
रोगाणु सेल प्रत्यारोपण और वृषण ऊतक चूहे में Xenografting

Published: February 06, 2012


रोगाणु सेल प्रत्यारोपण और वृषण ऊतक xenografting के लिए प्रोटोकॉल का वर्णन कर रहे हैं. दाता व्युत्पन्न प्राप्तकर्ता testes में शुक्राणुजनन में रोगाणु सेल प्रत्यारोपण परिणाम और spermatogonial स्टेम सेल (SSCs) की पहचान के लिए एक कार्यात्मक पुनर्गठन परख का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है. वृषण xenografting ऊतक प्राप्तकर्ता चूहों में वृषण और विभिन्न दाता प्रजातियों के विकास शुक्राणुजनन reproduces.


Germ cell transplantation was developed by Dr. Ralph Brinster and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania in 19941,2. These ground-breaking studies showed that microinjection of germ cells from fertile donor mice into the seminiferous tubules of infertile recipient mice results in donor-derived spermatogenesis and sperm production by the recipient animal2. The use of donor males carrying the bacterial β-galactosidase gene allowed identification of donor-derived spermatogenesis and transmission of the donor haplotype to the offspring by recipient animals1. Surprisingly, after transplantation into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules, transplanted germ cells were able to move from the luminal compartment to the basement membrane where spermatogonia are located3. It is generally accepted that only SSCs are able to colonize the niche and re-establish spermatogenesis in the recipient testis. Therefore, germ cell transplantation provides a functional approach to study the stem cell niche in the testis and to characterize putative spermatogonial stem cells. To date, germ cell transplantation is used to elucidate basic stem cell biology, to produce transgenic animals through genetic manipulation of germ cells prior to transplantation4,5, to study Sertoli cell-germ cell interaction6,7, SSC homing and colonization3,8, as well as SSC self-renewal and differentiation9,10.

Germ cell transplantation is also feasible in large species11. In these, the main applications are preservation of fertility, dissemination of elite genetics in animal populations, and generation of transgenic animals as the study of spermatogenesis and SSC biology with this technique is logistically more difficult and expensive than in rodents. Transplantation of germ cells from large species into the seminiferous tubules of mice results in colonization of donor cells and spermatogonial expansion, but not in their full differentiation presumably due to incompatibility of the recipient somatic cell compartment with the germ cells from phylogenetically distant species12. An alternative approach is transplantation of germ cells from large species together with their surrounding somatic compartment. We first reported in 2002, that small fragments of testis tissue from immature males transplanted under the dorsal skin of immunodeficient mice are able to survive and undergo full development with the production of fertilization competent sperm13. Since then testis tissue xenografting has been shown to be successful in many species and emerged as a valuable alternative to study testis development and spermatogenesis of large animals in mice14.


PART चूहों में ए रोगाणु सेल प्रत्यारोपण 1. प्राप्तकर्ता चूहों की तैयारी प्राप्तकर्ता दाता वृषण कोशिकाओं immunologically सहिष्णु होना चाहिए (या तो आनुवंशिक दाताओं या प्रतिरक्षा की कमी करने के लिए मि?…


1. रोगाणु सेल प्रत्यारोपण

रोगाणु सेल प्रत्यारोपण के केवल एक सेल आबादी में spermatogonial स्टेम कोशिकाओं की उपस्थिति (SSCs) की स्पष्ट पुष्टि के लिए कार्यात्मक परख प्रदान करता है. केवल SSCs घर और तहखाने झिल्ल?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


लेखकों प्रयोगशाला से कार्य USDA / CSREES / NRICGP (2007-35203-18213) द्वारा समर्थित किया गया है, NIH / NCRR (2 R01 RR17359-06), NIH / NIEHS (R21 ES014856 1-01A2) और अलबर्टा innovates स्वास्थ्य समाधान.


Name of the reagent Company Catalogue number
Collagenase (type IV) Sigma C5138
Trypsin-EDTA Invitrogen 25200-056
DNaseI Sigma DN25
DMEM Invitrogen 31053-028
Trypan blue stain Invitrogen 15250-061
Nylon mesh cell strainer BD biosciences 352340 (40μm)
352350 (70μm)
Busulfan Sigma B2635
Thin-Wall Glass Capillaries World Precision Instrument TW 100-3
BD intramedic plyethylene tubing (PE100) BD CA-63018-725
Ethicon 6-0 Silk Suture Ethicon 706G
Wound clips BD 427631
Sigmacote Sigma SL2
X-gal Sigma B4252
Potassium Ferrocyanide Sigma P9387
Potassium Ferricyanide Sigma P3667
magnesium chloride Sigma 208337
sodium deoxycholate Sigma D6750
N,N-Dimethylformamide Sigma D4551
Igepal CA-630 Sigma 18896


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Tang, L., Rodriguez-Sosa, J. R., Dobrinski, I. Germ Cell Transplantation and Testis Tissue Xenografting in Mice. J. Vis. Exp. (60), e3545, doi:10.3791/3545 (2012).

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