We have shown that a microelectrode implantation in the motor cortex of rats causes immediate and lasting motor deficits. The methods proposed herein outline a microelectrode implantation surgery and three rodent behavioral tasks to elucidate potential changes in the fine or gross motor function due to implantation-caused damage to the motor cortex.
Medical devices implanted in the brain hold tremendous potential. As part of a Brain Machine Interface (BMI) system, intracortical microelectrodes demonstrate the ability to record action potentials from individual or small groups of neurons. Such recorded signals have successfully been used to allow patients to interface with or control computers, robotic limbs, and their own limbs. However, previous animal studies have shown that a microelectrode implantation in the brain not only damages the surrounding tissue but can also result in functional deficits. Here, we discuss a series of behavioral tests to quantify potential motor impairments following the implantation of intracortical microelectrodes into the motor cortex of a rat. The methods for open field grid, ladder crossing, and grip strength testing provide valuable information regarding the potential complications resulting from a microelectrode implantation. The results of the behavioral testing are correlated with endpoint histology, providing additional information on the pathological outcomes and impacts of this procedure on the adjacent tissue.
Intracortical microelectrodes were originally used to map the circuitry of the brain, and have developed into a valuable tool to enable the detection of motor intentions which can be used to produce functional outputs1. Detected functional outputs can offer individuals suffering from spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or other movement-limiting conditions the control of a computer cursor2,3 or robotic arm4,5,6, or restore function to their own disabled limb7. Therefore, intracortical microelectrode technology has emerged as a promising and quickly growing field8.
Due to the successes seen in the field, clinical studies are underway to improve and better understand the possibilities of BMI technology5,9,10. By realizing the full potential of communication with neurons in the brain, the rehabilitation applications are perceived as limitless8. Although there is great optimism for the future of intracortical microelectrode technology, it is also well-known that microelectrodes eventually fail11, possibly due to an acute neuroinflammatory response following implantation. The implantation of a foreign material in the brain results in immediate damage to the surrounding tissue and leads to further damage caused by the neuroinflammatory response that varies depending on properties of the implant12. In addition, an implant in the brain can cause a microlesion effect: a reduction in glucose metabolism thought to be caused by acute edema and hemorrhage due to the device insertion13. Furthermore, the signal quality and the length of time that useful signals can be recorded are inconsistent, regardless of the animal model11,14,15,16. Several studies have demonstrated the connection between neuroinflammation and microelectrode performance17,18,19. Therefore, the consensus of the community is that the inflammatory response of the neural tissue that surrounds the microelectrodes, at least in part, compromises electrode reliability.
Many studies have examined local inflammation11,20,21,22 or explored methods to reduce the damage to the brain caused by insertion11,23,24,25, with a goal of improving the recording performance over time14,26. Additionally, we have recently shown that an iatrogenic injury caused by a microelectrode insertion in the motor cortex of rats causes an immediate and lasting fine motor deficit27. Therefore, the purpose of the protocols presented here is to give researchers a quantitative method to assess possible motor deficits as a result of brain trauma following the implantation and persistent presence of intracortical devices (microelectrodes in the case of this manuscript). The behavior tests described here were designed to tease out both gross and fine motor function impairments, and can be used in many models of brain injury. These methods are straightforward, reproducible, and can easily be implemented in a rodent model. Further, the methods presented here allow for a correlation of motor behavior to histological outcomes, a benefit that until recently, the authors have not seen published in the BMI field. Finally, as these methods were designed to test fine motor function28, the gross motor function29, and stress and anxiety behavior29,30, the methods presented here can also be implemented into a variety of head injury models where the researchers want to rule out (or in) any motor function deficits.
All procedures and animal care practices were approved by and performed in accordance with the Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees.
NOTE: To educate researchers on the decision about the use of a stab injury model as a control, it is recommended to review the work done by Potter et al.21.
1. Microelectrode Implantation Surgical Procedure
2. Behavioral Testing
3. Post-behavioral Protocol
4. Statistical Analysis
NOTE: A prospective power analysis is strongly suggested for any studies seeking to answer a particular research question. The power analysis, which informs the number of animals required to achieve a statistical significance for a particular study design, should be based on the particular research hypothesis, the design of the experiment, the estimated effect size and variability of the intended treatments, as well the effect size required to achieve clinical or scientific relevance.
