. They are removed during the following wash (step 5.5), which also removes all soluble tubulin and nucleotides. During these stages some microtubules fail to assemble the robust caps, and when soluble tubulin is washed away they disassemble quickly. The capped microtubules, however, are stable for several hours unless they are illuminated; when Rhodamine is excited, the caps become fragmented, and the uncapped microtubule segments become exposed. Images were acquired every second, played at 30 fps.
Video 2. Uncapping of segmented microtubules. Video shows a fully assembled segmented microtubule via DIC, followed by fluorescent images of the same microtubule via the Rhodamine filter cube. A bright red segment at the end of the microtubule (arrow) moves in arc and fades quickly due to photo-bleaching. Images acquired at 6 fps and played at 10 fps.
Video 3. Protein tracking with depolymerizing microtubule end. A segmented microtubule (MT) is visible thanks to the decoration by GFP-labeled Dam1, which forms distinct dots (green images). Rhodamine fluorescence is then excited and the red cap becomes visible, moving in a gentle arc at the end of the microtubule (red images); the rest of the microtubule is not visible because the labeled tubulin became incorporated only at the polymer’s end. The cap bleaches fast, begins to crumble and the fluorescent cube is switched back to GFP, just in time to see the start of shortening of the microtubule segment that does not have the Rhodaminated tubulin and GMPCPP. When depolymerizing end reaches the Dam1 dots, the microtubule end becomes bright green. Subsequently, a green fluorescent spot is seen moving with the disassembling microtubule, illustrating the processive tip-tracking. Concentration of Dam1 was 3 nM, images were acquired and played at 0.4 fps. Scale bar 5 μm.
Video 4. Bead tracking with depolymerizing microtubule ends. Glass bead coated with Dam1 is seen moving in an arc, indicating that it is tethered to the coverslip by a microtubule. When Rhodamine fluorescence is excited, the red cap is seen distally from the bead and moving in synchrony with the bead’s motion (images in red). Soon, the bead starts moving directionally, while its arc-like motion decreases in amplitude (Figure 4D). DIC images were acquired via Rhodamine filter cube every 300 msec and played 6 fps; bead is 1 μm, scale bar 5 μm.
Video 5. Kinesin-coated bead moving bi-directionally on the segmented microtubule. Imaging starts after the bead coated with full length CENP-E kinesin was placed on the microtubule (MT) wall. Arrow points to the initial bead position. The bead is seen moving away from the arrow, as the motor walks toward the plus microtubule end. Soon after the plus-end cap is illuminated (arrowhead, red images), the bead begins to move in the opposite direction. Only full length CENP-E kinesin can couple motion of the bead to the shortening microtubule end. Beads coated with truncated CENP-E can move toward the plus-MT end but they detach soon after the microtubule depolymerization is triggered (compare Figures 4F and 4G). DIC images were acquired every 1 sec and played at 16 fps; bead is 0.5 μm.
Many single molecule assays nowadays routinely use specially treated coverslips to drastically reduce nonspecific protein sticking. The procedure we describe here is a modification of the original protocol developed in Howard lab32, and we find that silanizing the coverslips is well worth the effort even with DIC-based bead assays, which do not use fluorescence. Chambers assembled with such coverslips show much cleaner surfaces, and the results obtained in the presence of soluble microtubule-binding protein are more reproducible, especially if a very low protein concentration is used.
The most critical steps for successful preparation of segmented MTs are:
The main advantage of this protocol is that microtubule depolymerization can be triggered with high temporal and spatial resolution, thereby assisting analysis of motions at the disassembling microtubule ends. With this technique, buffers can be changed rapidly and microtubule-binding proteins and beads can be added in a variety of buffers after the microtubules have formed. This allows for the study of the effects of a protein on microtubule depolymerization separately from its possible roles in microtubule assembly. This is useful if the protein can also interact with soluble tubulin, which may mask its interactions with the microtubules. However, since free, unpolymerized tubulin is present in the cell, caution should be used when interpreting physiological significance of such results.
The main limitation of the segmented microtubule approach is that it is not suitable to study motions during microtubule assembly, or the effects of tracking proteins on microtubule catastrophe and rescue. For these questions, assays with dynamic microtubules grown in the presence of soluble tubulin are more appropriate. Another constraint of this method is that motility buffers should be free from oxygen-scavenging enzymes. Such enzyme mixtures, e.g. based on catalase and glucose-oxidase48, can significantly improve the lifetime of fluorescent molecules. However, if these reagents are used in the segmented microtubule assay, the photo-induction of disassembly is infrequent because microtubule caps bleach without disintegration. In quantitative fluorescence assays, the rate of bleaching should always be taken into account, as described above or for example in reference23, especially if anti-bleaching agents are not used.
Several microtubule-binding proteins tested in the segmented microtubule assay showed preferential binding to the Rhodamine-labeled stabilizing caps vs. the unlabeled microtubule segments. Binding to the caps may reduce the fraction of processive beads, since the cap-associated beads often detach from the microtubule when the cap disintegrates. Finally, we note that if the motor-coated beads walk toward the plus microtubule end very fast, they frequently reach the red caps before microtubule depolymerization is triggered, in which case they will also dissociate from the microtubule and such an experiment will not be productive.
