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Coronavirus / COVID-19 Procedures
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JoVE Science Education Coronavirus / COVID-19 Procedures
COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak: Protecting The Airway – Endotracheal Intubation

COVID-19 / 冠状病毒爆发:保护气道 - 气管内管插管






该协议的主要目标是减少气溶胶形成和快速序列感应。 对于该协议,有若干关键建议:保持早期插管的低阈值,在第一行使用视频喉镜检查,避免高流量氧治疗,以减少气溶胶的形成,在室内尽可能少的人员,并使用检查表进行准备和程序。 在急诊室外准备必要的材料。 向团队概述。 唐个人防护装备(长袍、帽子、护目镜、手套)以及用于使用开放式气道的其他装备:FFP3/ N-95 面罩、遮阳板和第二副手套。 将双滤镜连接到呼吸机并检查呼吸管的连接点。 告知患者待决程序并征得同意。 获得血流动力学监测(ECG、SpO2、NBP)。 通过提升上半身来优化患者的位置和插管要求。 测试吸气装置。 测试静脉访问(最小 2)。 停止整个团队:遵循 10 秒 10 分钟的原则(讨论问题、意见、事实、计划)和流程检查表。 停止氧气供应(将 O2鼻管留在原位),并取下患者的保护面罩。 放置呼吸面罩,用双手拧紧。 以 3 升/分钟通过 O 2 鼻腔启动氧气供应。 使用 FiO2 1.0 开始用呼吸机(无压力支撑的 CPAP,PEEP 5 mbar)进行 3-5 分钟的预氧。 检查血流动力学,并准备血管压榨剂的低血压。 快速服用麻醉剂和肌肉松弛剂,等待至少45秒。这样做是为了实现良好的插管条件,并确保患者在插管期间不会咳嗽。 通过鼻管停止氧气供应,然后停止呼吸机。 取下呼吸面罩,将其安全地放在患者旁边。 使用视频喉镜进行气管插管,以避免离未受保护的气道太近。管子就位后,一堵袖口。 将呼吸机与集成的封闭式吸气装置连接。 检查呼吸机管的连接点。 启动呼吸机。 检查正确的管放置与封盖和检查。 拆下 O2 鼻管 固定气管。 取下外对手套。 插入鼻胃管。 在意外困难的气道的情况下,由于气溶胶形成的风险较低,超高空气道装置优先于面罩通风。困难的气道所需的一切必要材料应放置在污染区域之外,并必须确保快速获得额外的助手。


No conflicts of interest declared.


Dearest colleagues. The aims of early intubation in COVID-19 patients with respiratory failure are both to prevent aerosolization of respiratory tract fluids and avoid intubation under emergency conditions.

A low threshold for early intubation of COVID-19 patients should be held and a modified rapid sequence induction with videolaryngoscopic intubation utilized. High-flow or non-invasive ventilation therapy should be avoided, and if not possible, used for the shortest period of time.

Fiber optic intubation should also be avoided due to risk of aerosolization. All necessary equipment for intubation is prepared outside of the patient’s room.

The team should be kept to the minimal number of personnel required to carry out the procedure. Typically, this would consist of one intubating doctor, a doctor with oversight who also manages the cardiovascular system, a nurse or operating department assistant to operate the ventilator, and a second nurse or operating department practitioner to apply the anesthetic agents and supply intubation equipment.

Additionally, there should be a runner assigned to wait outside of the room. In case additional equipment or materials are needed, an intubation checklist, which is tailor-made by every hospital according to their resources will now be carried out by the second doctor and will be clearly communicated to the team.

The airway trolley is placed outside of the room so that all potential and necessary airway equipment is quickly available. This includes supraglottic airway devices, such as laryngeal mask airways and esophageal tracheal double-lumen airways. The on-call EMT tracheostomy team should also be contactable and the telephone number known.

The connecting ports of the prepared ventilator are tested. An HME filter is connected between the Y-piece and the respiratory mask. The patient is informed of the anesthesia and intubation procedure in order to attain informed consent.