Using the methods presented here, a microelectrode implantation surgery in the motor cortex is completed following established procedures39,40,41,42, followed by open field grid testing to assess the gross motor function and ladder and grip strength testing to assess the fine motor function27. Motor function testing was completed 2x per week for 16 weeks post-surgery in implanted animals, with no surgery non-implanted animals as a control. All post-surgery scores were averaged per week and normalized to each individual animal's pre-surgery baseline scores. All error is reported as standard error of the mean (SEM).
To measure their gross motor function and stress behavior, animals were allowed to run freely in an open field grid test for 3 min (Figure 1A). Various metrics from this test can be recorded, including the number of grid lines cross, the total distance traveled, and the maximum speed achieved by the animal. In this previously reported data, the number of grid lines crossed is presented27. In the first week following the recovery period (the 2-week timepoint), a significant difference was seen in the open field grid performance between the 2 groups. However, there was no further significance throughout the rest of the study (Figure 1B). The control and microelectrode-implanted animals scored similarly throughout testing, and the variance in performance was relatively high in both sets of animals. No significance was seen when comparing the open field grid performance in both sets of animals across the entire experimental time. Because there was no difference in performance between the 2 groups of animals, this result was interpreted to indicate that there is no gross motor deficit or severely limiting stress caused by a microelectrode implantation in the motor cortex27. When interpreting the data, a decrease in the number of grid lines crossed, the total distance traveled, or the maximum speed achieved by the animal all indicate a decrease in its gross motor function (Table 1).
To measure the coordinated grasp and fine motor function, animals took part in a horizontal ladder test (Figure 2A) where the time it took the animal to cross the ladder and the frequency of paw slips were recorded. Post-surgery ladder crossing times were normalized for each animal to each individual animal's pre-surgery scores. Therefore, a positive percentage coincides with a decrease in time to cross the ladder and an increased performance, and a negative percentage coincides with an increase in time to cross the ladder and a decreased performance (Figure 2B, Table 1).
In this previously reported data, the control animals, having received no implant, displayed the slowest performance times (82.6 ± 26.0%) during the first week of post-surgery testing immediately after the recovery phase27. Beginning in the second week of post-surgery ladder testing, the control animals resumed their baseline performance times and maintained scores comparable to their baseline scores over the course of the study with very little variance.
The animals receiving an intracortical microelectrode saw a reduced performance straightaway following surgery. These animals demonstrated an increased ladder crossing time compared to their baseline of 199.1 ± 61.4% in the first week of post-surgery testing. The implanted animals displayed a reduced performance for the duration of the study and their performance did not return to their baseline scores. At their worst, implanted animals decreased in performance during week 11 to an average of 526.9 ± 139.4% compared to their baseline performance. Additionally, the implanted animals showed a higher variance compared to the control animals. There was no significant difference between the control and implanted animals during the first week of testing. However, a significant difference in the percent change compared to the baseline times was seen between the groups at all subsequent weeks in the study (p < 0.05) (Figure 2B).
Further evidence of fine motor impairment was demonstrated by the frequency of front right paw slips between the 2 groups of animals. The performance of the front right paw was of particular interest because microelectrodes were implanted in the left hemisphere of the brain in the region of the motor cortex responsible for front paw control. By meticulous video analysis, paw slips were chronicled and quantified (Figure 2C). While no significant differences were seen in the frequency of left paw slips, it was found that the implanted animals experienced significantly more front right paw slips as compared to the control animals (an average of 0.54 ± 0.07 front right paw slips per week in the implanted animals as compared to an average of 0.32 ± 0.02 front right paw slips per week in the control animals). When interpreting the data, an increase in the time to cross the ladder or an increase in the number of paw slips indicates a decrease in fine motor function (Table 1).
As a secondary measure of coordinated grasp and fine motor function, the animals completed a grip strength test (Figure 3A) where the maximum grip strength exerted by the animals was recorded. The individual animal's weekly grip scores were normalized to their pre-surgery baseline grip strength. It was seen that the implanted animals' post-surgery grip strength was significantly reduced compared to the control animals' at almost every post-surgery time point. (Figure 3B). The control animals' grip strength improved following pre-surgery testing, likely due to the training effect. Further, the control animals' grip strength was significantly greater than the baseline throughout the course of the study (p < 0.05). Interestingly, the implanted animals' grip strength performance was significantly worse than the baseline (p < 0.01) in the first week of testing following the recovery phase, but slowly returned to their baseline performance. Of note, a decrease in the maximum grip strength achieved by the animal indicates a decrease in fine motor function (Table 1).