In summary, the ability of microtubule-binding proteins with no inherent motor activity to follow the shortening end of a microtubule is an interesting, yet poorly understood phenomenon. The protocols described here should assist studies of such proteins and their properties in vitro. Microtubule depolymerization-dependent transport plays an important role in chromosome segregation during mitosis. Thus, we hope that the techniques described here will ultimately help to gain more insight into the mechanisms of cell division.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors would like to thank F. I. Ataullakhanov for helping to design and manufacture reusable flow chambers, N. Dashkevich, N. Gudimchuk and A. Korbalev for providing images for figures, N. Gudimchuk and P. Zakharov for developing a protocol and providing reagents to prepare digoxigenin-labeled microtubule seeds, A. Potapenko for help with text editing and other members of Grishchuk lab for tips and discussions. This work was supported in part by NIH grant GM R01-098389 and a pilot grant from Pennsylvania Muscle Institute to E.L.G., who is a Kimmel Scholar, by RFBR grants 12-04-00111-a, 13-04-40190-H and 13-04-40188-H, Russian Academy of Sciences Presidium Grants (Mechanisms of the Molecular Systems Integration and Molecular and Molecular Cell Biology programs) to F. I. Ataullakhanov, NIH grant GM R01 GM033787 to J.R. McIntosh, and a Dmitry Zimin Dynasty Foundation postdoctoral fellowship to V.A.V.
Table 1: Microscopy and other equipment. | |||
Microscope | Zeiss Nikon |
Axio Imager 2 Eclipse Ti |
other microscope models capable of DIC and epi-fluorescence-imaging can be used |
Objective | Zeiss Nikon |
420490-9900-000 CFI Apo 100x Oil 1.49 |
100X, DIC, 1.3-1.49 NA |
Objective heater | Bioptechs | 150803, 150819-19 | |
Fluorescent filter cube | Chroma | 49004 or 49008 41017 or 49020 |
optimized for Rhodamine fluorescence optimized for GFP fluorescence |
Acquisition software | freeware MicroManager Molecular Devices |
not applicable MetaMorph 7.5 |
http://valelab.ucsf.edu/~MM/MMwiki/ other software can be used to acquire images and for a particle tracking |
EMCCD camera | Andor | iXon3, DU-897E-cs0-#BV | Highly sensitive EMCCD camera |
Trapping laser | IPG Photonics | YLR-10-1064-LP | 1064 nm laser, 10 W |
Fluorescence excitation lasers | Coherent, Inc. Coherent, Inc. |
Sapphire 488 LP Sapphire 552 LP |
excitation of green fluorophores excitation of red fluorophores |
Plasma Cleaner | Harrick Plasma | PDC-001 | |
Commercial flow chambers | Warner Instruments | RC-20 or RC-30 | |
Perfusion pump | Cole Palmer Harvard Apparatus |
Masterflex 77120-52 Pico Plus |
Both pumps provide the required rate of liquid flow but a peristaltic pump may pulse at very slow speed. The flow with a syringe pump is more consistent for a wide range of rates but this pump has inertia. |
Table 2: Microscopy chamber preparation. | |||
Modified microscope slides for reusable chambers | Precision Glassblowing of Colorado | Custom order www.precisionglassblowing.com | Sonic slots in slides using schematics in Figure 1 |
Polyethylene tubing | Intramedic | 427410 | I.D. 0.58 mm, O.D. 0.965 mm; use these tubes to connect assembled chamber to the pump and waste container |
Polyethylene tubing | Intramedic | 427400 | I.D. 0.28 mm, O.D. 0.61 mm; use these tubes to make the reusable chamber |
Regular microscope slides | VWR | 48312-003 | Other similar slides can be used |
Coverslips | VWR | 48393-150, 48366-067 | Other similar coverslips can be used |
Silicon sealant | World Precision Instruments | KIT, SILICON SEALANT 5 MIN CURE | |
Epoxy glue | Loctite | 83082 | |
Cyanoacrylate adhesive | Scotch 3M | AD114 | Or cyanoacrylate adhesive from other manufacturers |
Table 3: Coverslips cleaning and coating. | |||
Molecular Sieves, Grade 564 | Macron | 4490-04 | |
Coverglass Staining Jar | Ted Pella, Inc. | 21036 | |
Coverslip Ceramic Holder | Thomas Scientific | 8542e40 | |
PlusOne Repel Silane | GE Healthcare Biosciences | 17-1332-01 | |
Pluronic F-127 | Sigma-Aldrich | P2443 | |
Anti-digoxigenin AB | Roche applied science | 11093274910 |
Table 4: Preparation of seeds and segmented microtubules. | |||
Tubulin | purified from cow brains Cytoskeleton, Inc |
T238P |
For purification protocols see 49–51 Unlabeled porcine tubulin |
Labeled tubulin | Cytoskeleton, Inc Invitrogen Invitrogen |
TL590M C1171 (Rhodamine) A-2952 (Digoxigenin) |
Rhodamine-labeled porcine tubulin Tubulin can be labeled with any amine-reactive dye as in reference52. |
GMPCPP | Jena Biosciences | NU-405 | Aliquot and store at -70 °C |
VALAP | vaseline, lanolin, and paraffin at 1:1:2 by mass | see ref. 9 |