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JoVE Journal
Developmental Biology

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Chicken Recombinant Limbs Assay to Understand Morphogenesis, Patterning, and Early Steps in Cell Differentiation

Chicken Recombinant Limbs Assay to Understand Morphogenesis, Patterning, and Early Steps in Cell Differentiation

Article DOI: 10.3791/63183-v 08:08 min January 12th, 2022
January 12th, 2022



Recombinant limbs are a powerful experimental model that allows for studying the process of cell differentiation and the generation of patterns under the influence of embryonic signals. This protocol presents a detailed method for generating recombinant limbs with chicken limb-mesodermal cells, adaptable to other cell types obtained from different organisms.


Chicken Recombinant Limbs Assay Morphogenesis Patterning Cell Differentiation Embryonic Signals In Vivo Environment Stem Cells Progenitor Cells Incubator Candling Blood Vessels Egg Shell Stereomicroscope Air Membrane Amniotic Sac Embryo Transfer Petri Dish PBS
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