Various histological markers can be used to visualize the microenvironment near a brain implant, including neuronal nuclei, astrocytes, and blood-brain barrier stability. Here, we performed immunohistochemical staining for IgG, a common blood protein not commonly found in the brain. Earlier work has shown that IgG is a useful indicator of blood-brain barrier integrity as it is an antibody found in the blood, and not normally present in the brain16,18, and therefore the presence of IgG in the surrounding brain tissue can be correlated to the integrity of the blood-brain barrier43. Here, IgG fluorescence intensity was normalized to background brain tissue and quantified starting at the boundary of the electrode explantation hole and moving out in concentric bins until IgG was no longer present in the tissue. The implanted animals showed a significant increase in IgG intensity near the hole out to 150 µm as compared to the control animals. The IgG intensity in the implanted animals gradually returned to background intensity over the distance radiating from the implanted microelectrode hole. In the control animals, having never been implanted with a microelectrode, the normalized IgG intensity was not present in significant quantities above background intensity as the blood-brain barrier was not damaged in these animals.
Because significant differences were seen in both the ladder performance and IgG intensity, the two were correlated (Figure 4). Here, the normalized fluorescent intensity of the IgG area under the curve from 0-50 µm from the tissue-electrode interface for each animal was correlated with the average of each animal's ladder performance over the course of the study. A correlation coefficient of 0.90 was determined, demonstrating a very strong correlation between the fine motor performance and damage to the blood-brain barrier.
Figure 1. Representative open field grid test results. (A) This panel shows a behavioral testing setup for an open field grid test (for gross motor and anxiety testing). The open field grid test consists of a 1 m2 acrylic sheet with 4 opaque walls of 40 cm in height, and square bottom sections of approximately 33 cm each. (B) This panel shows a gross motor function performance measured by the number of grid lines crossed, compared to the baseline performance. A significant difference in performance was seen between the control (n = 10) and the implanted (n = 17) groups at 2 weeks post-surgery (p < 0.05). All error is reported as SEM. This figure is reprinted from Goss-Varley et al.27 with permission from the Nature Publishing Group. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Representative ladder test results. (A) This panel shows a behavioral testing setup for a ladder test (for fine motor function testing). The ladder consists of 2 clear acrylic sides of 1 m in length and 25 cm in height, joined by stainless steel rungs spaced at 2 cm with a 3-mm diameter. (B) This panel shows fine motor function performance measured by time to cross the ladder, compared to the baseline performance. The results below the dashed line indicate a decrease in performance as compared to the baseline performance. A significant difference in performance was discovered between the control (n = 10) and the implanted (n = 17) groups for the post-surgery weeks 3 – 16 (* = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01) and longitudinally across the entire study (# = p < 0.05). (C) This panel shows a quantified instance of right front paw slips. A significant difference was discovered in the occurrence of right front paw slips per week when comparing the control and the implanted groups (* = p < 0.05). (D) This is an example of a paw slip. All error is reported as SEM. This figure is reprinted from Goss-Varley et al.27 with permission from the Nature Publishing Group. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3. Representative grip strength test results. (A) This panel shows a behavioral testing setup for grip strength (for fine motor function testing). The grip strength meter consists of a weighted base with a mounted strength gauge connected to a grip handlebar. (B) This panel shows the fine motor function performance, measured by the maximum grip strength exerted compared to the baseline performance. The results below the dashed line indicate a decrease in performance as compared to the baseline performance. Significant differences were seen between the control (n = 5) and the implanted (n = 6) animals for almost all post-surgical weeks (* = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01, *** = p < 0.001). Further significance was seen between the control animals' weekly and baseline performances (# = p < 0.05) and between the implanted animals' weekly and baseline performances (## = p < 0.01). The control and the implanted animals performed significantly different longitudinally across the entire study (@@@ = p < 0.001). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4. Correlation of IgG and ladder performance. A normalized IgG fluorescence intensity around the site of implantation was correlated with a change in ladder performance, and a correlation coefficient of 0.901 was found (p < 0.001). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Table 1. Overall representative behavior data showing increase and decrease in performance compared to baseline scores for each testing metric. The green boxes represent an improved performance which makes a motor deficit unlikely, and the red boxes represent a reduced performance which makes motor function deficits likely.
The protocol outlined here has been used to effectively and reproducibly measure both fine and gross motor deficit in a model of rodent brain injury. Additionally, it allows for the correlation of fine motor behavior to histological outcomes following a microelectrode implantation in the motor cortex. The methods are easy to follow, inexpensive to set up, and can be modified to fit a researcher's individual needs. Further, the behavior testing does not cause great stress or pain to the animals; rather, the researchers believe the animals grew to enjoy the exercise and rewards that came with testing. Previous studies have suggested that motor cortex damage can cause motor, memory, and functional damage44,45. However, despite this knowledge, there is limited information on the functional impact caused by a microelectrode implantation in the motor cortex27, which could negatively impact the clinical outcomes in patients.