Complete vital sign monitoring is to be carried out and the ECG tone switched on. The working environment must be optimized. Ensure enough space is around the bed. The pillow is removed, and the patient positioned in a head-up position. The suction system must be fully functional with the suction catheter attached and in reaching distance of the intubating doctor. The patient should have a minimal of two intravenous cannulas, which are tested prior to intubation.

Before beginning the procedure, the team must follow a 10 second for 10 minute principle where facts, procedural planning, potential complications, and team roles are clarified and outstanding questions can be answered. The second doctor also reads and ensures that the recommendations in the airway protection checklist in COVID-19 patients is sufficiently completed. The procedure may begin once everything is clarified.

The oxygen supply to the nasal cannula is turned off. The patient’s protective mask then removed. The respiratory mask is placed and held directly on the patient’s mouth and nose with a C-grip technique. As soon as the mask is airtight, oxygen is provided through the nasal cannula at a flow rate of 3 liters per minute. The ventilator is set to a CPAP mode without pressure support and with a PEEP of 5 and FI02 of 1. The patient should be pre-oxygenated for a total of three to five minutes.

Meanwhile, the patient’s cardiovascular state is monitored, and if required, catecholamine therapy initiated. Now, the five minutes are over. In the context of a rapid sequence induction, all anesthetic agents are rapidly applied. The purpose is to achieve a rapid and deep state of anesthesia without eliciting a cough reflex or hiccup. There will be a 45-second pause after the application of muscle relaxants.

The oxygen supply over the nasal cannula is stopped. However, the nasal cannula is left in place. The ventilator is also paused. The respiratory mask is either hung to the side or placed in a kidney dish next to the patient’s head and held by the assistant positioned near the ventilator. Intubation will now be attempted through videolaryngoscopy and with an endotracheal tube with a pre-positioned bougie within. It is important to maintain as much distance as possible between the intubating doctor and the patient.

After the removal of the bougie, the endotracheal tube cuff must be blocked quickly to prevent aerosolization. The assistant detaches the respiratory mask from the breathing circuit, and places this, in turn, in a kidney dish. A closed suction system is attached to the breathing circuit and once any leaks are eliminated, ventilation can be continued.

The tube position is confirmed through capnography and auscultation. Contamination can be minimized by having a dedicated stethoscope for each patient, which is left by the patient’s bed. Now, the nasal cannula are cut and removed. The endotracheal tube is then fixed. The first pair of gloves are removed and disposed of.

Now, a nasogastric tube should be inserted and its position checked and then fixed. Per the procedures, difficult airway algorithms are well established and are also relevant in COVID-19 patients. The airway or emergency trolley is pre-prepared with all potentially necessary equipment and is placed outside of the patient room.

An allocated runner is made available to pass any equipment on to the intubated team. Supraglottic airways, such as a laryngeal tube should be utilized early on in the algorithm. This is because the potential for leakage or aerosolization of respiratory tract droplets is lower than when compared to bag mask ventilation through a normal respiratory mask. If a second intubation attempt is required, then cricothyroid pressure can be applied. If a further attempt is required, then the second doctor from the team may carry this out.

Early consideration of the need for additional personnel or technical assistance is important as donning of personal protection equipment requires significant time. If a surgical airway is necessary, such as an emergency tracheotomy, then EMT colleagues must be informed early on. Extubation should be carried out by a team of two individuals with full personal protection equipment.

The first person stands next to the ventilator. The second loosens the endotracheal tube fixation tape and operates the closed suction system. The patient is ventilated with an FI02 of 1.0 prior to extubation and with a PEEP of 5. The ventilator is placed on standby immediately prior to extubation. The patient must then be continuously suctioned whilst the endotracheal tube is carefully removed.

The breathing system may not at any point be disconnected. A tight-fitting respiratory mask is placed on the patient covering the mouth and nose, and all vital signs with particular attention to the respiratory function must be monitored.

Thank you.


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak: Protecting The Airway – Endotracheal Intubation. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2020).