JoVE Science Education
Physical Examinations II
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JoVE Science Education Physical Examinations II
Ear Exam
  • 00:00Overview
  • 00:53Anatomy of the Ear
  • 02:04External Ear Exam and Hearing Tests
  • 05:32Otoscopic Exam
  • 08:35Summary





ソース: リチャード Glickman サイモン、MD、アシスタント教授、公衆衛生およびコミュニティ薬の部門のタフツ大学医学部、マサチューセッツ州

このビデオでは、その表面と内部解剖 (図 1) の復習に始まり、耳の検査について説明します。耳介軟骨はヘリックス、antihelix や耳たぶ、耳珠から成っています。乳様突起は耳たぶのすぐ後ろに配置されます。少し湾曲聴覚運河の空気で満たされた中耳に外的な耳によって収集された音波を伝達する鼓膜で終わる。耳管は鼻咽頭と中耳に接続します。鼓膜の振動は中耳 (槌骨、きぬたとアブミ骨) の 3 つの接続されている耳小骨に送信します。振動は、内耳で電気信号に変換され、蝸牛神経によって脳にそれから運ばれます。したがって、外部と中耳を含む導電性相と内耳や蝸牛神経を伴う感音難聴相で構成を聞いて。

耳鏡、光源、拡大鏡、使い捨て可能な円錐形の鏡とハンドヘルド計測器と内耳の運河と鼓膜を調べた鼓膜のランドマーク (図 2) に精通することが重要です。3 つの耳小骨 – 槌骨と小骨 – の 2 つだけを見ることができる通常。槌骨は、中心部近くで鉤がちょうど後部。突起物、または膜と槌骨の先端との接点から下方、前方を発せられる円錐状の光を見ることができます。短いプロセスは、ほぼ tympanic 膜の 2 つの地域間の境界を設定: pars flaccida、優れたと後部、横になっていると、はるかに大きなパルス随分、前方と下を横になっています。通常、鼓膜はピンク グレー色と容易に、耳鏡の光を反映しています。

Figure 1
図 1。耳の解剖します。外側の前頭断面、中間、およびラベル内耳の構造に人間の耳の図。


1. 試験とヒアリングを耳します。 耳介と皮膚の変化、結節、変形に周囲の組織を調べます。 時に親指と人差し指一つ間上方にらせんをつかみ、そっと持ち上げて後方外部の耳にどこか違和感を確認します。 耳珠と優しさの乳様突起を触診します。 聴力のささやき声テストを実行します。 部屋が静かなことを確認します。 あなたの顔が表示さ?…

Applications and Summary

Proper evaluation of the ear requires a hearing check and otoscopic exam. Conductive hearing loss results from disorders of the external and middle ear. Cerumen impaction, otitis externa, trauma, foreign bodies, and (less commonly) exostoses can lead to hearing loss by obstructing the auditory canal. Middle ear causes of hearing loss include otitis media, Eustachian tube dysfunction, barotrauma, and otosclerosis. Neurosensory hearing loss is due to disorders of the inner ear. Presbycusis and noise trauma are most common; hereditary and congenital conditions, Meniere's disease, ototoxicity, infection, autoimmunity, and acoustic neuroma are less common. Besides hearing loss, patients with ear pathology may present with pain, tinnitus, vertigo, and/or hyperacusis.

The otoscope can only be used to examine the external and middle ear. To properly visualize the external canal and tympanic membrane, it may be necessary to irrigate out any obstructing cerumen. A clinician should take care not to ignore the external canal in their eagerness to inspect the membrane. During the examination of the external ear canal, the examiner should look for the inflammation of otitis externa, foreign bodies, trauma, bony exostoses and osteomata, and squamous cell carcinomas. Inspection of the tympanic membrane may provide insight into pathological processes in the middle ear and, indirectly, the Eustachian tube. Abnormally increased or decreased pressure within the middle ear can distort the contours of the tympanic membrane, causing it to bulge or retract, respectively. Blockage of the Eustachian tube is a common reason for membrane retraction. Diminished mobility with ear insufflation suggests abnormal pressures. Middle ear disorders that are readily diagnosable with the otoscope include serous effusion, acute otitis media with purulent effusion, perforation of the tympanic membrane, tympanosclerosis, and cholesteatoma.


Ear infections are common occurrences-especially in children-and a proper ear exam is essential to accurately diagnose such conditions.

A comprehensive ear exam includes inspection and palpation of the external ear, hearing test to assess auditory acuity, and the otoscopic exam to inspect the external and middle ear-including the tympanic membrane. Every physician should be well versed with the steps this exam and it is important to understand proper positioning to avoid any potential discomfort to the patient. This video will first illustrate the anatomy of the ear followed by sequential steps of a complete ear examination.