Modifications can be made throughout the protocol, both in the surgical procedure and in the behavior testing. This protocol outlines the procedure to implant microelectrodes in the motor cortex of animals in the region affecting the forepaws. This procedure can be easily adapted to vary the implant, including electrodes for electrical stimulation46 or cannulas for drug delivery47, or the type of injury, including a TBI model48. Further modifications can be made to the scoring metrics used on the open field grid test, and to the ladder testing apparatus. In addition to the number of gridlines crossed, the total distance traveled, and the maximum velocity achieved by the animal, the time spent stagnant and the number of right and left turns can also be recorded as additional parameters of motor performance32. In the ladder test, removing rungs49 or placing the ladder on an incline50 can increase difficulty, although with the current implants the authors did not find this necessary to tease out fine motor deficits in this application. Finally, although the testing apparatus presented here were designed to be used with rats, the units could be scaled up or down to be used with various-sized rodents. It is important to note that if issues arise where an animal is not able to complete the pre-surgery testing consistently, the animal should be removed from the study.
As with all behavioral testing, it is critical to remain as consistent as possible over the course of the study. It has been shown that test results can vary based on the researcher working with the animals51, the location in which the testing is performed52, and environmental factors including animal housing and husbandry procedures53. Additionally, research has shown great variability in producing a brain injury by way of skull heating during a craniotomy procedure31 and models of TBI including the weight-drop model54 and mechanical variation in a controlled cortical impact model55. Researchers should, therefore, take special care to maintain consistency in the surgical procedure, testing and housing conditions, and in the testing personnel, among others.
Future directions of these behavior testing methods could expand upon the testing presented here to provide more thorough results. For example, a water maze test or a rotor rod test could be incorporated to further extract anxiety56 or gross motor function57 deficits, respectively. Additionally, future work might also aim to reduce the tissue damage caused by a device insertion in the brain. Current work in this area has focused on inflammation mitigation through anti-oxidant treatments42,58, mechanically compliant implants41,59,60, the inhibition of the innate immunity signaling pathway14,15, and reducing vascular damage during a device implantation31,61.
Lastly, it must be considered that the current work was completed using healthy, juvenile, male rats that do not necessarily embody the characteristics of the typical human patient receiving a brain implant. Additional research exploring further fine and gross motor function tasks in characteristic disease models is required to ratify the findings presented here. In varying disease models, differences between implanted and non-implanted sham animals may require the above-mentioned modifications to test conditions.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This study was supported in part by the Merit Review Award #B1495-R (Capadona) and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientist and Engineers (PECASE, Capadona) from the United States (US) Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation Research and Development Service. Additionally, this work was supported in part by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs through the Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program under Award No. W81XWH-15-1-0608. The contents do not represent the views of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or the United States Government. The authors would like to thank Dr. Hiroyuki Arakawa in the CWRU Rodent Behavior Core for his guidance in designing and testing rodent behavioral protocols. The authors would also like to thank James Drake and Kevin Talbot from the CWRU Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering for their help in designing and manufacturing the rodent ladder test.
Sprague Dawley rats, male, 201-225g | Charles River | CD | |
Compac5 anesthesia system | Vetequip | 901812 | |
Electric trimmers | Wahl | 9918-6171 | |
Stereotaxic frame | David Kopf Instruments | 1760 | |
Gaymar heated water pad and pump | Braintree Scientific Inc | TP-700 | |
Vetbond tissue adhesive | 3M | 07-805-5031 | |
Dental drill | Pearson Dental | O60-0045 | |
Dura pick | Fine Science Tools | 10064-14 | |
Silicon shank microelectrode | Made in-house at Cleveland VA Medical Center | N/A | |
KwikCast silicone elastomer | World Precision Instruments | KWIK-CAST | |
Teets dental cement | A-M Systems | 525000 | |
Webcam HD Pro c920 | Logitec | 960-000764 | |
Grip strength meter | Harvard Apparatus | 565084 | |
Minitab 17 statistical software | Minitab Inc | ||
Open field grid test | Made in-house at Case Western Reserve University | N/A | |
Ladder test | Made in-house at Case Western Reserve University | N/A | |
Rabbit anti rat IgG antibody | Bio-Rad | 618501 |