Let’s briefly review the surface and interior anatomy of the ear. The outer ear is made up of the cartilaginous auricle, which consists of the helix, antihelix, lobule and tragus. The outer ear is connected to the middle ear via a slightly curving auditory canal that ends at the tympanic membrane. This membrane is responsible for transmitting sound waves collected by the outer ear to the air-filled tympanic cavity in the middle ear. The tympanic cavity is connected to the nasopharynx via an auditory tube known as the Eustachian tube. Vibrations of the tympanic membrane set the three connected ossicles of the middle ear-malleus, incus, and stapes-in motion, which is transformed into electrical signals by the cochlea in the inner ear and then carried to the brain by the cochlear nerve. Therefore, the act of hearing comprises of the conductive phase-involving the outer and middle ear, and the sensorineural phase-involving the inner ear and the cochlear nerve.

Now that we’ve briefly reviewed the anatomy of the ear, let’s go through the steps of the ear exam starting with the external ear inspection and palpation followed by the hearing test.

Before every exam, sanitize your hands by applying topical disinfectant solution. Start with inspection of the auricles and the surrounding tissue looking for skin changes, nodules, and deformities. Next, grasp the helix superiorly between the thumb and forefinger and gently pull up and backward to check for discomfort anywhere in the external ear. Then, palpate the tragus and the mastoid process for tenderness.

Following inspection and palpation, one should perform the auditory acuity tests. First in the sequence is the whispered voice test. For this, ensure that the room is quite. Stand about two feet behind the patient and gently press and rub a finger against the tragus of the non-test ear, so that it can detect no other sounds. Now, whisper a combination of 3 numbers and letters “1A 2B 3C” ask the patient to repeat them back “1A 2B 3C”. Then, duplicate the process with a different combination for the opposite ear. Correctly reporting all 3 numbers and letters constitutes a normal test. If the patient makes any mistakes, repeat the test on that side. The test is still considered normal if the patient correctly reports at least 3 out of the 6 numbers and letters per side.

If the patient fails the whispered voice test, then conduct the Weber and the Rinne test. To begin, tap a 256 or 512 Hz tuning fork sharply against your palm. For the Weber test, firmly place the non-vibrating base of the fork midline on the patient’s head and ask, “On which side do you hear the vibration?”…”Both”. If the answer is both, it means no lateralization. In unilateral neurosensory hearing loss, sound is localized to the good ear, whereas in unilateral conductive hearing loss, sound is localized to the impaired ear.

For the Rinne test, place the base of the vibrating tuning fork on the mastoid process. Normally, the patient would report the presence of sound and this is due to bone conduction. Ask the patient to let you know when they can no longer hear the vibration sound “Please tell me when you can no longer hear the vibration” and at that moment quickly transfer the vibrating end of the tuning fork close to the external canal. Since air conduction exceeds bone conduction, sound is normally still detectable. In conductive hearing loss, the patient may report presence of sound initially but indicate absence of sound once the tuning fork is moved. This confirms that bone conduction equals or exceeds air conduction. In neurosensory hearing loss, the patient may report no sound initially, but indicate presence of sound after the transfer.

After inspection, palpation, and hearing tests, proceed to perform a complete otoscopic exam. The otoscopic exam utilizes specialized equipment called the otoscope. This is a handheld instrument with a light source, a magnifier and a disposable cone-shaped speculum, which is available in different sizes. To begin with the exam, turn on the otoscope and select the brightest setting. Then attach the largest ear speculum that comfortably fits the patient’s auditory canal. The smaller specula are usually reserved for small children.

When examining the patient’s right ear, hold the otoscope in your right hand, as if holding a pencil. Stabilize the otoscope by resting your fourth and fifth fingers on the patient’s cheek, so the otoscope follows any unexpected head movements. Using your left hand, pull the auricle slightly up and back to help straighten the auditory canal and establish a clear line of sight to the tympanic membrane. As this is done, gently insert the speculum into the canal, directing it slightly forward and down. Ask the patient to report any discomfort. Take care not to insert the speculum too deeply, as this may reach the bony canal and cause severe pain. If cerumen obstructs the view, do not attempt to remove it with a swab or any sharp instrument. Instead, irrigate the canal with warm water using a plastic syringe, which is generally a safer and more effective approach. Resist the urge to direct immediate attention to the tympanic membrane, and examine the canal first, noting any redness, discharge, swelling, or masses.

Gently readjust the angle of the speculum as necessary to view the entire tympanic membrane. It is important to be familiar with the membrane landmarks. Usually, two of the three ossicles-the malleus and incus-can normally be seen. The malleus is near the center and the incus is just posterior. At times, the incus may not be visible. A cone of light can be seen emanating downward and anteriorly from the umbo, which is the point of contact between the membrane and the tip of the malleus. The short process of the malleus roughly demarcates the boundary between the two regions of the tympanic membrane: the pars flaccida, lying superior and posterior, and the far larger pars tensa, lying anterior and inferior. Normally, the tympanic membrane is pink-gray in color and readily reflects the light of the otoscope. Check for membrane redness, retraction, bulging, perfusion, and opacity, and inspect for serous or purulent middle ear effusions.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s video on the ear examination. In this presentation, we reviewed the surface and the interior anatomy of the ear. We also demonstrated the steps to be performed for ear inspection, palpation, hearing tests and otoscopic assessment. As always, thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Ear Exam. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).